Various attempts have been made to fully explain the mechanism by which a body has inertial mass. Recently, it has been proposed that this mechanism is as follows: when an object accelerates in one direction, a dynamical Rindler event horizon forms in the opposite direction, suppressing Unruh radiation on that side by a Rindler-scale Casimir effect whereas the radiation on the other side is only slightly reduced by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect. This produces a net Unruh radiation pressure force that always opposes the acceleration, just like inertia, although the masses predicted are twice those expected, see Ref. 17. In a later work, an error was corrected so that its prediction improves to within 26% of the Planck mass, see Ref. 10. In this paper, the expression of the inertial mass of a elementary particle is derived from the holographic scenario giving the exact value of the mass of a Planck particle when it is applied to a Planck particle.