The production of nuclear energy from fusion reaction with no CO2 emission is one of the most attractive sources for the future. The unprecedented physical and mechanical properties for structural materials are very important in the nuclear fusion reactor design. So, tantalum material is a valuable candidate for plasma-facing materials in the fusion devices. In this paper, nuclear excitation functions for the 181Ta(p,n)181W, 181Ta(p,2n)180W, 181Ta(p,4n)178W, 181Ta(d,2n)181W, 181Ta(α,n)184Re and 181Ta(α,2n)183Re reactions are obtained using the nuclear codes TALYS 1.8 and ALICE/ASH. The contribution of pre-equilibrium and equilibrium processes in these reactions is investigated. In the calculations, the Weisskopf–Ewing and Hauser–Feshbach formalisms for the equilibrium particle emission, and the two-component exciton, hybrid and geometry-dependent hybrid formalisms for the pre-equilibrium particle emission are used. Hence, the cross-sections calculated are compared with the measured values. It is observed that the cross-section results of the geometry-dependent hybrid model match fairly well with the experimental measurements.