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In this paper, we investigate the Riemann wave model (RWM) on Cantor sets by using the local fractional derivative (LFD). A novel computational approach is provided to seek the exact traveling-wave solution of the non-differential type for the local fractional Riemann wave model (LFRWM). The proposed scheme is called local fractional traveling-wave method (LFTWM). An example is given to illustrate that the LFTWM is simple and excellent. The properties of the obtained traveling-wave solutions are elaborated by some 3D graphs. The LFTWM sheds a new light on solving the local fractional wave equations (LFWE) in physics and engineering.
In the present paper, a family of the special functions via the celebrated Mittag–Leffler function defined on the Cantor sets is investigated. The nonlinear local fractional ODEs (NLFODEs) are presented by following the rules of local fractional derivative (LFD). The exact solutions for these problems are also discussed with the aid of the non-differentiable charts on Cantor sets. The obtained results are important for describing the characteristics of the fractal special functions.
In this paper, the fractal Zakharov–Kuznetsov–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony model (FZKBBM) is studied based on the local fractional derivative sense on Cantor sets for the first time. The different types of traveling wave solutions of the FZKBBM are successfully obtained by using two reliable and efficient approaches, which are fractal Yang wave method (FYWM) and fractal variational method (FVM). The properties of the obtained traveling wave solutions of non-differential type are elaborated by using some three-dimensional simulation graphs.
The one-dimensional modified Korteweg–de Vries equation defined on a Cantor set involving the local fractional derivative is investigated in this paper. With the aid of the fractal traveling-wave transformation technology, the nondifferentiable traveling-wave solutions for the problem are discussed in detail. The obtained results are accurate and efficient for describing the fractal water wave in mathematical physics.
The Boussinesq–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili-like model is a famous wave equation which is used to describe the shallow water waves in ocean beaches and lakes. When shallow water waves propagate in microgravity or with unsmooth boundaries, the Boussinesq–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili-like model is modified into its fractal model by the local fractional derivative (LFD). In this paper, we mainly study the fractal Boussinesq–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili-like model (FBKPLM) based on the LFD on Cantor sets. Two efficient and reliable mathematical approaches are successfully implemented to obtain the different types of fractal traveling wave solutions of the FBKPLM, which are fractal variational method (FVM) and fractal Yang wave method (FYWM). Finally, some three-dimensional (3D) simulation graphs are employed to elaborate the properties of the fractal traveling wave solutions.
Fractal geometry plays an important role in the description of the characteristics of nature. Local fractional calculus, a new branch of mathematics, is used to handle the non-differentiable problems in mathematical physics and engineering sciences. The local fractional inequalities, local fractional ODEs and local fractional PDEs via local fractional calculus are studied. Fractional calculus is also considered to express the fractal behaviors of the functions, which have fractal dimensions. The interesting problems from fractional calculus and fractals are reported. With the scaling law, the scaling-law vector calculus via scaling-law calculus is suggested in detail. Some special functions related to the classical, fractional, and power-law calculus are also presented to express the Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts function, Mittag-Leffler function and Weierstrass–Mandelbrot function. They have a relation to the ODEs, PDEs, fractional ODEs and fractional PDEs in real-world problems. Theory of the scaling-law series via Kohlrausch–Williams–Watts function is suggested to handle real-world problems. The hypothesis for the tempered Xi function is proposed as the Fractals Challenge, which is a new challenge in the field of mathematics. The typical applications of fractal geometry are proposed in real-world problems.
This paper concerns the following question: given a subset E of ℝn with empty interior and an integrability parameter 1<p<∞, what is the maximal regularity s∈ℝ for which there exists a non-zero distribution in the Bessel potential Sobolev space Hs,p(ℝn) that is supported in E? For sets of zero Lebesgue measure, we apply well-known results on set capacities from potential theory to characterize the maximal regularity in terms of the Hausdorff dimension of E, sharpening previous results. Furthermore, we provide a full classification of all possible maximal regularities, as functions of p, together with the sets of values of p for which the maximal regularity is attained, and construct concrete examples for each case. Regarding sets with positive measure, for which the maximal regularity is non-negative, we present new lower bounds on the maximal Sobolev regularity supported by certain fat Cantor sets, which we obtain both by capacity-theoretic arguments, and by direct estimation of the Sobolev norms of characteristic functions. We collect several results characterizing the regularity that can be achieved on certain special classes of sets, such as d-sets, boundaries of open sets, and Cartesian products, of relevance for applications in differential and integral equations.
First we give a construction of a Cantor set in the unit sphere in ℂ3 the polynomial hull of which contains interior points. Such sets were known to exist in spheres in ℂ2. Secondly, we construct an open connected subset of the unit sphere in ℂ3 with infinitely sheeted envelope of holomorphy.
Let Kλ be the attractor of the following iterated function system(IFS):