The electric impedance of a segmented beam with surface piezoelectric actuators is studied. The two layer piezoelectric actuators are in parallel in the electric circuit. The dynamics of the piezo-laminated segment and the elastic segments in the whole beam are presented by the 5 × 5 and 4 × 4 impedance matrix, respectively. Considering the mechanical-electric boundary conditions and the continuum conditions among these beam segments, the electric impedance of the whole system is obtained by solving its linear impedance equations. The experiment on a free-free segmented beam is done, the measured electric impedance of the system agrees with the theoretical value. For the resonance frequencies of such system, the relative errors between the measured and the theoretical values are smaller than 1.62% in the frequency range of 2800Hz. The parameter study of piezoelectric elements shows the change of the system impedance has the same trend with the change of their elastic modulus and absolute value of piezoelectric strain constant. However, the change of the system impedance has the opposite trend with the change of its dielectric constant.