All organisms on earth have evolved at unit gravity and thus are probably adapted to function optimally at 1 g. However, with the advent of space exploration, it has been shown that organisms are capable of surviving at much less than 1 g, as well as at greater than 1 g. Organisms subjected to increased g levels exhibit alterations in physiological processes that compensate for novel environmental stresses, such as increased weight and density-driven sedimentation. Weight drives many chemical, biological, and ecological processes on earth. Altering weight changes these processes. The most important physiological changes caused by microgravity include bone demineralization, skeletal muscle atrophy, vestibular problems causing space motion sickness, cardiovascular deconditioning, etc. Manned missions into space and significant concerns in developmental and evolutionary biology in zero and low gravity conditions demand a concentrated research effort in space-medicine, physiology and on a larger scale — gravitational biophysics. Space exploration is a new frontier with long-term missions to the moon and Mars not far away. Research in these areas would also provide us with fascinating insights into how gravity has shaped our evolution on this planet and how it still governs some of the basic life processes. Understanding the physiological changes caused by long-duration microgravity remains a daunting challenge. The present concise review deals with the effects of altered gravity on the biological processes at the cellular, organic and systemic level which will be helpful for the researchers aspiring to venture in this area. The effects observed in plants and animals are presented under the classifications such as cells, plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and humans.