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For the variable-coefficient Fisher-type equation, which models such spatial spread as of an advantageous gene in a population or of early farming, we, in this paper, make use of computerized symbolic computation and report a new auto-Bäcklund transformation and a couple of new families of soliton-like solutions. Sample solitary waves are presented as the special cases.
In this paper, making use of the truncated Laurent series expansion method and symbolic computation we get the auto-Bäcklund transformation of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Nizhnik–Novikov–Veselov equation. As a result, single soliton solution, single soliton-like solution, multi-soliton solution, multi-soliton-like solution, the rational solution and other exact solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Nizhnik–Novikov–Veselov equation are found. These solutions may be useful to explain some physical phenomena.
We investigate a generalized variable-coefficient modified Korteweg–de Vries model with perturbed factor and external force (vc-GmKdV) describing fluid dynamics and space plasmas. In this paper, we propose an extended variable-coefficient balancing-act method (Evc-BAM), which is concise and straightforward, to obtain the generalized analytic solutions including solitary wave solution of the vc-GmKdV model with symbolic computation. Meanwhile, using the Evc-BAM, we obtain an auto-Bäcklund transformation for the vc-GmKdV model on the relevant constraint conditions of the coefficient functions. Using the given auto-Bäcklund transformation, the solutions of special equations for the vc-GmKdV model are also obtained as the variable-coefficient Korteweg–de Vries (vc-KdV) equation, the generalized KdV equation with perturbed factor and external force (GKdV), the variable-coefficient modified Korteweg–de Vries (vc-mKdV) equation, and the variable-coefficient cylindrical modified Korteweg–de Vries (vc-cmKdV) equation, respectively.
An improved homogeneous balance (IHB) method is introduced. On using the IHB method, a new auto-Bäcklund transformation and multi-solitonic solutions were obtained for a generalized variable-coefficient Burgers equation. The obtained solitary waves were found to propagate with a variable propagating speed which depends on the coefficients of the studied model. Also, fusion of two single solitary waves into a one-resonant solitary wave is pointed out.
The governing equations for fluid flows, i.e. Kadomtsev–Petviashvili–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony (KP-BBM) model equations represent a water wave model. These model equations describe the bidirectional propagating water wave surface. In this paper, an auto-Bäcklund transformation is being generated by utilizing truncated Painlevé expansion method for the considered equation. This paper determines the new bright soliton solutions for (2+1) and (3+1)-dimensional nonlinear KP-BBM equations. The simplified version of Hirota’s technique is utilized to infer new bright soliton solutions. The results are plotted graphically to understand the physical behavior of solutions.
In this paper, a generalized variable-coefficient Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation with the dissipative and/or perturbed/external-force terms is investigated, which arises in arterial mechanics, blood vessels, Bose gases of impenetrable bosons and trapped Bose–Einstein condensates. With the computerized symbolic computation, two variable-coefficient Miura transformations are constructed from such a model to the modified KdV equation under the corresponding constraints on the coefficient functions. Meanwhile, through these two transformations, a couple of auto-Bäcklund transformations, nonlinear superposition formulas and Lax pairs are obtained with the relevant constraints. Furthermore, the one- and two-solitonic solutions of this equation are explicitly presented and the physical properties and possible applications in some fields of these solitonic structures are discussed and pointed out.
In this paper, a nonisospectral and variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries equation is investigated based on the ideas of the variable-coefficient balancing-act method and Hirota method. Via symbolic computation, we obtain the analytic N-soliton solutions, variable-coefficient bilinear form, auto-Bäcklund transformations (in both the bilinear form and Lax pair form), Lax pair and nonlinear superposition formula for such an equation in explicit form. Moreover, some figures are plotted to analyze the effects of the variable coefficients on the stabilities and propagation characteristics of the solitonic waves.
