Panvax’s Foot-and-Mouth Vaccine Program.
Agenix’s ThromboView Phase Ia Blood Clot Trial Successful.
Sino-Australian Joint Venture Established.
Beijing Deweizhi’s Latest Drug Procurement Agreement.
Shandong Enterprises Collaborate with Beijing Universities.
Shandong Qilu Pharmaceutical Launches Indobufen Tablets.
Domestic AIDS Drug Cleared For Marketing.
Azithromycin Powder Marketed by Zhejiang Kangyu.
Trial Reforms in Zhejiang Drug Distribution Industry.
Anti-Cancer Drug Enters Phase II Clinical Trials.
Bioway’s Nerve Growth Factor Put into Production.
Latest Drug Delivery Center in Operation.
Metahelix Signs Genome Research Deal with ViaLactia Biosciences.
AstraZeneca Seeks Exclusive Marketing Rights for New Drugs in India.
Imaging Technology Utilized in Meat Contaminant Screening.
Inproser Launches In’novase Project in Malaysia.
Asia’s First Human Insulin Plant.
World’s Smallest Heart Pump Undergoing Clinical Trial.
Kaohxiong Biological Product Co. Signs Distribution Agreement with Bayer.
Agilent Technologies Expands Mass Spectrometry Portfolio with New MS Instruments and Proteomics Software.