A detailed computational study is performed on the radical-molecule reactions between HCO/HOC and ethylene (C2H4) at the Gaussian-3//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. For the HCO + C2H4 reaction, the most favorable pathway is the direct C-addition forming the intermediate H2CCH2CHO, followed by a 1,2-H-shift leading to H3CCHCHO. Subsequently, there are two highly competitive dissociation pathways for H3CCHCHO: one is the formation of the direct H-extrusion product H2CCHCHO + H, and the other is the formation of C2H5 + CO via the intermediate H3CCH2CO. The overall reaction barrier is 14.1 and 14.6 kcal/mol respectively, at the G3B3 level. The quasi-direct H-donation process to produce C2H5 + CO with the barrier 16.5 kcal/mol is less competitive. Thus, only at higher temperatures, the HCO + C2H4 reaction could play a role. In contrast, the HOC + C2H4 reaction just need to overcome a small barrier 2.0 kcal/mol to generate C2H5 + CO via the quasi-direct H-donation mechanism. This is suggestive of the potential importance of the HOC + C2H4 reaction in combustion processes. However, the direct C-addition channel is much less competitive. The present kinetic data and orbital analysis show that the HCO radical has much higher reactivity than HOC, although the latter is more energetic. Till now, no kinetic study on the HOC radical has been reported, the present study can provide useful information on understanding the reactivity and depletion mechanism of the energetic HOC radical.