A collective treatment of the I=0 scalar mesons below 2 GeV [σ(550), f0(980), f0(1370), f0(1500) and f0(1710)] in a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian framework that is constrained by the mass and the partial decay widths of the I=1/2,1 scalars [κ(900),
, a0(980) and a0(1450)] is presented. The sub-structure of these states in terms of two and four quark components, as well as a glueball component is explored, and its correlation with the mass of f0(1370) is studied. Consistency with the available experimental data suggests that the σ(550) is dominantly a nonstrange four-quark state, whereas the sub-structure of other I=0 states are sensitive to the input mass of f0(1370). This investigation estimates the scalar glueball mass in the range 1.47–1.64 GeV.