Volume 10 in the series of the annual journal Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (RAST), will be its final volume. Its theme is "The Future of Accelerators". This volume, together with previous 9 volumes, gives readers a complete picture as well as detailed technical information about the accelerator field, and its many driving and fascinating aspects.
This volume has 17 articles. The first 15 articles have a different approach from the previous volumes. They emphasize the more personal views, perspectives and advice from the frontier researchers rather than provide a review or survey of a specific subfield. This emphasis is more aligned with the theme of the current volume. The other two articles are dedicated respectively to Leon Lederman and Burton Richter, two prominent leaders of our community who left us last year.
Sample Chapter(s)
Editorial Preface
- Accelerators and I (C N Yang)
- Dream Machines (C Quigg)
- Future Possibilities for Accelerators in Nuclear Physics (S Nagamiya, Ho En'yo and H Tamura)
- Present and Future Accelerator-Based X-Ray Sources: A Perspective (J B Hastings, L Rivkin and G Aeppli)
- Future Prospects for Particle Therapy Accelerators (S Myers, A Degiovanni and J B Farr)
- The Future of Industrial Accelerators and Applications (B L Doyle, F D McDaniel and R W Hamm)
- Future Prospects for Accelerator R&D (M Tigner)
- Future Prospects of Superconducting RF for Accelerator Applications (H Padamsee)
- The Prospects for Accelerator Superconducting Magnets: HL-LHC and Beyond (L Rossi and D Tommasini)
- The Future Prospects for Muon Colliders and Neutrino Factories (M Boscolo, J-P Delahaye and Mark Palmer)
- Future Prospects of Gamma–Gamma Collider (T Takahashi)
- Science of High Energy, Single-Cycled Lasers (J A Wheeler, G Mourou and T Tajima)
- A Cost-Effective Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (S Nagaitsev and V Lebedev)
- Prospects for Electric Dipole Moment Measurement Using Electrostatic Accelerators (R Talman)
- The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA): History and the Future (P C Bhat and R Rubinstein)
- From the Bronx to Batavia and Beyond: Leon Max Lederman (1922–2018) (A W Kolb and E W Kolb)
- Essays on Burton Richter and His Impact on the Field of Accelerator Physics (T Raubenheimer, D Burke, R Byer, J Dorfan, G Loew, J E Paterson, C Pellegrini, N Phinney and H Winick)
Readership: Physicists and engineers in accelerator science and technology.