Inspired by the prevalent n+pn+p cluster structure of deuterons, which appears at an excitation energy of 2.225MeV, the recently measured angular distributions (ADs) for 1515N(dd,d)15d)15N and 1515N(dd,p)16p)16N systems at an energy of 15MeV X. Y. Li et al., [Phys. Rev. C 106, (2022) 025807] are microscopically analyzed using the continuum discretized coupled channel (CDCC) method. The extracted UeffUeff potential, considered as the coherent sum of cluster folding and dynamical polarization potentials, both derived from the CDCC computations, was then employed to investigate the 1515N(dd,p)16p)16N neutron transfer reaction leading to the (2−, 0.0MeV), (0−, 0.12MeV), (3−, 0.298MeV), and (1−, 0.397MeV) 1616N states. Since extracting reliable information on spectroscopic factors (SFs) is highly dependent on the interaction potential, the extracted UeffUeff was employed to get such information. The investigation gives evidence for the applicability of the UeffUeff in describing the elastic scattering and the neutron transfer ADs data. The extracted SFs for the 1616N states under consideration are consistent with those that have been reported before.