Using the FLRW cosmological model, this paper explores the dynamics of perfect fluid as a source in the context of modified gravity, where the non-metricity Q, which causes the gravitational interaction, is represented by the arbitrary function Lagrangian as the trace of the non-metricity tensor Q, say f(Q) gravity. We govern the features of the derived cosmological model in view of the parameterization of Hubble’s parameter of the form, H(z)=H0(γ+1)(γ+(1+z)ξ). We have spoken about how the energy density, pressure, equation of state parameter, and skewness parameter in our model represent the physical behavior of the cosmos. In addition, we have looked at the kinematic parameters in our model that describe the cosmos, including the jerk, deceleration, and Hubble parameters. The universe’s phase transition from deceleration to acceleration is indicated by our model’s deceleration parameter, q(z). Furthermore, the deceleration parameter’s present value, q0 clearly aligns with the essential ΛCDM model. In order to determine the nature of the dark energy model, we also examined geometrical diagnostics such as the Statefinder pairs and Om(z) diagnostic. Additionally, we used the squared speed of sound test to examine the stability of the cosmos in our model. In the end, at present, the universe in our model is expanding, accelerating, and behaving in a manner consistent with a quintessential dark energy concept while at late the cosmos is dominated by ΛCDM.