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Hadrontherapy is today an established modality in cancer radiation therapy. Based on the superior ballistic and radiobiological properties of accelerated ions, this discipline experienced a remarkable growth in the last 20 years. This paper reviews the history of hadrontherapy, from the early days to the most recent developments. In particular, the evolution of proton and carbon ion therapy is presented together with a glance at future solutions such as single-room facilities.
Particle therapy is a field in remarkable development, with the goal of increasing the number of indications which could benefit from such treatments and the access to the therapy. The therapeutic usage of a particle beam defines the technical requirements of all the elements of the therapy chain: we summarize the main characteristics of accelerators, the beam line, the treatment room, the integrated therapy and imaging systems used in particle therapy. Aiming at a higher flexibility in the choice of treatments, an increasing number of centers around the world have chosen to equip their treatment rooms with gantries, rotating beam line structures that allow a complete flexibility in the choice of the treatment angle. We review the current designs. A particle therapy gantry though is a quite expensive structure, and future development will increasingly consider reducing the cost and the footprint.
Increasing the number of indications also means development in the delivery techniques and solving some of the issues which traditionally affected particle therapy, for example the precision of the delivery in presence of motion and the large penumbras for low depths. We show the current strategies in these fields, focusing on pencil beam scanning (PBS), and give some hints about future developments.
Ion therapy is an emerging technique used for the treatment of solid cancers. The monitoring of the dose delivered during such treatments and the on-line knowledge of the Bragg Peak (BP) position is still a matter of research. This paper reviews the current understanding of which radiation is produced during the interaction of the beam with the patient, the corresponding techniques developed to detect it and the level of understanding of the conversion between the emission spectra and the dose profile. It also performs a comparison between the different approaches.
The document summarizes the recent papers, presentations and other public information on Radio-Frequency (RF) Linear Accelerators (linacs) and Fixed-Field Alternating-Gradient (FFAG) accelerators for hadron therapy. The main focus is on technical aspects of these accelerators. This report intends to provide a general overview of the state-of-the-art in those accelerators which could be used in short and middle-term for treating cancer.
The use of radiofrequency linacs for hadrontherapy was proposed about 20 years ago, but only recently has it been understood that the high repetition rate together with the possibility of very rapid energy variations offers an optimal solution to the present challenge of hadrontherapy: "paint" a moving tumor target in three dimensions with a pencil beam. Moreover, the fact that the energy, and thus the particle range, can be electronically adjusted implies that no absorber-based energy selection system is needed, which, in the case of cyclotron-based centers, is the cause of material activation. On the other side, a linac consumes less power than a synchrotron. The first part of this article describes the main advantages of high frequency linacs in hadrontherapy, the early design studies, and the construction and test of the first high-gradient prototype which accelerated protons. The second part illustrates some technical issues relevant to the design of copper standing wave accelerators, the present developments, and two designs of linac-based proton and carbon ion facilities. Superconductive linacs are not discussed, since nanoampere currents are sufficient for therapy. In the last two sections, a comparison with circular accelerators and an overview of future projects are presented.
An overview is given of different techniques of dose delivery applied in currently operating and planned particle therapy systems. Their advantages and disadvantages will be compared and consequences of the methods for the rest of the instrumentation will be discussed. The interrelationship between beam delivery at the patient and the accelerator system is shown by means of several concrete examples. Apart from a description of several subsystems in a particle therapy facility, design rules for optimizing the reliability of an accelerator and beam delivery system will be discussed, as well as some remarks concerning how to deal with future developments.
Since 1990, when the world's first hospital-based proton therapy center opened in Loma Linda, California, interest in dedicated proton and carbon ion therapy facilities has been growing steadily. Today, many proton therapy centers are in operation, but the number of centers offering carbon ion therapy is still very low. This difference reflects the fact that protons are well accepted by the medical community, whereas radiotherapy with carbon ions is still experimental. Furthermore, accelerators for carbon ions are larger, more complicated and more expensive than those for protons only. This article describes the accelerator performance required for hadrontherapy and how this is realized, with particular emphasis on carbon ion synchrotrons.
Particle therapy is the expanding radiotherapy treatment option of choice for cancer. Its cost, however, is currently hindering its worldwide expansion. Also, the ideal application of particle therapy is restricted by a series of unsolved technical challenges. Both the cost and technical limitations are directly traceable to dependence on legacy accelerators and their associated treatment possibilities. This chapter is written to address these needs. Firstly, a technical overview is presented of photon and particle therapy for cancer tumours. Secondly, the underlying limitations of the existing legacy systems are identified, especially those related to accelerators, and suggestions are made for current and future developments to address these shortcomings. The legacy systems referred to here are of the slow scanning variety using large, circular accelerators.
This paper also attempts to make a scientific comparison of the various types of accelerators currently used or being developed for particle therapy.
The following procedure is pursued to perform a comparison between various types of accelerators:
Particle therapy is the expanding radiotherapy treatment option of choice for cancer. Its cost, however, is currently hindering its worldwide expansion. Also, the ideal application of particle therapy is restricted by a series of unsolved technical challenges. Both the cost and technical limitations are directly traceable to dependence on legacy accelerators and their associated treatment possibilities. This chapter is written to address these needs. Firstly, a technical overview is presented of photon and particle therapy for cancer tumours. Secondly, the underlying limitations of the existing legacy systems are identified, especially those related to accelerators, and suggestions are made for current and future developments to address these shortcomings. The legacy systems referred to here are of the slow scanning variety using large, circular accelerators.
This paper also attempts to make a scientific comparison of the various types of accelerators currently used or being developed for particle therapy.
The following procedure is pursued to perform a comparison between various types of accelerators:
The use of radiofrequency linacs for hadrontherapy was proposed about 20 years ago, but only recently has it been understood that the high repetition rate together with the possibility of very rapid energy variations offers an optimal solution to the present challenge of hadrontherapy: “paint” a moving tumor target in three dimensions with a pencil beam. Moreover, the fact that the energy, and thus the particle range, can be electronically adjusted implies that no absorber-based energy selection system is needed, which, in the case of cyclotron-based centers, is the cause of material activation. On the other side, a linac consumes less power than a synchrotron. The first part of this article describes the main advantages of high frequency linacs in hadrontherapy, the early design studies, and the construction and test of the first high-gradient prototype which accelerated protons. The second part illustrates some technical issues relevant to the design of copper standing wave accelerators, the present developments, and two designs of linac-based proton and carbon ion facilities. Superconductive linacs are not discussed, since nanoampere currents are sufficient for therapy. In the last two sections, a comparison with circular accelerators and an overview of future projects are presented.
Since 1990, when the world's first hospital-based proton therapy center opened in Loma Linda, California, interest in dedicated proton and carbon ion therapy facilities has been growing steadily. Today, many proton therapy centers are in operation, but the number of centers offering carbon ion therapy is still very low. This difference reflects the fact that protons are well accepted by the medical community, whereas radiotherapy with carbon ions is still experimental. Furthermore, accelerators for carbon ions are larger, more complicated and more expensive than those for protons only. This article describes the accelerator performance required for hadrontherapy and how this is realized, with particular emphasis on carbon ion synchrotrons.
An overview is given of different techniques of dose delivery applied in currently operating and planned particle therapy systems. Their advantages and disadvantages will be compared and consequences of the methods for the rest of the instrumentation will be discussed. The interrelationship between beam delivery at the patient and the accelerator system is shown by means of several concrete examples. Apart from a description of several subsystems in a particle therapy facility, design rules for optimizing the reliability of an accelerator and beam delivery system will be discussed, as well as some remarks concerning how to deal with future developments.