JAPAN – Potential drug for treating chronic pain with few side effects.
AUSTRALIA – Fellowship supports search for new disease treatments.
TAIWAN – A novel platform for neurodegenerative disease studies: Applying photocontrollable probe to induce pathological proteins into amyloid fibers in live cells.
TAIWAN – CLEC5A is critical in innate immunity against bacterial infections.
SINGAPORE – Singapore scientists uncover how neural stem cells are activated intrinsically by spindle matrix proteins.
SINGAPORE – NUS establishes additive manufacturing facilities for biomedical applications.
SINGAPORE & GERMANY – Breakthrough immunotherapy for Chronic Hepatitis B virus infection.
SINGAPORE, HONG KONG & SOUTH KOREA – First in Asia - Launch of multi-centre lung cancer research platform.
SINGAPORE & TAIWAN – ASLAN Pharmaceuticals collaborates with Academia Sinica’s Genomic Research Centre.
GERMANY – ASIT biotech announces follow-up study of Phase I/IIa clinical trial for house dust mite rhinitis.
USA – Test uses nanotechnology to quickly diagnose Zika virus.