In this paper, an ultra-compact high capability silicon-based waveguide with a high nonlinear coefficient and engineered dispersion was designed for frequency combs generation and demultiplexing of these combs. In the first part of the structure, a silicon waveguide with two zero-dispersion wavelengths, 1552nm and 2350nm, and a length of 4mm was used to generate optical frequency combs using the four-wave mixing method. Considering the high nonlinear coefficient of 91.695(Wm)−1 in the waveguide, an input pump power of 500mW was applied to the waveguide at near-zero-dispersion wavelengths of 1552nm. The output comb spectrum of the waveguide was obtained after the length of 4mm with a spectral bandwidth of 400nm and a free spectral range of 5nm. Additionally, by similar pumping at wavelengths of 1553nm and 1555nm to this waveguide, optical frequency combs with a free spectral range of 2nm and a spectral bandwidth of 150nm were obtained. In the second part of the structure, to isolate the optical frequency combs, the given waveguide was expanded to generate an SOI demultiplexer with micro-ring resonator filters, which could separate optical frequency combs with the wavelength of 1555nm, 1557nm, 1559nm, and 1561nm due to the selection of suitable values for the radius of the ring resonators. The mean transmission efficiency, spectral bandwidth, and quality factor were obtained to be 99.51%, 0.275nm, and 5675, respectively. The channel spacing in the proposed demultiplexer was 2nm and the minimum and maximum crosstalk were −36dB and −11.3dB.