We present the results of extensive numerical integration in (1 +1) dimensions of a set of continuum equations which was recently proposed for describing the growth of thin composite solid films composed of two types of particles. In this model, the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) equation, which describes the growth of the films, is coupled to the time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau (TDGL) equation for the order parameter. We study the effect of the model's parameters on the universality of the scaling exponents that characterize the power-law behavior of the various properties of interest, and the transitions in the films' morphology that result from varying the parameters. We find that the scaling properties of the model are nonuniversal. Phase diagrams that identify the various scaling regimes, as well as the morphological transitions, are obtained. Thus, neither the dynamics of the domains' growth is governed by the TDGL equation, nor is the scaling of the films' surface structure described by the KPZ equation.