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We consider the attraction–repulsion chemotaxis system
This review paper presents a methodological study on possible and existing meshfree methods for solving the partial differential equations (PDEs) governing solid mechanics problems, based mainly on the research work in the past two decades at the authors group. We start with a discussion on the general steps in a meshfree method based on nodes, with the displacements as the primary variables. We then examine the major techniques used in each of these steps: (1) techniques for displacement function approximations using nodes, (2) approximation of the gradient of the displacements or strains based on nodes and a background T-cells that can be automatically generated and refined, and (3) formulation techniques for producing algebraic equations. The function approximation techniques include node-based interpolation methods, cell-based interpolation methods, function smoothing techniques, and moving least squares approximation techniques. The gradient approximation includes direct differentiation, gradient smoothing, and special strain construction. Formulation techniques include strong-form, weakform, local weakform, weak-strong-form, and weakened weakform (W2). In theory, a meshfree method can be developed using a combination of function approximation, gradient approximation, and formulation techniques, which can lead to matrix of a large number of possible methods. This review attempts to provide an overall methodological review, rather than a usual review of comparing different methods. We hope to show readers the differences between the forests, and just between the trees.
Existence and convergence results are proved for a regularized model of dynamic brittle fracture based on the Ambrosio–Tortorelli approximation. We show that the sequence of solutions to the time-discrete elastodynamics, proposed by Bourdin, Larsen & Richardson as a semidiscrete numerical model for dynamic fracture, converges, as the time-step approaches zero, to a solution of the natural time-continuous elastodynamics model, and that this solution satisfies an energy balance. We emphasize that these models do not specify crack paths a priori, but predict them, including such complicated behavior as kinking, crack branching, and so forth, in any spatial dimension.
The term "middle-income trap" has entered common parlance in the development policy community, despite the lack of a precise definition. This paper discusses in more detail the definitional issues associated with the term. It also provides evidence on whether the growth performance of middle-income countries (MICs) has been different from other income categories, including historical transition phases in the inter-country distribution of income. A transition matrix analysis and an exploration of cross-country growth patterns provide little support for the existence of a middle-income trap.
A spatial dynamic panel data approach is adopted to study regional growth convergence in the US economy. In the neoclassical growth model, regions and countries are assumed to be independent from each other, which may not be valid in the real world. We introduce technological spillovers into the neoclassical framework, showing that the convergence rate is higher and there is spatial interaction. By examing annual data on personal state income spanning the period of 1930–2006 for the 48 contiguous states, we obtain empirical results that are consistent with the theoretical prediction.
In this paper we study convergence results of different types (uniform, Lp, almost everywhere, etc.) for one- and multidimensional trigonometric series. The sufficient conditions for these results to hold are written for the series with general monotone coefficients. The sharpness of these results is examined.
We consider the approximate solution with adaptive finite elements of a class of linear boundary value problems, which includes problems of "saddle point" type. For the adaptive algorithm we assume the following framework: refinement relies on unique quasi-regular element subdivisions and generates locally quasi-uniform grids, the finite element spaces are conforming, nested, and satisfy the inf–sup conditions, the error estimator is reliable as well as locally and discretely efficient, and marked elements are subdivided at least once. Under these assumptions, we give a sufficient and essentially necessary condition on marking for the convergence of the finite element solutions to the exact one. This condition is not only satisfied by Dörfler's strategy, but also by the maximum strategy and the equidistribution strategy.
Deterministic and fractional properties of an epidemic model for the dynamics of the Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-COV) with various infection stages are proposed in this study whose aim is to show via a mathematical model the transmission of MERS-COV between humans and camels, which are suspected to be the primary source of infection. The mathematical aspects together with biological feasibility of MERS-COV model are provided. The basic reproduction number R0 has been calculated by using the next-generation matrix. With the help of R0, we show the local and global stability analysis of the proposed model. Analysis of sensitivity for the threshold number is performed to understand the most sensitive parameter. Moreover, the concepts of strength number and second-order derivative of the Lyapunov function have been utilized for the waves detection. By using the concept of fixed point approach for the model, concerning if it really exists or not, we prove the existence and uniqueness results for the proposed model. The numerical solutions are obtained with the help of well-known fractional Adams–Bashforth technique. For the approximate solution, with the help of Runge–Kutta technique of order four, we accomplish the numerical simulations to support our analytical outcomes which are believed to have an effective impact on developing preventive measures for MERS-CoV, including disease control as well as prevention of spread and transmission in related populations.
