The continuous development of technology increases the number of new inventions and thus the number of patents. Each new technology is assigned to one of the existing patent classes, otherwise, a new technology must be added to the patent classes. These processes support the development of automated patent classification methods and articles on this subject. For decades, studies have been conducted in the field of automatic patent classification. In this paper, the studies and pat ents published in this field have been evaluated using a bibliometric approach. The most referenced important studies on this subject are examined in detail, the analysis is detailed by making the pioneering authors of the field, journals, countries, assignees, etc., the focal point. The most recent developments in the field have been examined and evaluations have been presented regarding topics that are likely to be studied in the future.
Integrative medicine has become a vital component of patient care. It provides patient-centered care that is focused on prevention and overall well-being. As there has been a growing number of patients favoring a blend of conventional, complementary and alternative approaches, integrative medicine has exceeded beyond the evaluation of complementary therapies. However, it is noteworthy that there has been a dilemma of providing substantial evidence supporting the efficacy of some complementary and alternative therapies. This study’s goals were to analyze publication trends, most productive journals, most productive funding agencies, most productive authors, most relevant keywords, and countries in the field of integrative medicine research. Additionally, science mapping included country collaboration analysis and thematic evolution analysis. The findings from this study showed a constant rise in annual growth of publications from 2000 to 2019; the United States was dominant in various analysis categories. In conclusion, a comprehensive review of the evolution of research of integrative medicine will help healthcare providers understand an overview of the present status while encouraging more evidence-based research for the betterment of integrative patient care.
During the last decade, studies on Islamic pricing (IP) have received considerable attention from researchers and academicians. Given the growing popularity of IP, this study critically examines IP literature using a hybrid review — bibliometric analysis with content analysis. In addition to that the Islamic view of pricing based on the principles of Quran and Sunnah is also examined. The bibliometric results show that IP literature demonstrates a low productivity, low citations ratio, and high research collaboration. The content analysis identifies that the pricing methods, mechanisms, considerations and other industries except Islamic finance industry, are still under-researched. This study is of critical importance because it simultaneously shows the evolution of IP and explores new dimensions of it.
This paper evaluates the distribution of papers published by Asian authors in Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) journals from 1968 to 2006. The impact of OR/MS research in Asia is compared with that of the United States and the World, and research trends are highlighted through an analysis of keywords. From 1968 to 2006, 89,293 papers were published in 60 OR/MS journals. Of these, 41.4% came from USA and 16.6% came from seven Asian countries/regions. The contribution of different countries/regions is as follows: Japan 3.7%, Taiwan 3.2%, India 2.3%, Hong Kong 2.2%, South Korea 2.1%, People's Republic of China (PRC) 1.9%, and Singapore 1.2%. Among all the articles analyzed, 20% have a single author, and 9% have more than three authors; additionally, 22 papers have been cited more than 100 times and 29% have never been cited. Most articles originating in Japan, Taiwan, India, South Korea, PRC, and Singapore are produced in collaboration with local scholars, followed by authors from the United States. Hong Kong is a notable exception, 73% of articles from Hong Kong are produced in cooperation with the PRC, followed by local scholars. The five most productive institutions are as follows: The Indian Institute of Technology, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, the National University of Singapore, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the National Chiao-Tung University (Taiwan).
Scholars from Mainland China have published 8541 papers in 79 Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS) journals available on the ISI Web of Science (WOS). Data from 2001 to 2013 constitute the basis of the bibliometric method used in this paper for statistical analysis of status of OR/MS research in Mainland China, from the perspectives of number of papers, quality of papers, most productive institutions, co-author analysis, citations analysis and research topic analysis, etc. The results show that although the number of OR/MS papers by Mainland China scholars grew exponentially during this period, the quality of papers needs to be further improved. Besides, the competition among the institutions in Mainland China is very fierce. Furthermore, the co-author analysis shows that the depth of cooperation has increased steadily and yet the breadth of cooperation has much room for development. Moreover, from the perspective of citations, only a small number of papers by Mainland China scholars have influenced the international OR/MS field. In addition, analysis of research topics shows that Mainland China scholars have been studying the OR/MS problems from a variety of perspectives. Additionally, we also visualize the relationship of the keywords to describe the status of development of the OR/MS discipline in Mainland China, and conclude that the connection nodes will have greater potential in the future.
