Australia — Sydney Researchers Unveil the Structure of Cancer Enzyme.
Australia — Australian University Aids in the Establishment of a Biotech Center in Vietnam.
Australia — Australian Researchers Work on Biofuel.
Australia — Queensland's New Wesley Research Institute Tissue Bank for Cancer Tissue Collection.
Australia — LCT Successful in Transplanting Pig Cells in Humans for Insulin Production.
China — China Establishes Medical Insurance Research Institute.
China — AstraZeneca Sets Up Research Base in Shanghai.
China — Industrial Biotechnology Research Center Newly Opened at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences.
China — China Science Association Publishes Moral Code for Academics.
China — China's Health Ministry to Cooperate with Merieux Alliance for TB Prevention.
China — China to Tighten Supervision of Albumin Medicine.
China — Research Center Set Up for a New Approach to TCM Research.
China — Chinese Scientist Announces Breakthrough in Cancer Research.
Indonesia — Indonesia to Support WHO in Influenza Prophylaxis.
Indonesia — Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Collaborates with Philippines-Based IRRI.
Indonesia — Indonesian President Calls to Distribute Bird Flu Vaccines Equally.
India — JIVAS Launches 'Project Padasamrakshane' with Funding from World Diabetes Foundation.
India — CIMAP to Tie Up with Pharmexcil for Promotion of Herbal Plants.
India — Central Drugs Research Institute Develops Three New Anti-diabetic Molecules.
India — Indian Government to Invest in Nanotech.
India — Wyeth to Relocate Operations from China to India.
India — Prices of Generic Medicine to Drop in India.
India — ORBIS Plans 30 Eye Centers in India.
India — Indian Researchers Discovers New Genetic Markers for Coronary Heart Disease.
Japan — Flu Virus Mutants Resist Two Popular Drugs.
Singapore — Therapeutic Antibodies Likely to be Used to Prevent Infectious Diseases.
Singapore — Singapore Stem Cell Bank Ready for Business.
Singapore — Asia Generic Medicines Congress in Singapore Celebrates the Rise of Asian Generics.
Singapore — Singapore and Cambodia Sign Health Pact.
Singapore — New Leadership Appointments at A*STAR's Biomedical Research Council.
South Korea — South Korea to Ban Use of Tamiflu by Teenagers.
New Method Developed to Identify Genetic Determinants of Alzheimer's Disease.
India Launches First Biofuels and Bioenergy Science Center.
Australian Company Develops Potential UV Vaccine.
Phylogica Enters Agreement with Roche to Evaluate Phylomer Technology.
CSL Behring Awards $87,000 to Patient Organizations in USA.
Pfizer, Crown Bioscience Tie up for Asian Cancers R&D.
Sinovac Files Clinical Trial Application with SFDA for Vaccine against Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.
Takeda and Pfizer to Co-Promote Takeda's Actos® (pioglitazone HCl) for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in China.
Alvogen Launches Asia Operations.
Praj to Collaborate with Novozymes on Advanced Biofuels.
Biocon and HCG Group of Hospitals Join Hands to Fight Against Cervical Cancer.
Shantha Introduces India's First Oral Cholera Vaccine.
Pfizer, TCGLS to Develop Preclinical Candidate Molecules.
Hospira to Acquire Orchid's Generic Injectable Pharmaceuticals Business.
Dicerna Pharma, Kyowa Hakko to Collaborate on RNAi.
Ambit Biosciences and Astellas Enter Strategic Partnership.
Inno Biologics, CEVEC for Using Sign Agreement Human CAP Technology.
Rice Research Receives $10 Million Grant.
New Method to Increase Antibiotic Yields.
Extra Genes May Make You Extremely Thin.
Biofuel Potential in Panda Poop.
Social Engagement Changes Fat Type.
Bacteria Clean Up Uranium, Produce Electricity.
Probiotics Promote Brain Health.
Soil Bacteria Targets Cancer.
More Muscle for In Vitro Meat.
New Carbon-Fixation Pathway Unveiled in Ocean Depths.
AUSTRALIA – Successful FDA end-of-Phase-2 for Hatchtech head lice product DeOVO™
AUSTRALIA – Senz Oncology secures seed funding for promising cancer drug.
AUSTRALIA – Geneworks develops DNA barcodes for international security.
INDIA – Stress hormones: Good or Bad for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder risk?
SINGAPORE – New study shows fertility knowledge gaps may exacerbate Singapore's declining birth rate challenge.
SINGAPORE – World's first wearable robotic device for stroke rehabilitation comes to Singapore.
SRI LANKA – Conflicting reports highlight scientific data gaps in Sri Lanka's chronic kidney disease.
