Recently, the Chiral Cosmological Model (CCM) coupled to cold dark matter (CDM) has been investigated as σσCDM model to study the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe. Dark sector fields (as Dark Energy content) coupled to cosmic dust were considered as the source of Einstein gravity in Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cosmology. Such model had a beginning at the matter-dominated era. The purposes of our present investigation are two-fold: To extend “life” of the σσCDM for earlier times to radiation-dominated era and to take into account variation of the exponential potential V=V0exp(−√λφMP)+V0exp(−√λχMP)V=V0exp(−√λφMP)+V0exp(−√λχMP) via variation of the interaction parameter λλ.
We use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure to investigate possible values of initial conditions constrained by the measured amount of the dark matter, dark energy and radiation component today.
Our analysis includes dark energy contribution to critical density, the ratio of the kinetic and potential energies, deceleration parameter, effective equation of state (EoS) and evolution of DE EoS with variation of coupling constant λλ. A comparison with the ΛΛCDM model was performed. A new feature of the model is the existence of some values of potential coupling constant, leading to a σσCDM solution without transition into accelerated expansion epoch.