With the economic growth and prosperity, ports and shipping play an increasingly important role in the national economy and international trade. Numerous studies related to the field of port and shipping were conducted to propose some managerial insights. This paper uses the bibliometric method to analyze the research papers published from 2000 to 2019 on port and shipping in the field of management science. The number of published papers, impact score and cite score are identified as evaluation criteria to analyze the research contributions of researchers, affiliated institutions and countries/regions in the port and shipping field. At the same time, the importance of each keyword can be obtained by the bibliometric method, which may help new researchers grasp research hotspots and trends in related fields.
This study focuses on the review of present and future research directions in the field of laser–plasma interaction by using bibliometric analysis. Data sources in this study are collected from the WoS core collection database. A total of 2650 documents from 1990 to 2022 are analyzed. Author keywords, countries/regions, highly-cited articles and scholars, fruitful journals and productive institutions are discussed in detail. Results indicate that in terms of the volume of published documents, research institutes and related journals in this area, the USA is the leading country, followed by China, France and the UK. Furthermore, the USA has the highest number of publications and is the most frequently cited country in the world. Also, Physics of Plasmas, published by the AIP, holds the first rank among journals in terms of papers published and most global cited documents in laser–plasma interaction research. Moreover, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA, is the most productive institution. Furthermore, biometric analysis reveals the growth rate of related articles in this field that has been somewhat stable and in recent years, investigations by scholars are mostly focused on simulation with programming (e.g., Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes), studying the effects of electric and magnetic fields, laser–plasma dynamics, ion-acceleration and laser-driven plasma accelerators.
Since the first agent-based models (ABM), the scientific community has been interested in making not only the results of computational models understandable but also the modeling description, to facilitate their replication. The form that has been adopted to a greater extent has been the ODD (Overview, Design concepts, and Details) protocol, which provides a generic structure for its documentation. This protocol provides a way to clearly explain the procedures and interactions of the complex systems to be analyzed, with applications that have spread across different disciplines. This study presents a bibliometric analysis using Scopus database of the articles that emerged from the first publication of this protocol in 2006. The results show that the use of this form of documenting has grown in Economics, but its participation remains stable in relative terms. Results also show that the top journal both in number of articles and impact is JASSS, but it is not observed that there is a greater dissemination toward specific Economics journals or that it is used for a greater number of topics. Finally, it is found that there is a common core in Economics’ ABM literature, with a bias toward methodological articles in the articles that follow the ODD protocol while there is a bias towards articles on economic models in those that do not follow this protocol.
Bibliometric analysis is effective for evaluating the merits of a given discipline. This study provides an analysis of collaboration evolution in analytic hierarchy process (AHP) research from 1982 to 2018. As an important developed approach of AHP, analytic network process (ANP) is also considered in this review. 9859 publications are harvested from Web of Science to conduct this bibliometric analysis. Country and institution are the two primary objectives to investigate the collaboration pattern of the 9859 publications. The most prolific countries and institutions are identified based on bibliometric indicators, and the collaboration relationships between connected countries or institutions are explored based on science mapping techniques. Further, a dynamic analysis is provided to investigate the collaboration evolution of AHP publications at the levels of country and institution. This study offers a new topic on the overview research of AHP publications, and could help in developing the collaboration evolution analysis in the AHP field.