In this paper, coupled with preconditioning technique, a preconditioned accelerated over relaxation (PAOR) iterative method for solving the absolute value equations (AVEs) is presented. Some comparison theorems are given when the matrix of the linear term is an irreducible L-matrix. Comparison results show that the convergence rate of the PAOR iterative method is better than that of the accelerated over relaxation (AOR) iterative method whenever both are convergent. Numerical experiments are provided in order to confirm the theoretical results studied in this paper.
The authors give the first convergence proof for the Lax-Friedrichs finite difference scheme for non-convex genuinely nonlinear scalar conservation laws of the form
In this paper we present an analysis of three different formulations of the discontinuous Galerkin method for diffusion equations. The first formulation yields an numerically inconsistent and weakly unstable scheme, while the other two formulations, the local discontinuous Galerkin approach and the Baumann–Oden approach, give stable and convergent results. When written as finite difference schemes, such a distinction among the three formulations cannot be easily analyzed by the usual truncation errors, because of the phenomena of supraconvergence and weak instability. We perform a Fourier type analysis and compare the results with numerical experiments. The results of the Fourier type analysis agree well with the numerical results.
The purpose of this work is to study the memory effect analysis of Caputo–Fabrizio time fractional diffusion equation by means of cubic B-spline functions. The Caputo–Fabrizio interpretation of fractional derivative involves a non-singular kernel that permits to describe some class of material heterogeneities and the effect of memory more effectively. The proposed numerical technique relies on finite difference approach and cubic B-spline functions for discretization along temporal and spatial grids, respectively. To ensure that the error does not amplify during computational process, stability analysis is performed. The described algorithm is second-order convergent along time and space directions. The computational competence of the scheme is tested through some numerical examples. The results reveal that the current scheme is reasonably efficient and reliable to be used for solving the subject problem.
Motivated by Gage [On an area-preserving evolution equation for plane curves, in Nonlinear Problems in Geometry, ed. D. M. DeTurck, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 51 (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1986), pp. 51–62] and Ma–Cheng [A non-local area preserving curve flow, preprint (2009), arXiv:0907.1430v2, [math.DG]], in this paper, an area-preserving flow for convex plane curves is presented. This flow will decrease the perimeter of the evolving curve and make the curve more and more circular during the evolution process. And finally, as t goes to infinity, the limiting curve will be a finite circle in the C∞ metric.
In this paper, a class of multi-term time fractional advection diffusion equations (MTFADEs) is considered. By finite difference method in temporal direction and finite element method in spatial direction, two fully discrete schemes of MTFADEs with different definitions on multi-term time fractional derivative are obtained. The stability and convergence of these numerical schemes are discussed. Next, a V-cycle multigrid method is proposed to solve the resulting linear systems. The convergence of the multigrid method is investigated. Finally, some numerical examples are given for verification of our theoretical analysis.
New mimetic finite difference discretizations of diffusion problems on unstructured polyhedral meshes with strongly curved (non-planar) faces are developed. The material properties are described by a full tensor. The optimal convergence estimates, the second order for a scalar variable (pressure) and the first order for a vector variable (velocity), are proved.
A new extended cubic B-spline (ECBS) approximation is formulated, analyzed and applied to obtain the numerical solution of the time fractional Klein–Gordon equation. The temporal fractional derivative is estimated using Caputo’s discretization and the space derivative is discretized by ECBS basis functions. A combination of Caputo’s fractional derivative and the new approximation of ECBS together with 𝜃-weighted scheme is utilized to obtain the solution. The method is shown to be unconditionally stable and convergent. Numerical examples indicate that the obtained results compare well with other numerical results available in the literature.
