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The Belle collaboration has reported for the inclusive decay . Recently, the LHCb and the CMS collaboration has released the combined limit . The standard model results of the and are found to be within the 1σ of the experimental result. Taking a conservative viewpoint, we use these decays to constrain the braneworld Randall–Sundrum model. The stabilized radion in the Randall–Sundrum model, which is an electro-weak singlet, can cause the flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) b →s transition at the oneloop level. We investigate the possible impact of a stabilized radion on the above two decays and obtain the possible constraints on the radion vev 〈ϕ〉 for an ultra-light radion.
This contribution attempts to determine the b-quark pole mass Mb and ¯MS running mass ˉmb with two different approaches at the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections. At the first approach, we derive a relation between the b-quark pole mass Mb and its ¯MS running mass ˉmb at the NNLO corrections based on the perturbative Quantum Chromo Dynamics (pQCD) predictions. At the second approach, we extract numerical values of the b-quark pole and ¯MS running masses based on the NNLO phenomenology of H1 and ZEUS Collaborations combined beauty vertex production experimental data. Then we discuss about the compatibility between the pQCD theory results and phenomenology approach in determination of the b-quark pole and ¯MS running masses at the NNLO corrections. Also, we investigate the role and influence of the b-quark mass as an extra degree of freedom added to the input parameters of the Standard Model Lagrangian, on the improvement of the uncertainty band of the proton parton distribution functions (PDFs) and particularly on the gluon distribution.
The running mass of the b-quark defined in -scheme is one of the important parameters of SUSY QCD. To find its value, it should be related to some known experimental input. In this paper, the b-quark running mass defined in nonsupersymmetric QCD is chosen for determination of the corresponding parameter in SUSY QCD. The relation between these two quantities is found by considering five-flavor QCD as an effective theory obtained from its supersymmetric extension. A numerical analysis of the calculated two-loop relation and its impact on the MSSM spectrum is discussed. Since for nonsupersymmetric models -scheme is more natural than , we also propose a new procedure that allows one to calculate relations between - and -parameters. Unphysical ε-scalars that give rise to the difference between the above-mentioned schemes are assumed to be heavy and decoupled in the same way as physical degrees of freedom. By means of this method it is possible to "catch two rabbits," i.e. decouple heavy particles and turn from to , at the same time. An explicit two-loop example of transition is given in the context of QCD. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are briefly discussed.
LHCb is a dedicated detector for b physics at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). In this paper we present a concise review of the detector design and performance together with the main physics goals and their relevance for a precise test of the Standard Model and search of New Physics beyond it.
Masses of heavy Standard Model (SM) fermions (top-quark, bottom-quark and tau-lepton) play an important role in the analysis of theories beyond the SM. They serve as low-energy input and reduce the parameter space of such theories. In this paper Minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM is considered and two-loop relations between known SM values of fermion masses and running parameters of the MSSM are studied within the effective theory approach. Both b-quark and τ-lepton have the same quantum numbers with respect to SU(2) group and in the MSSM acquire their masses due to interactions with the same Higgs doublet. As a consequence, for large values of tan β parameter corresponding Yukawa couplings also become large and together with tan β can significantly enhance radiative corrections. In the case of b-quark two-loop contribution to the relation between running bottom-quark mass in QCD and MSSM is known in literature. This paper is devoted to calculation of the NNLO corrections proportional to Yukawa couplings. For the τ-lepton obtained contribution can be considered as a good approximation to the full two-loop result. For the b-quark numerical analysis given in the paper shows that only the sum of strong and Yukawa corrections can play such a role.