EUROPE – InDex Pharmaceuticals strengthens IP position for Kappaproct.
EUROPE – Novozymes and Terranol to market advanced biofuel yeast.
EUROPE – The world's first (official) biosimilar antibody goes to… Rheumatoid Arthritis.
USA – MRI reveals brain's response to reading.
USA – Novozymes partner Chemtex receives USDA commitment to build advanced biofuels plant in United States.
USA – Fossil fuel and renewable energy subsidies on the rise.
Science Academies' Role in Development: Presidents Reveal It All.
Protein Nanocages: The Versatile Molecular Shell.
AUSTRALIA – Cynata achieves major stem cell manufacturing milestone.
INDONESIA – Rice crucial to Indonesia's food security.
JAPAN – Japan joins Gates's Grand Challenge on tropical diseases.
JAPAN – On-farm system turns rice plants into biofuel and fodder.
SINGAPORE – Infant gut microbiota linked with gestation duration, delivery method and healthy weight gain.
SINGAPORE – Mundipharma demonstrates efficacy of BETADINE(R) formulations against Ebola virus.
SINGAPORE – Scientists determine mechanical forces that drive epithelial wound healing.
SINGAPORE – A*STAR researchers develop expert systems for identifying treatment targets for cancer and rare diseases.
SINGAPORE – NUS researchers pioneer novel strategy to prevent progression of inflammation-associated cancers.
THE PHILIPPINES – New biotech hub aims to nurture more rice researchers.
AFRICA – NAU researcher works to understand forces of abrupt climate change.
AFRICA – Researchers create new model to aid tech selection.
AFRICA – Combining bednets, vaccines ‘good or bad for malaria’.
AFRICA – Experts call for innovations to aid Africa's healthcare.
EUROPE – Europe's first fully remote diabetes trial approved.
UNITED STATES – Scientists identify genetic variations leading to hearing loss in young cancer patients.
UNITED STATES – 3D vaccine spontaneously assembles to pack a powerful punch against cancer, infectious diseases.
UNITED STATES – Researchers design “evolutionary trap” to thwart drug resistance.
UNITED STATES – Common allergy medication may be effective in starving and killing the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.
UNITED STATES – Scripps Research Institute scientists develop anti-HIV agent so powerful it can work in a vaccine.
UNITED STATES – Possible strategy identified to combat major parasitic tropical disease.
Biogas Beats Bioethanol by Dr. Wolfgang Bauer
Molecular Marvel - A Novel Catalyst greases the wheels of Biofuel production by Ms Gabrielle Bauer.
XELJANZ™ (Tofacitinib Citrate), A new class of treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Approved in Singapore
A new statement from World-Class Position in Eye Care: Allergen Successfully completes Oculeve Acquisition
VIASPACE Giant King® Grass Converted to Polymeric Carbon Solid Biofuel as Drop-In Replacement for Coal
ContourGlobal and the Republic of Armenia Announce Purchase of the Vorotan Hydroelectric Facility – IFC of the World Bank Group to Invest alongside CountourGlobal
Sigma-Aldrich and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Obtain Antitrust Approval in Brazil for Planned Acquisition
Omidria® Approved for Commercialization throughout the European Union and Additional Countries
iBio to Receive US patent for Influenza Therapeutic
AstraZeneca broadens the Shoulders and to pay Inovio up to $700 Million for Cancer Drug
Genmab Enters Commercial License Agreement with Novo Nordisk for DuoBody Technology
For the month of November 2020, APBN takes a dive into the genetic links behind the diabetes epidemic in Asia. Looking specifically at genetic markers for diabetes in Asian populations, researchers have discovered unique identifiers that could promote development precision medicine for diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. In the Spotlights, we explore innovative research from the 2020 Tokyo Tech Research Showcase and how they are helping to build a greener and sustainable future. Check out in our columns the future of commercial space flight and how space tourism is becoming a reality.
The feasibility of real-time calculation of parameters for an internal combustion engine via reconfigurable hardware implementation is investigated as an alternative to software computation. A detailed in-hardware field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based design is developed and evaluated using input crank angle and in-cylinder pressure data from fully instrumented diesel engines in the QUT Biofuel Engine Research Facility (BERF). Results indicate the feasibility of employing a hardware-based implementation for real-time processing for speeds comparable to the data sampling rate currently used in the facility, with acceptably low level of discrepancies between hardware and software-based calculation of key engine parameters.