Big data starts booming in 2013 and has multiple applications in all walks of life. In such an environment, big data for information technology (BDI) and decision making (BDD) have formed some hot topics in common. This paper reviews the body of BDI and BDD research studies from 1994 to 2020, using bibliometrics analysis. The aim of this paper is to explore the current status, the correlation between BDI and BDD, the future trends and challenges. From time and space dimensions, CiteSpace and VOS viewer are used to obtain the annual trends of documents, the distribution of countries and sources, the citations and the h-index of BDI and BDD. The top three productive countries are the USA, China and the UK. From the perspective of h-index, the USA and the UK are at the forefront of the world. The value of big data is realized through information acquisition, storage, analysis, expression transmission and service sharing technologies, and the decision-making techniques exist throughout the process of big data analysis. “Business” and “Information science library science” are the latest hotspots of BDI. The appliances in the organization, supply chain management, education, and the environment are recent themes of BDD. Big data technology processing capabilities and network security issues are the main challenges in the future. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on BDI and BDD, and hops to help in understanding the evolution of them in relevant fields.
Supply chain management has evolved from local and regional purchasing and supply activities prior to the industrial revolution to the current form of technology-led, data-driven, collaborative, and global supply network. Data-driven technologies and applications in supply chain management enable supply chain planning, performance, coordination, and decision-making. Although the literature on procurement, production, logistics, distribution, and other areas within the supply chain is rich in their respective areas, systematic analyses of supply chain analytics are relatively few. Our objective is to examine supply chain analytics research to discover its intellectual core through a detailed bibliometric analysis. Specifically, we adopt citation, cocitation, co-occurrence, and centrality analysis using data obtained from the Web of Science to identify key research themes constituting the intellectual core of supply chain analytics. We find that there has been increasing attention in research circles relating to the relevance of analytics in supply chain management and implementation. We attempt to discover the themes and sub-themes in this research area. We find that the intellectual core of SCA can be classified into three main themes: (i) introduction of big data in the supply chain, (ii) adoption of analytics in different functions of operations management like logistics, pricing and location, and (iii) application of analytics for improving performance and business value. The limitations of this study and related future research directions are also presented.
This study aims to overview the research trends in Knowledge Management (KM) using a bibliometric and content analysis. Several research questions pertaining to the annual growth of KM publications, the key topics discussed, popular methodologies, country of origin, and citations analysis are posed and answered. In total, 475 articles published in the Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM) were retrieved from the Scopus bibliographical database. The results showed a relatively steady growth in the number of articles published in JIKM between 2002 and 2016. US scholars authored 21% of the articles published in JIKM, followed by those from India (almost 10%), Australia (8%), and the UK (7.5%). It is also noteworthy that scientific papers published in JIKM are referenced in highly cited journals of computer science, business, and library and information science. Topics such as knowledge discovery, taxonomy and ontology, and knowledge representation were the major KM research trends to arise from the current phenomena of “big data” and data analytics, as reflected in the subject matter of published works. A comparison between the counts for qualitative and quantitative research methodologies showed a clear tendency toward the latter, including questionnaires, while case studies, content analysis, and framework and conceptual papers also proved to be important for KM researchers.
This study aims to provide a scientific mapping based on a bibliographic database of knowledge sharing in the health community of practice (CoP) and online health communities (OHCs). These online platforms have provided an efficient means for members to share best practices, expertise, and information on health-related matters and acquire knowledge in the fast-moving health and medical field. Applying a bibliometric method, this study contributes to the body of knowledge concerning health CoP function, capacity, and contribution. This study tends to uncover past themes (citation analysis), current themes (co-citation analysis), and predict trends (co-word analysis) on health CoP and OHCs perspectives. Findings indicate the imperative role of CoP in the field, mainly due to the rapid development of sophisticated tacit knowledge on complicated health issues and unpredictable diseases affecting public health. Implications on theory and managerial aspect to strengthen the function of CoP in providing optimum health service to the public is discussed.
This study uses bibliometric analysis to integrate, synthesise, and expand the knowledge regarding the relationship between automation and the labour market. In this paper, the authors examined the Web of Science (WoS) core collection database for articles published between 2002 and 2022. The co-citation, co-occurrence, and publication patterns were analysed using VOSviewer 1.6.19. The study comprised 287 papers, with the United States having the highest percentage of research publications, followed by Germany, China, and the United Kingdom. The institutional study shows that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, National Bureau of Economic Research, Harvard University, and the University of London are all leading institutions in this field of study and have more than 100 links. The co-occurrence of keywords revealed “automation”, “employment”, “growth”, and “jobs” as the most discussed terms. The paper concludes by identifying gaps in the literature and proposing possibilities for future studies.
