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We study the cohomological physics of fivebranes in type II and heterotic string theory. We give an interpretation of the one-loop term in type IIA, which involves the first and second Pontrjagin classes of spacetime, in terms of obstructions to having bundles with certain structure groups. Using a generalization of the Green–Schwarz anomaly cancellation in heterotic string theory which demands the target space to have a String structure, we observe that the "magnetic dual" version of the anomaly cancellation condition can be read as a higher analog of String structure, which we call Fivebrane structure. This involves lifts of orthogonal and unitary structures through higher connected covers which are not just 3- but even 7-connected. We discuss the topological obstructions to the existence of Fivebrane structures. The dual version of the anomaly cancellation points to a relation of string and Fivebrane structures under electric-magnetic duality.
The possible anomaly of the tensor current divergence equation in U(1) gauge theories is calculated by means of perturbative method. It is found that the tensor current divergence equation is free of anomalies.
We present a coordinate-invariant approach, based on a Pauli–Villars measure, to the definition of the path integral in two-dimensional conformal field theory. We discuss some advantages of this approach compared to the operator formalism and alternative path integral approaches. We show that our path integral measure is invariant under conformal transformations and field reparametrizations, in contrast to the measure used in the Fujikawa calculation, and we show the agreement, despite different origins, of the conformal anomaly in the two approaches. The natural energy–momentum in the Pauli–Villars approach is a true coordinate-invariant tensor quantity, and we discuss its nontrivial relationship to the corresponding nontensor object arising in the operator formalism, thus providing a novel explanation within a path integral context for the anomalous Ward identities of the latter. We provide a direct calculation of the nontrivial contact terms arising in expectation values of certain energy–momentum products, and we use these to perform a simple consistency check confirming the validity of the change of variables formula for the path integral. Finally, we review the relationship between the conformal anomaly and the energy–momentum two-point functions in our formalism.
The matrix element of the isoscalar axial vector current, , between nucleon states is computed using the external field QCD sum rule method. The external field induced correlator,
, is calculated from the spectrum of the isoscalar axial vector meson states. Since it is difficult to ascertain, from QCD sum rule for hyperons, the accuracy of validity of flavor SU(3) symmetry in hyperon decays when strange quark mass is taken into account, we rely on the empirical validity of Cabbibo theory to determine the matrix element
between nucleon states. Combining with our calculation of
and the well-known nucleon β-decay constant allows us to determine
occurring in the Bjorken sum rule. The result is in reasonable agreement with experiment. We also discuss the role of the anomaly in maintaining flavor symmetry and validity of OZI rule.
The triangle anomaly in massless and massive QED is investigated by adopting the symmetry-preserving loop regularization method proposed recently in Refs. 1 and 2. The method is realized in the initial dimension of theory without modifying the original Lagrangian, it preserves symmetries under non-Abelian gauge and Poincaré transformations in spite of the existence of two intrinsic mass scales Mc and μs which actually play the roles of UV- and IR-cutoff respectively. The axial-vector–vector-vector (AVV) triangle diagrams in massless and massive QED are evaluated explicitly by using the loop regularization. It is shown that when the momentum k of external state is soft with , m2 (m is the mass of loop fermions) and Mc → ∞, both massless and massive QED become anomaly free. The triangle anomaly is found to appear as quantum corrections in the case that m2,
and Mc → ∞. Especially, it is justified that in the massless QED with μs = 0 and Mc → ∞, the triangle anomaly naturally exists as quantum effects in the axial-vector current when the ambiguity caused by the trace of gamma matrices with γ5 is eliminated by simply using the definition of γ5. It is explicitly demonstrated how the Ward identity anomaly of currents depends on the treatment for the trace of gamma matrices, which enables us to make a clarification whether the ambiguity of triangle anomaly is caused by the regularization scheme in the perturbation calculations or by the trace of gamma matrices with γ5. For comparison, an explicit calculation based on the Pauli–Villars regularization and dimensional regularization is carried out and the possible ambiguities of Ward identity anomalies caused from these two regularization schemes are carefully discussed, which include the ambiguities induced by the treatment of the trace of gamma matrices with γ5 and the action of the external momentum on the amplitude before the direct calculation of the AVV diagram.
We discuss a covariant functional integral approach to the quantization of the bosonic string. In contrast to approaches relying on noncovariant operator regularizations, interesting operators here are true tensor objects with classical transformation laws, even on target spaces where the theory has a Weyl anomaly. Since no implicit noncovariant gauge choices are involved in the definition of the operators, the anomaly is clearly separated from the issue of operator renormalization and can be understood in isolation, instead of infecting the latter as in other approaches. Our method is of wider applicability to covariant theories that are not Weyl invariant, but where covariant tensor operators are desired.
After constructing covariantly regularized vertex operators, we define a class of background-independent path integral measures suitable for string quantization. We show how gauge invariance of the path integral implies the usual physical state conditions in a very conceptually clean way. We then discuss the construction of the BRST action from first principles, obtaining some interesting caveats relating to its general covariance. In our approach, the expected BRST related anomalies are encoded somewhat differently from other approaches. We conclude with an unusual but amusing derivation of the value D = 26 of the critical dimension.
A simple algorithm to calculate the group theory factor entering in anomalies at four and six dimensions for SU(N) and SO(N) groups in terms of the Casimir invariants of their subgroups is presented. Explicit examples of some of the lower dimensional representations of SU(n), n ≤ 5 and SO(10) groups are presented, which could be used for model building in four and six dimensions.