The usage of Lévy processes involving big moves or jumps over a short period of time has proven to be a successful strategy in financial analysis to capture such rare or extreme events of stock price dynamics. Models that follow the Lévy process are FMLS, Kobol, and CGMY models. Such simulations steadily raise the attention of researchers in science because of the certain best options they produce. Thus, the issue of resolving these three separate styles has gained more interest. In the new paper, we introduce the computational method of such models. At first, the left and right tempered fractional derivative with arbitrary order is approximated by using the basis function of the shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the third kind (SCPTK). In the second point, by implementing finite difference approximation, we get the semi-discrete structure to solve the tempered fractional B–S model (TFBSM). We show that this system is stable and 𝒪(δτ) is the convergence order. In practice, the processing time and the calculation time per iteration will be reduced by a quickly stabilized system. Then we use SCPTK to approximate the spatial fractional derivative to get the full design. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the established system’s reliability and effectiveness.
The use of finite element models has gained popularity in the field of foot and footwear biomechanics to predict the stress–strain distribution and the treatment effectiveness of therapeutic insoles for pathological foot conditions. However, a comprehensive evaluation of mesh quality is often ignored, meanwhile no golden standard exists for the mesh density and selection of element size at an acceptable accuracy. Here, we make a convergence test and established anatomically-realistic foot models at different mesh densities. The study compared the discrepancy in output variables to the changes of element type and mesh density under barefoot and footwear conditions with compressive and shear loads, which are commonly encountered in foot and footwear biomechanics simulations. For a range of loading conditions simulated in 125 finite element models, the peak plantar pressure consistently converged with optimal mesh size determined at 2.5mm. The convergence variable of principal strains and stress tensors, however, varies significantly. The max von-Mises stress showed strong sensitive behavior to the changes of the mesh density. The pattern for contact pressure distribution became less accurate when the element sizes increase to 6.0mm; in particular, the locations of the pressure peak do not show remarkable changes, but the size of the area of contact still changes. The current study could offer a general guideline when generating a reasonable accurate finite element models for the analysis of plantar pressure distributions and stress/strain states employed for foot and footwear biomechanics evaluations.
In this paper, a novel meshless numerical scheme to solve the time-fractional Oskolkov–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers-type equation has been proposed. The proposed numerical scheme is based on finite difference and Kansa-radial basis function collocation approach. First, the finite difference scheme has been employed to discretize the time-fractional derivative and subsequently, the Kansa method is utilized to discretize the spatial derivatives. The stability and convergence analysis of the time-discretized numerical scheme are also elucidated in this paper. Moreover, the Kudryashov method has been utilized to acquire the soliton solutions for comparison with the numerical results. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to confirm the applicability and accuracy of the proposed scheme.
The novelty of this contribution is to propose an implicit numerical scheme for solving time-dependent boundary layer problems. The scheme is multi-step and consists of two stages. It is third-order accurate in time and constructed on three-time levels. For spatial discretization, a fourth-order compact scheme is adopted. The stability of the proposed scheme is analyzed for scalar linear partial differential equation (PDE) that shows its conditional stability. The convergence of the scheme is also provided for a system of time-dependent parabolic equations. Moreover, a mathematical model for heat and mass transfer of mixed convective Williamson nanofluid flow over flat and oscillatory sheets is modified with the characteristic of the Darcy–Forchheimer model. The results show that the temperature profile rises by developing thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameter values. Also, the proposed scheme is compared with an existing Crank–Nicolson method. It is found that the proposed scheme converges faster than the existing one for solving scalar linear PDE as well as the system of linear and nonlinear parabolic equations, which are dimensionless forms of governing equations of a flow phenomenon. The findings provided in this study can serve as a helpful guide for future investigations into fluid flow in closed-off industrial settings.