An improved one-dimensional mathematical model based on the Pulsed Flow Equations (PFE) is derived by integrating the axial component of the momentum equation over the transient Womersley velocity profile, providing a dynamic momentum equation whose coefficients are smoothly varying functions of the spatial variable. The resulting momentum equation along with the continuity equation and pressure-area relation form our reduced-order model for physiological fluid flows in one dimension and are aimed at providing accurate and fast-to-compute global models for physiological systems represented as networks of quasi one-dimensional fluid flows. The consequent nonlinear coupled system of equations is solved by the Lax-Wendroff scheme and is then applied to an open model arterial network of the human vascular system containing the largest 55 arteries. The proposed model with functional coefficients is compared with current classical one-dimensional theories which assume steady state Hagen-Poiseuille velocity profiles, either parabolic or plug-like, throughout the whole arterial tree. The effects of the nonlinear term in the momentum equation and different strategies for bifurcation points in the network, as well as the various lumped parameter outflow boundary conditions for distal terminal points are also analyzed. The results show that the proposed model can be used as an efficient tool for investigating the dynamics of reduced-order models of flows in physiological systems and would, in particular, be a good candidate for the one-dimensional, system-level component of geometric multiscale models of physiological systems.