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The human body regularly produces mucus, and its presence does not mean that something bad is going on. The boundary tissues of mammals, including the nose, throat and lungs, serve as a barrier against pollution and are produced by our respiratory system. Our work describes the flow comprehension of the components moulding the fluid elements of respiratory irresistible infections. A mathematical model is introduced to concentrate on the mucus fluid flow driven by natural convection through asymmetric channel. This study also summarized biological disorder of human lung build-up fluid. The nonlinear governing equations contain importance of heat transfer and fluid motion of mucus fluid. The analytic solutions of unsteady mucus flow through an isothermal channel with thermal conduction are accomplished adopting Laplace transform method. Significance of mucus fluid heat source thermal conductivity on momentum distribution and energy distribution is enumerated. The comparison of various dimensionless parameters is shown graphically with the help of MATLAB software. In order to provide some understanding on the behavior of mucus fluids and heat transfer mechanisms, extension of this study explores at how temperature influences mucus flow properties.
The purpose of this paper is to study the peristaltic dusty fluid flow where dust particles are distributed uniformly. The passage of flow is asymmetric. Slip conditions have been incorporated into both momentum and thermal profiles. The mathematical model is constructed using the laws of momentum and energy conservation. The resulting coupled equations are solved using small wavenumber approximation. Impacts of important quantities on temperature and velocity profiles of fluid along with solid particles have been debated through graphs. Entropy generation analysis has been carried out for influential parameters. An enhancement is observed in temperature irreversibility as Brinkman and thermal slip are increased. Bejan number is studied for various values of Brinkman number, wavenumber and thermal slip. The analysis of peristaltic flow of particle fluid with slip has a vital role in biomedical sciences and industry.
This paper addresses a hybrid nanoflow of Casson fluid. The theoretical formulation is derived by considering spherical and, as well as, platelet shape nanoparticles. Electro-osmotic flow (EOF) through an asymmetric channel endures the simultaneous effects of Joule heating, viscous dissipation and magnetic fields. Lubrication effects have also been taken into account to subdue the skin friction. Moreover, the contribution of thermal slip boundary conditions and laser radiation articulately devises a theoretical remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Detailed parametric reveals the promising results for the application of spherical shape nanoparticles to curb autoimmune diseases.
The primary focus of this paper is to model the MHD peristaltic flow of Phan–Thien–Tanner nanofluid in an asymmetric channel while taking into account multiple slip effects. Approximations based on a long wavelength and a low Reynolds number are used to transform the governing partial differential equations into nonlinear and coupled differential equations. It is possible to obtain an exact solution to the problem of the distribution of temperature and the distribution of nanoparticle concentration. The perturbation technique is employed to solve the nonlinear velocity distribution. The graphical analysis illustrates the effects that essential and relevant parameters have on the velocity field, temperature distribution, nanoparticle concentration, skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number, Sherwood number, pressure rise, and trapping phenomena. The results that were obtained are essential to comprehending the rheology of blood.
This study addressed the compressible flow of viscous fluid in an asymmetric channel under peristalsis. The difference in amplitudes and phase of traveling waves created the asymmetry of channel. Simultaneous effect of magnetic field is also incorporated. Fluid flows through a porous medium. The analytical treatment of the solution is carried out by considering upper wall amplitude as the small parameter. The expressions of flow rate and net axial velocity are constructed for the second-order approximation. Numerical integration is employed to calculate net flow rate. The role of sundry parameters is illustrated graphically. Trapping phenomenon is also taken into account by plotting streamlines against sundry parameters. The significant finding of this study is that flow rate and axial velocity enhance as fluid transitions from hydrodynamic to hydromagnetic. Enhancement in the compressibility parameter trims down the velocity and the flow rate as well. Also, asymmetry of the channel causes an enhancement in the flow rate. This model is the most prevailing version of compressible flow under peristalsis through an asymmetric channel. The findings of this study have worth mentioning yields, which can be applicable in numerous areas of fluid dynamics and aircraft industry.