The nickel (Ni) and phosphotungstic acid (HPW) supported on carbon nanotubes (CNT) were prepared by impregnation method for hydroprocessing of Jatropha oil. The Ni-HPW/CNT catalyst was characterized by XRD, XPS, FT-IR, N2 adsorption-desorption, SEM, NH3-TPD, and TGA. The effects of reaction parameters, such as reaction temperature (280–400∘C), time-on-stream (0–100h), types of support, the amount of added HPW, and coking deposition were investigated. The cracking performance was evaluated by gas chromatography (GC). The yield of C15–C18 alkanes was 88.5wt.%, Iso/n ratio was 0.8 and conversion was 97.7% at 320∘C, 3.0MPa and 1.0/h over the Ni-HPW/CNT catalyst, while the yield of <C15 alkanes reached 51.9wt.% at 400∘C. The distribution of products could be adjusted by reaction temperature. The cracking performance was elevated by the addition of HPW and the electrical conductivity. The C15–C18 alkanes were further cracked through two cracking circulations. Meanwhile, the catalyst was used without sulfurization and the cracking process was green.
Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles by aqueous leaf extract of Gossypium (Gossypium arboretum) leaves on meta titanic acid [TiO(OH)2]. Rutile tetragonal TiO2 nanoparticles were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM studies and their particle size was calculated, which was below 100 nm. The Obtained TiO2NPs were used as catalysts in the transesterification of Gossypium seed oil, which enhanced the rate of reaction. Thus, it is a very attractive catalyst for biodiesel production from Gossypium seed oil. The effect of the amount of nano-TiO2 catalyst and microwave heating was studied. In this study, the preparation of both catalyst and biodiesel from the parts of the same Gossypium plant and the feasibility of carrying out the microwave-assisted transesterification (green process) of Gossypium seed oil by using biogenic nanoTiO2 catalyst was explored. They improve the efficiency of transesterification. The used catalyst can be recycled by simple filtration and reused without reduction in its activity. It is a green method (affords nontoxic and noncorrosive medium), clean reaction, simple experimental, isolation procedures, gives high yield and the properties of synthesized biodiesel are in good agreement with that of diesel oil. So, it may be used alone or by blending with diesel.
In recent years, increases in fossil fuel consumption, along with associated resource limitations, high prices, and growing concern about climate change, have led to initiatives in favor of expanding renewable energy use. This study addresses several issues. Firstly, we review drivers and obstacles that the biofuel industry faces. Secondly, the current state of the biofuel industry with emphasis on the EU is investigated. Thirdly, the paper quantifies the factors that foster or harm biofuel use by applying dynamic panel econometric techniques (panel GMM). Economic activity (GDP), high fuel prices, greenhouse gas emissions and to a weaker extent some political characteristics are the main drivers. Our findings suggest that biofuel production will experience substantial growth, especially within developed economies primarily due to their environmental and national energy security concerns.
While microalgae oil was perceived as the preferred feedstock to supply the inelastic global demand for biofuel, industry and academia attempts to create viable microalgae-oil production processes has not reach the desired goal yet. UniVerve Ltd. has developed an innovative technological process that provides a scalable, cost effective and sustainable solution for the production of microalgae-biomass. The oil, which can be extracted with off-the-shelf wet-extraction technologies and used as an excellent feedstock for all kinds of biofuel, is expected to be produced at up to US$50 per barrel. As the biomass also contains omega-3, proteins and other valuable biomaterials that can be commercialized in the food and feed markets, a microalgae farm can serve the biofuel, food and feed industries, which currently face an increasing lack of quality feedstock at an affordable price.
This paper adopted an effective method for renewable aromatics production from sorbitol. The detail components in gaseous, aqueous and organic phase were analyzed after reaction over nickel catalyst under optimal conditions. The results showed that the catalytic performance was excellent with 100 % of sorbitol conversion. Light hydrocarbon compounds with 1-6 carbons were detected in gaseous. CO and CO2 were also produced simultaneously. However, total products content was very low compared with that of H2, and the carbon selectivity was only 1.74 %. Meanwhile, some lighter molecular weight alcohols, i.e., methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, isosorbitol and other polylols could also be detected in aqueous. Isosorbitol was found to be the main chemical in water, the selectivity of total carbon in aqueous phase was 8.75 %. The final oil volume was about 730 uL per 36 mL reactants. The GC-MS results of oil phase clearly indicated that aromatics were the main composition in oil phase with percentage of 47.29 %.
Synthetic biology can be defined as a combinatorial approach where the basic elements, governing the operational functionality of a living cell, are placed together to generate life forms with novel characteristics and properties. One of the most exciting aspects of synthetic biology is the diversity of applications it may enable. New applications may be found in energy, medicine, environment and materials. In this paper, we focus on the definition of synthetic biology as well as the potential applications and key challenges, then the role of synthetic biology in producing biofuels are discussed. Finally, several key points to achieve sustainable development are summarized.
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