Forecasting emerging technologies as well the rate of diffusion of resultant products are complex in the context of management of technology usually because of a lack of relevant data. Techniques such as bibliometric analysis and the Bass diffusion model are utilized in this paper to assess the growth rate and market penetration of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a technology. The penetration and growth rate of user acceptance of two CFD codes (not identified) are simulated. Furthermore, a technology forecasting model of research and innovation in the field of application of CFD in the assessment of greenhouses is presented. Some CFD results of simulations for internal and external flow in an eight-span greenhouse are presented as an illustration of the power of CFD as technology.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the most relevant conceptualizations of innovation taken into account by scholars, and the linkages among them. Over time, the increasing interest in this area has involved a great variety of actors and contexts in establishing the definition of different innovation labels; we chose to focus the analysis on “system innovation”, “network innovation” and “ecosystem innovation”. In order to observe the most relevant elements of each research stream and common aspects, a two-step analysis of literature contributions has been performed through a bibliometric analysis comparing the evidence emerging from one survey of keywords provided by authors and a second of keywords provided by editors. Through this kind of investigation the editors’ keywords emerged as more objective, but nevertheless, by considering some of the different evidences obtained from the keywords provided by authors, the two-step analysis is useful to provide more complete results.
This study analyzes publications in the field of wearable technologies (WTs) recorded in the Scopus database during the period 2000 to 2016. Using bibliometric analysis, we probe into the current status and direction of research on WT. In addition, we use cluster analysis to reveal keywords with highest frequency and to identify technology trends over time among research activities. The study provides researchers and practitioners with insights that help to identify trends in WT research. The study also highlights potential research directions and is therefore expected to benefit researchers in the area of WT.
Social media has revolutionized the sports industry by changing the way athletes, coaches, clubs, federations, sport companies and other industry actors interact. Although academic interest in the emergence of social media in the context of sports has increased in recent years, these platforms have not been studied from a bibliometric viewpoint. Therefore, this study examined the scientific production of social media in sports using descriptive bibliometric software. The most prolific authors, journals, institutions, number of citations and networks of authorship are identified. From the bibliometric analysis, implications for sport managers and future research directions for social media in sports are stated.
This paper conducts a systematic literature review with bibliometric analysis for drone-related research in Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Forty publications were extracted from the SCOPUS database during 2015–2019 for further analysis. The results show the current research landscape and guide future research directions. Interestingly, the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic made the use of drones necessary to assist EMSs lifesaving tasks to reduce fatality, which has also attracted more attention from the academic community. It was found that the co-evolution of drone technologies and entrepreneurial activities in the EMS ecosystem offers drone uses beyond medical applications.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in our daily lives, in all situations and in particular those concerning service systems. However, there is an absence of the ability of the conceptual structure, thematic structure, intellectual structure, and research trends of AI and disruptive technologies in service systems. The main purpose of this study was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of AI and disruptive technologies in service systems based on Elsevier’s Scopus database. To do so, keywords were chosen and then data outputs such as the number of published documents, top authors and citations, top journals, countries, and affiliations with the highest number of productions, and network analysis using R-based “biblioshiny” software. The main results showed the growing interest in the subject in the last five years, pointed out current themes and research trends, and revealed the intellectual structure of the field, namely the importance of smart services, cloud computing, and smart sustainable cities. The number of articles for this study reached 1,323, the growth rate has increased in the last five years and the main sources have been reported. China, South Korea and the USA were the leading countries on the subject, and the top 10 authors of influence showed. The word cloud and word growth were presented, as well as the co-citation clusters and co-occurrence network revealed important aspects, and finally the thematic map and the thematic evolution of the subject showed the important concepts. It is hoped that this research will supply future directions for researchers in the area while highlighting the potential of quantitative methods.
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