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In order to avoid the pretzel orbit, CEPC is proposed to use partial double ring scheme in CDR. In this paper, a general method of how to make an consistent machine parameter design of CEPC with crab-waist by using analytical expression of maximum beam–beam tune shift and beamstrahlung beam lifetime started from given IP vertical beta, beam power and other technical limitations were developed. FFS with crab sextupoles will be developed and the arc lattice will be redesigned to acheive the lower emittance for crab-waist scheme.
In this paper, a consistent calculation method for the CEPC parameter choice with a crab waist scheme is reported. A crosscheck of luminosity with beam–beam simulations has been done. With this new scheme, a higher Higgs luminosity (+170%) can be reached while keeping Pre-CDR beam power or the beam power (19 MW) can be reduced while keeping the same Pre-CDR luminosity. CEPC is compatible with W and Z experiment. The luminosity for Z is at the level of 1035cm−2s−1. Requirement for energy acceptance of Higgs has been reduced to 1.5% by enlarging the ring to 100 km. The arc optics and the Final Focus System (FFS) with crab sextupoles have been designed, and also some primary Dynamic Aperture (DA) results were introduced.
A future Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has been proposed by China with the main goal of studying the Higgs boson. Its baseline design, chosen on the basis of its performance, is a double ring scheme; an alternative design is a partial double ring scheme which reduces the budget while maintaining an adequate performance. This paper will present the collider ring lattice design for the double ring scheme. The CEPC will also work as a W and a Z factory. For the W and Z modes, except in the RF region, compatible lattices were obtained by scaling down the magnet strength with energy.
The Circular Electron–Positron Collider (CEPC) is a 100-km ring e+e− collider for a Higgs factory. The injector of CEPC is composed of Linac and Booster. The Linac is a normal conducting S-band Linac with a frequency of 2860 MHz; it provides electron and positron beams at an energy of up to 10 GeV with 100 Hz repetition frequency of 100 Hz. The Linac design and dynamic simulation results are discussed in detail in this paper, including electron bunching system, positron source, electron bypass transport line, damping ring and main Linacs.
The CEPC booster needs to provide electron and positron beams to the collider at different energy with required injection speed. A 10 GeV linac is adopted as the injector for CDR. Then the beam energy is accelerated to specific energy according to three modes of operation of the CEPC collider ring (H, W and Z). The geometry of the booster is designed carefully in order to share the same tunnel with the collider. The design status of the booster with the CDR lattice including parameters, optics and dynamic aperture is discussed in this paper.
In this paper, we give preliminary designs of beam polarization manipulations by inserting three different types of insertions in the Circular Electron–Positron Collider (CEPC) at center-of-mass energies of 91 GeV (Z-pole). With the wigglers in the collider ring, we can obtain 5% transverse polarization in 1.1 h for the precise energy measurement. To overcome depolarization effects as the beam energy rises from 10 GeV to 45.5 GeV in the booster ring, Siberian snakes based on helical magnets are adopted. Finally, for longitudinally polarized beam collisions, a schematic design of spin rotators based on solenoids in the collider ring is studied.
A damping ring system which includes a small 1.1 GeV ring and two transport lines is introduced in CEPC linac in order to reduce the transverse emittance of positron beam at the end of linac and hence reduce the beam loss in the booster. This paper introduces the parameter choice and optics study of damping ring. The corresponding instability effect and IBS effect are also checked to make sure the design current and design emittance can be realized. Except for damping ring, two transport lines are needed to match the parameters between linac and damping ring. Both designs for energy compressor and bunch compressor including beam simulations are discussed in this paper.
The CEPC includes a main ring and an injector. The injector consists of a booster and a linac. In order to meet the requirements of the booster, the baseline design of the linac is a 10 GeV electron and positron linac. Two alternative linac designs have also been introduced in this paper. For the linac baseline design, one-bunch-per-pulse is adopted. A 1.1 GeV damping ring is used to reduce the transverse emittance of positron beam. The main RF system of the linac adopts normal conducting S-band structure. Some key technologies of linac are development. The S-band structure and pulse compressor have been researched and studied. In the damping ring, two cavities used to provide 2 MV voltage. The preliminary cavity design has finished.
The CEPC booster needs to provide electron and positron beams to the collider at different energy with required injection efficiency. At Higgs energy, only the on-axis injection from booster to collider can be fulfilled in CDR. With a consideration of keeping the off-axis injection scheme for safety and reliability, a new booster design based on TME lattice is considered to reduce the emittance by three times after CDR. The new booster design has reached an emittance of 1.3 nm at 120 GeV and the DA without errors is even better than CDR. The geometry of new booster is designed carefully in order to share the same tunnel with collider. The design status of CEPC new booster including parameters, optics, dynamic aperture and geometry is discussed in this paper.
This paper describes the injection philosophy and the design of timing and filling scheme for the high luminosity Circular Electron and Positron Collider (CEPC) scheme under different energy modes. It is found that the RF frequency choice in Conceptual Design Report (CDR) cannot meet the injection requirements for the bunch number at the Z pole. A modified scheme was proposed to support the design luminosity, which basically meets our current design requirements and retains more flexibility for a future high-luminosity upgrade.
In order to avoid the pretzel orbit, CEPC is proposed to use partial double ring scheme in CDR. In this paper, a general method of how to make an consistent machine parameter design of CEPC with crab-waist by using analytical expression of maximum beam–beam tune shift and beamstrahlung beam lifetime started from given IP vertical beta, beam power and other technical limitations were developed. FFS with crab sextupoles will be developed and the arc lattice will be redesigned to acheive the lower emittance for crab-waist scheme.