The Jackiw–Rajaraman version of the chiral Schwinger model is studied as a function of the renormalization parameter. The constraints are obtained and they are used to carry out canonical quantization of the model by means of Dirac brackets. By introducing an additional scalar field, it is shown that the model can be made gauge invariant. The gauge invariant model is quantized by establishing a pair of gauge fixing constraints in order that the method of Dirac can be used.
The universal behavior of Hawking radiation is originated in the conformal symmetries of matter fields near the black hole horizon. We explain the origin of this universality based on (1) the gravitational anomaly and its higher-spin generalizations and (2) conformal transformation properties of fluxes.
The development of the Wess–Zumino action or one-cycle is reviewed from the path integral approach. This is related to the occurrence of anomalies in the theory, and generally signifies a breakdown of gauge invariance. The Jackiw–Rajaraman version of the chiral Schwinger model is studied by means of path integrals. It is shown how the model can be made gauge invariant by using a Wess–Zumino term to write a gauge invariant Lagrangian. The model is considered only in bosonized form without any reference to fermions. The constraints are determined. These components are then used to write a path integral quantization for the bosonized form of the model. Some physical quantities and information, in particular, propagators are derived from the path integral.
The generalized version of a lower dimensional model where vector and axial vector interactions get mixed up with different weights is considered. The bosonized version of which does not possess the local gauge symmetry. An attempt has been made here to construct the BRST invariant reformulation of this model using Batalin–Fradlin and Vilkovisky formalism. It is found that the extra field needed to make it gauge invariant turns into Wess–Zumino scalar with appropriate choice of gauge fixing. An application of finite field-dependent BRST and anti-BRST transformation is also made here in order to show the transmutation between the BRST symmetric and the usual nonsymmetric version of the model.
The index theorems relate the gauge field and metric on a manifold to the solution of the Dirac equation on it. In the standard approach, the Dirac operator must be massless to make the chirality operator well defined. In physics, however, the index theorem appears as a consequence of chiral anomaly, which is an explicit breaking of the symmetry. It is then natural to ask if we can understand the index theorems in a massive fermion system which does not have chiral symmetry. In this review, we discuss how to reformulate the chiral anomaly and index theorems with massive Dirac operators, where we find nontrivial mathematical relations between massless and massive fermions. A special focus is placed on the Atiyah–Patodi–Singer index, whose original formulation requires a physicist-unfriendly boundary condition, while the corresponding massive domain-wall fermion reformulation does not. The massive formulation provides a natural understanding of the anomaly inflow between the bulk and edge in particle and condensed matter physics.
Based on the path integral formalism, we rederive and extend the transverse Ward–Takahashi identities (which were first derived by Yasushi Takahashi) for the vector and the axial vector currents and simultaneously discuss the possible quantum anomaly for them. Subsequently, we propose a new scheme for writing down and solving the Schwinger–Dyson equation in which the transverse Ward–Takahashi identity together with the usual (longitudinal) Ward–Takahashi identity are applied to specify the fermion–boson vertex function. Within this framework, we give an example of exactly soluble truncated Schwinger–Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in an Abelian gauge theory in arbitrary dimension when the bare fermion mass is zero. It is especially shown that in two dimensions, it becomes the exact and closed Schwinger–Dyson equation which can be exactly solved.
In the past two decades, Dyson's formalism of renormalization has been mostly superceded by dimensional regularization, particularly in the treatment of quantum gauge field theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking or those with chiral fermions. In this paper, we shall carry out explicitly Dyson's subtraction program, making it applicable to such field theories. In particular, we show with the example of the Abelian–Higgs theory how to handle amplitudes of chiral fermions. We show that these amplitudes which involve the γ5 matrix can be calculated in an unambiguous and gauge invariant way. This is done by establishing the subtraction conditions for the propagator of a chiral fermion as well as those for the VVV amplitude, when V denotes the vector meson. The renormalized constants are chosen to satisfy the Ward–Takahashi identities. As a demonstration, we calculate the next-lowest order correction of the anomaly in the Abelian–Higgs model and find that it vanishes.
We develop a general regulated volume expansion for the volume of a manifold with boundary whose measure is suitably singular along a separating hypersurface. The expansion is shown to have a regulator independent anomaly term and a renormalized volume term given by the primitive of an associated anomaly operator. These results apply to a wide range of structures. We detail applications in the setting of measures derived from a conformally singular metric. In particular, we show that the anomaly generates invariant (Q-curvature, transgression)-type pairs for hypersurfaces with boundary. For the special case of anomalies coming from the volume enclosed by a minimal hypersurface ending on the boundary of a Poincaré–Einstein structure, this result recovers Branson’s Q-curvature and corresponding transgression. When the singular metric solves a boundary version of the constant scalar curvature Yamabe problem, the anomaly gives generalized Willmore energy functionals for hypersurfaces with boundary. Our approach yields computational algorithms for all the above quantities, and we give explicit results for surfaces embedded in 3-manifolds.
We explicitly express the spectral determinant of Friedrichs Dirichlet Laplacians on the 2-dimensional hyperbolic (Gaussian curvature -1) cones in terms of the cone angle and the geodesic radius of the boundary.
There are many examples of quantum anomalies of continuous and discrete classical symmetries. Examples come from chiral anomalies in the Standard Model and gravitational anomalies in string theories. They occur when classical symmetries do not preserve the domains of quantum operators like the Hamiltonian. Here we show by a simple example, a particle on a circle, that anomalous symmetries can often be implemented at the expense of working with mixed states.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of topology change on anomaly in the initial universe. G-cobordism is introduced to argue about the topology change accompanied by gauge group. Our results revealed that change of anomalies results from topology change.