In this paper, we introduce a partial differential equation (PDE) model to describe the transmission dynamics of dengue with two viral strains and possible secondary infection for humans. The model features the variable infectiousness during the infectious period, which we call the infection age of the infectious host. We define two thresholds ℛj1 and ℛj2,j=1,2, and show that the strain j can not invade the system if ℛj1+ℛj2<1. Further, the disease-free equilibrium of the system is globally asymptotically stable if maxj{ℛj1+ℛj2}<1. When ℛj1>1, strain j dominance equilibrium ℰj exists, and is locally asymptotically stable when ℛj1>1, ℛi1<ςℛj1,i,j=1,2,i≠j, ς∈(0,1). Then, by applying Lyapunov–LaSalle techniques, we establish the global asymptotical stability of the dominance equilibrium corresponding to some strain j. This implies strain j eliminates the other strain as long as ℛi1/ℛj1<bi/bj<1,i≠j, where bj denotes the probability of a given susceptible mosquito being transmitted by a primarily infected human with strain j. Finally, we study the existence of the coexistence equilibria under some conditions.