This paper deals with a theoretical investigation of the peristaltic transport of a physiological fluid in a porous asymmetric channel under the action of a magnetic field. The stream function, pressure gradient, and axial velocity are studied by using appropriate analytical and numerical techniques. Effects of different physical parameters such as permeability, phase difference, wave amplitude and magnetic parameter on the velocity, pumping characteristics, streamline pattern, and trapping are investigated with particular emphasis. The computational results are presented in graphical form. The results are found to be in perfect agreement with those of a previous study carried out for a nonporous channel in the absence of a magnetic field.
The present investigation deals with the application of Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to blood flow through an asymmetric non-uniform channel induced by peristaltic wave in the presence of magnetic field and the velocity slip at the wall. The ADM is applied with an aim to avoid any simplifications and restrictions, which changes non-linearity of the problem as well as to provide analytical solution. The blood flowing through the vessel is assumed to be Newtonian and incompressible with constant viscosity. The analytical expressions for the axial velocity component, streamlines and wall shear stress are presented. The numerical results of these physical quantities are obtained for different values of the Reynolds number, wave number and Hartmann number. The results obtained for different values of the parameters involved in the problem under consideration show that the flow is appreciably influenced by the presence of slip velocity as well as magnetic field. From this study, we conclude that the assumption of long wavelength and low Reynolds number overestimates the flow characteristics even for a small change in the parameters.
In this paper, the effects of peristaltic transport with double-diffusive convection in nanofluids through an asymmetric channel with different waveforms is presented. Mathematical modeling for two-dimensional and two-directional flows of a Jeffery fluid model along with double-diffusive convection in nanofluids are given. Exact solutions are obtained for nanoparticle fraction field, concentration field, temperature field, stream functions, pressure gradient and pressure rise in terms of axial and transverse coordinates under the restrictions of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. With the help of computational and graphical results, the effects of Brownian motion, thermospheres, Dufour, Soret and Grashof numbers (thermal, concentration, nanoparticles) on peristaltic flow patterns with double-diffusive convection are discussed.
Peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in an inclined asymmetric channel is undertaken when the no-slip condition at the channel wall is no longer valid. The considered fluid is incompressible and electrically conducting. The flow is investigated in a waveframe of reference moving with the velocity of the wave. The analytic solution has been derived for the stream function under long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumptions. The effect of slip and non-Newtonian parameter on the axial velocity and shear stress are discussed in detail. The salient features of pumping and trapping are discussed with particular focus on the effect of slip and non-Newtonian parameters.
In this paper, we have discussed the food movement in stomach with thermal boundary conditions. Eyring–Prandtl fluid model is considered. Formulation of the considered phenomena have been developed for both fixed and moving frame of references. Regular perturbation is used to find the solution of stream function, temperature profile and pressure gradient. Analysis has been carried out for velocity, "stream function, temperature, pressure gradient and heat transfer". Appearance of pressure gradient is quite complicated so to get the expression for pressure rise we have used numerical integration. It is perceived that the velocity close to the channel walls is not same in outlook of the Eyring–Prandtl fluid parameter taken as β and Hartman number M. The velocity decreases by increasing β and M.
Peristaltic flow of a conducting Jeffrey fluid in an inclined asymmetric channel is investigated. The channel asymmetry is produced by considering a peristaltic wave train on the flexible walls of the channel with different amplitudes and phases. The nonlinear governing equations are solved analytically by a perturbation technique. The expressions for the stream function, axial velocity and the pressure rise per wavelength are determined in terms of the Jeffrey number λ1, the Froude number Fr, the perturbation parameter δ, the angle of inclination θ and the phase difference ϕ. Effects of the physical parameters on the velocity field and the pumping characteristics are discussed. It is observed that the size of the trapping bolus increase with an increase in the magnetic parameter and the volume flow rate. That is, the magnetic parameter and the volume flow rate have strong influence on the trapping bolus phenomenon.