We start from a Lorentz noninvariant Abelian-Higgs model in 1+3 dimensions, and carry out its dimensional reduction to D = 1+2. The planar model resulting thereof is composed by a Maxwell—Chern—Simons–Proca gauge sector, a massive scalar sector, and a mixing term (involving the fixed background, vμ) that realizes Lorentz violation for the reduced model. Vortex-type solutions of the planar model are investigated, revealing charged vortex configurations that recover the usual Nielsen–Olesen configuration in the asymptotic regime. The Aharonov–Casher Effect in layered superconductors, that shows interference of neutral particles with a magnetic moment moving around a line charge, is also studied. Our charged vortex solutions exhibit a screened electric field that induces the same phase shift as the one caused by the charged wire.