This work focuses on theoretically-obtained state solutions on molecular crystals with order–disorder phenomena in both the orientation and position of molecules. The stable, metastable and unstable solutions of the modified Pople–Karasz theory of molecular crystals are studied using two different methods. The first displays the free energy surfaces in the form of the contour mapping. The second obtains the flow diagrams and the relaxation curves by solving the dynamical equations. At temperatures lower than the lower limit of the stability temperature (Tl), two solutions, namely unstable and stable, are obtained. At these temperatures the system always relaxes to a stable state. Between the lower limit and the upper limit of the stability temperatures (Tu), there are three solutions: stable, metastable and unstable. In this case, the system relaxes to either a stable or a metastable state. The unstable state is a saddle-point which plays an important role in explaining how to get a system frozen-in in the metastable state. Above Tu, there is a single stable solution. The solutions obtained from these two methods are in exact agreement with each other for a given temperature and coupling constant.