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    In this article, we obtain the following generalization of isometric C1-immersion theorem of Nash and Kuiper. Let M be a smooth manifold of dimension m and H a rank k subbundle of the tangent bundle TM with a Riemannian metric gH. Then the pair (H, gH) defines a sub-Riemannian structure on M. We call a C1-map f : (M, H, gH) → (N, h) into a Riemannian manifold (N, h) a partial isometry if the derivative map df restricted to H is isometric, that is if f*h|H = gH. We prove that if f0 : M → N is a smooth map such that df0|H is a bundle monomorphism and formula, then f0 can be homotoped to a C1-map f : M → N which is a partial isometry, provided dim N > k. As a consequence of this result, we obtain that every sub-Riemannian manifold (M, H, gH) admits a partial isometry in ℝn, provided n ≥ m + k.

  • articleNo Access

    Representing de Rham cohomology classes on an open Riemann surface by holomorphic forms

    Let X be a connected open Riemann surface. Let Y be an Oka domain in the smooth locus of an analytic subvariety of n, n1, such that the convex hull of Y is all of n. Let 𝒪(X,Y) be the space of nondegenerate holomorphic maps XY. Take a holomorphic 1-form 𝜃 on X, not identically zero, and let π:𝒪(X,Y)H1(X,n) send a map g to the cohomology class of g𝜃. Our main theorem states that π is a Serre fibration. This result subsumes the 1971 theorem of Kusunoki and Sainouchi that both the periods and the divisor of a holomorphic form on X can be prescribed arbitrarily. It also subsumes two parametric h-principles in minimal surface theory proved by Forstnerič and Lárusson in 2016.

  • articleNo Access

    Convex integration solutions for the geometrically nonlinear two-well problem with higher Sobolev regularity

    In this paper, we discuss higher Sobolev regularity of convex integration solutions for the geometrically nonlinear two-well problem. More precisely, we construct solutions to the differential inclusion uK subject to suitable affine boundary conditions for u with

    such that the associated deformation gradients u enjoy higher Sobolev regularity. This provides the first result in the modelling of phase transformations in shape-memory alloys where KqcKc, and where the energy minimisers constructed by convex integration satisfy higher Sobolev regularity. We show that in spite of additional difficulties arising from the treatment of the nonlinear matrix space geometry, it is possible to deal with the geometrically nonlinear two-well problem within the framework outlined in [A. Rüland, C. Zillinger and B. Zwicknagl, Higher Sobolev regularity of convex integration solutions in elasticity: The Dirichlet problem with affine data in int(Klc), SIAM J. Math. Anal.50 (2018) 3791–3841]. Physically, our investigation of convex integration solutions at higher Sobolev regularity is motivated by viewing regularity as a possible selection mechanism of microstructures.

  • articleNo Access


    A theory of simplification of singularities of maps is developed, based on Gromov's convex integration theory. In particular, subject to mild bundle hypotheses, up to a C0-small smooth ambient isotopy of embeddings, the singularities induced by the restriction of a submersion to a smoothly embedded closed submanifold are simplified to be only fold i.e. Morse singularities.

  • articleNo Access


    Gromov's theorem on directed embeddings of open manifolds is generalized to the case of closed manifolds, where the embeddings are directed with respect to a given codimension ≥ 1 foliation on the manifold. Applications include directed embeddings with prescribed codimension 1 cusp singularities.

  • articleNo Access


    Let Ω ⊂ ℝn be a bounded open set. If a sequence fk : Ω → ℝN converges to f in L in a certain "controlled" manner while bounded in W1,p (1 < p < + ∞) or BV, we show that f ∈ W1,p (respectively, f ∈ BV) and ∇fk → ∇f almost everywhere, where ∇fk and ∇f are the usual gradients if fk ∈ W1,p (respectively, the absolutely continuous part of the gradient measures if fk ∈ BV). Our main theorem generalizes results for Lipschitz mappings. We show by an example that when p = 1, the limit of a sequence of increasing functions may fail to be in W1,1 and can even be nowhere C1.

  • articleNo Access

    T5 configurations and hyperbolic systems

    In this paper, we study the rank-one convex hull of a differential inclusion associated to entropy solutions of a hyperbolic system of conservation laws. This was introduced in [B. Kirchheim, S. Müller and V. Šverák, Studying Nonlinear PDE by Geometry in Matrix Space (Springer, 2003), Sec. 7], and many of its properties have already been shown in [A. Lorent and G. Peng, Null Lagrangian measures in subspaces, compensated compactness and conservation laws, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 234(2) (2019) 857–910; A. Lorent and G. Peng, On the Rank-1 convex hull of a set arising from a hyperbolic system of Lagrangian elasticity, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 59(5) (2020) 156]. In particular, in [A. Lorent and G. Peng, On the Rank-1 convex hull of a set arising from a hyperbolic system of Lagrangian elasticity, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 59(5) (2020) 156], it is shown that the differential inclusion does not contain any T4 configurations. Here, we continue that study by showing that the differential inclusion does not contain T5 configurations.

  • articleNo Access

    A counterexample to well-posedness of entropy solutions to the compressible Euler system

    We consider entropy solutions to the Cauchy problem for the isentropic compressible Euler equations in the spatially periodic case. In more than one space dimension, the methods developed by De Lellis–Székelyhidi enable us to show here failure of uniqueness on a finite time-interval for entropy solutions starting from any continuously differentiable initial density and suitably constructed bounded initial linear momenta.

  • articleFree Access

    A general convex integration scheme for the isentropic compressible Euler equations

    We prove via convex integration a result that allows to pass from a so-called subsolution of the isentropic Euler equations (in space dimension at least 2) to exact weak solutions. The method is closely related to the incompressible scheme established by De Lellis–Székelyhidi, in particular, we only perturb momenta and not densities. Surprisingly, though, this turns out not to be a restriction, as can be seen from our simple characterization of the Λ-convex hull of the constitutive set. An important application of our scheme has been exhibited in recent work by Gallenmüller–Wiedemann.

  • articleNo Access

    On the failure of the chain rule for the divergence of Sobolev vector fields

    We construct a large class of incompressible vector fields with Sobolev regularity, in dimension d3, for which the chain rule problem has a negative answer. In particular, for any renormalization map β (satisfying suitable assumptions) and any (distributional) renormalization defect T of the form T=divh, where h is an L1 vector field, we can construct an incompressible Sobolev vector field uW1,˜p and a density ρLp for which div(ρu)=0 but div(β(ρ)u)=T, provided 1/p+1/˜p1+1/(d1).