The inclusive spectrum of the charged particles, π0- and η-mesons produced in the pp collisions at LHC energies were analyzed by fitting them with exponential functions. It was found the spectra were composed of several pT regions, which could be characterized by the length of the regions LcK and two free fitting parameters acK and bcK. The study of the LcK dependences of the parameters acK and bcK and of the energy dependencies of the LcK, acK and bcK showed that the regions can be classified into two groups depending on the values of the LcK, acK and bcK. The values of the LcK and bcK for the first group don’t depend on colliding energy and the type of the particles (though the values of acK increase linearly with energy) whereas the characteristics in the second group of regions show strong dependencies. It was found that the ratio of the length for the η-mesons to one for the π0-mesons is approximately equal to the ratio of their mass: ⟨Lη⟩:⟨Lπ0⟩≅mη:mπ0. Assuming that the values of the LcK are directly proportional to the string tension the result could be considered as evidence in favor of parton string fragmentation dynamics. The increase in the lengths for the η-mesons’ regions is accompanied by an increase of the values for the parameter bck. It can mean that the η-mesons were produced at smaller values of αS compared with that for π0-mesons. The results show that for the first group of regions the lengths of the regions are ∼3–5 times greater than the lengths of neighboring, lower pT regions. For the second group of regions the lengths of the regions are ∼1–2 times greater than the lengths of neighboring lower pT region. In the framework of the string fragmentation and hadronization dynamics, this could mean that the particles in the group I of regions are produced through previous-generation strings decays into ∼3–5 strings while those in group II originate from previous-generation strings decays into ∼2 strings.