The performance (lifetime, failure rate, etc.) of a coherent system in iid components is completely determined by its “signature” and the common distribution of its components. A system's signature, defined as a vector whose ith element is the probability that the system fails upon the ith component failure, was introduced by Samaniego (1985) as a tool for indexing systems in iid components and studying properties of their lifetimes. In this paper, several new applications of the signature concept are developed for the broad class of mixed systems, that is, for stochastic mixtures of coherent systems in iid components. Kochar, Mukerjee and Samaniego (1999) established sufficient conditions on the signatures of two competing systems for the corresponding system lifetimes to be stochastically ordered, hazard-rate ordered or likelihood-ratio ordered, respectively. Partial results are obtained on the necessity of these conditions, but all are shown not to be necessary in general. Necessary and sufficient conditions (NASCs) on signature vectors for each of the three order relations above to hold are then discussed. Examples are given showing that the NASCs can also lead to information about the precise number and locations of crossings of the systems' survival functions or failure rates in (0, ∞) and about intervals over which the likelihood ratio is monotone. New results are established relating the asymptotic behavior of a system's failure rate, and the rate of convergence to zero of a system's survival function, to the signature of the system.