With the help of symbolic computation, a generalized (2+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient Korteweg–de Vries equation is studied for its Painlevé integrability. Then, Hirota bilinear form is derived, from which the one- and two-solitary-wave solutions with the corresponding graphic illustration are presented. Furthermore, a bilinear auto-Bäcklund transformation is constructed and the nonlinear superposition formula and Lax pair are also obtained. Finally, the analytic solution in the Wronskian form is constructed and proved by direct substitution into the bilinear equation.
The (1+1)-dimensional higher-order Broer–Kaup (HBK) system is investigated in this paper. Painlevé test shows that there are two solution branches, one of which has the resonance -2. And an auto-Bäcklund transformation is obtained by the truncated Painlevé expansion. The new analytic solutions are presented by means of the auto-Bäcklund transformation, including the periodic and soliton-like solutions. Similarity reductions for the HBK system are given out to two ordinary differential equations (ODEs) through CK direct method.
The time-dependent variable coefficients of Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko (BK) equation and generalized Bogoyavlensky–Konopelchenko (gBK) equation are considered in this paper. The integrability test by Painlevé analysis is being implemented on both the considered equations. An auto-Bäcklund transformation has been generated with the help of Painlevé analysis for both equations. Auto-Bäcklund transformation method has been used for obtaining the analytic solutions. By using auto-Bäcklund transformation method, three different analytic solution families have been derived for each of the considered equations. Multi-soliton solutions are also calculated for both the considered equations by using Hereman and Nuseir algorithm. All the results are expressed graphically in 3D by varying different functions and parametric values. These graphs reveal the physical significance of equations under consideration.
In this paper, variable coefficients mKdV equation is examined by using Painlevé analysis and auto-Bäcklund transformation method. The proposed equation is an important equation in magnetized dusty plasmas. The Painlevé analysis is used to determine the integrability whereas an auto-Bäcklund transformation technique is being explored to derive unique family of analytical solutions for variable coefficients mKdV equation. New kink–antikink and periodic-kink- type soliton solutions have been determined successfully for the considered equation. This paper shows that auto-Bäcklund transformation method is effective, direct and easy to use, and used to determine the analytic soliton solutions of various nonlinear evolution equations in the field of science and engineering. The results are plotted graphically to signify the potency and applicability of this proposed scheme for solving the above considered equation. The obtained results are in the form of soliton-like solutions, solitary wave solutions, exponential and trigonometric function solutions. Therefore, these solutions help us to understand the potential and physical behaviors of the proposed equation.
In this paper, the thermophoretic motion equation based on Korteweg–de Vries is utilized to analyze new complexiton and soliton-like solutions. The homogenous balance approach is employed to generate auto-Bäcklund transformation of the concerned problem. This transformation is capitalized to extract abundant explicit and analytic solutions. Moreover, Hirota bilinear form of the concerned equation is taken under consideration to discover complexiton solutions via extended transform rational function approach. 3D visualization of the acquired solutions is also included to discuss its physical behavior.
We examine the recently proposed KdV6 integrable evolution equation. Starting from solutions suggested by singularity analysis and using the auto-Bäcklund transformation, we construct solutions of the KdV6 which involve one arbitrary function of time. Next, we proceed to bilinearize the equation and derive a new, simpler, auto-Bäcklund transformation. Starting from the solutions of the KdV equation we construct those of the KdV6 in the form of M kinks and N poles and which indeed involve an arbitrary function of time.
This paper considers the generalized KdV6 equation with time-dependent variable coefficients. The integrability of the considered equation is being examined by the Painlevé analysis method. Further, an auto-Bäcklund transformation method has been adopted to obtain the analytic solutions. Using this technique, five novel families of analytic solutions in the form of rational, exponential, hyperbolic and trigonometric functions have been successfully found for the considered equation. New kink-antikink and periodic soliton solutions have been discovered using this method. The solutions are graphically depicted to show the physical significance of the problem under consideration.
We consider the hyperbolic generalization of Burgers equation with polynomial source term. The transformation of auto-Bäcklund type was found. Application of the results is shown in the examples, where kink and bi-kink solutions are obtained from the pair of two stationary ones.