Vascular Dynamics receives FDA approval to begin conclusive and pivotal trial experimentation for treatment of chronic hypertension.
Orchard Therapeutics’ OTL-101 granted Promising Innovative Medicine Designation for treatment of ADA-SCID.
Concept Life Sciences appoints John Handley as chief operating officer.
Oak Therapeutics completes Phase 1 of NIH grant to develop formulation for tuberculosis.
Relvar Ellipta significantly improves asthma control compared with usual care medicines.
Hematological disorders to benefit from significant level of first-in-class innovation.
Boehringer Ingelheim initiates Phase IIa study of Pharmaxis compound for treating NASH.
Ambrosus partners with Trek Therapeutics to develop blockchain method to track quality in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Bosch subsidiary Valicare offers consulting in GMP-compliant development of cancer therapies.
Korea-Singapore Healthcare Incubator to support Korean firms in Singapore and Southeast Asia.
Newer oral anticoagulant recommended for reducing risk of stroke in patients with irregular heartbeats.
Korean start-up Sky Labs selected as one of the winners for Bayer Grants4Apps Accelerator.
Supplement: Could COMPASS be a game changer in managing stable artery disease?
Supplement: Global study confirms positive benefit-risk profile of rivaroxaban for stroke prevention.