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  • articleNo Access

    Knot invariants with multiple skein relations

    Given any oriented link diagram, one can construct knot invariants using skein relations. Usually such a skein relation contains three or four terms. In this paper, the author introduces several new ways to smooth a crossings, and uses a system of skein equations to construct link invariants. This invariant can also be modified by writhe to get a more powerful invariant. The modified invariant is a generalization of both the HOMFLYPT polynomial and the two-variable Kauffman polynomial. Using the diamond lemma, a simplified version of the modified invariant is given. It is easy to compute and is a generalization of the two-variable Kauffman polynomial.

  • articleNo Access

    Over then under tangles

    Over-then-Under (OU) tangles are oriented tangles whose strands travel through all of their over crossings before any under crossings. In this paper, we discuss the idea of gliding: an algorithm by which tangle diagrams could be brought to OU form. By analyzing cases in which the algorithm converges, we obtain a braid classification result, which we also extend to virtual braids, and provide a Mathematica implementation. We discuss other instances of successful “gliding ideas” in the literature — sometimes in disguise — such as the Drinfel’d double construction, Enriquez’s work on quantization of Lie bialgebras, and Audoux and Meilhan’s classification of welded homotopy links.

  • articleNo Access

    Lie polynomials in an algebra defined by a linearly twisted commutation relation

    We present an elementary approach to characterizing Lie polynomials on the generators A,B of an algebra with a defining relation in the form of a twisted commutation relation AB=σ(BA). Here, the twisting map σ is a linear polynomial with a slope parameter, which is not a root of unity. The class of algebras defined as such encompasses q-deformed Heisenberg algebras, rotation algebras, and some types of q-oscillator algebras, the deformation parameters of which, are not roots of unity. Thus, we have a general solution for the Lie polynomial characterization problem for these algebras.

  • articleOpen Access

    On groups Gkn and Γkn: A study of manifolds, dynamics, and invariants

    Recently, the first named author defined a 2-parametric family of groups Gkn [V. O. Manturov, Non–reidemeister knot theory and its applications in dynamical systems, geometry and topology, preprint (2015), arXiv:1501.05208]. Those groups may be regarded as analogues of braid groups.

    Study of the connection between the groups Gkn and dynamical systems led to the discovery of the following fundamental principle: “If dynamical systems describing the motion of n particles possess a nice codimension one property governed by exactly k particles, then these dynamical systems admit a topological invariant valued in Gkn”.

    The Gkn groups have connections to different algebraic structures, Coxeter groups, Kirillov-Fomin algebras, and cluster algebras, to name three. Study of the Gkn groups led to, in particular, the construction of invariants, valued in free products of cyclic groups. All generators of the Gkn groups are reflections which make them similar to Coxeter groups and not to braid groups. Nevertheless, there are many ways to enhance Gkn groups to get rid of this 2-torsion.

    Later the first and the fourth named authors introduced and studied the second family of groups, denoted by Γkn, which are closely related to triangulations of manifolds.

    The spaces of triangulations of a given manifolds have been widely studied. The celebrated theorem of Pachner [P.L. homeomorphic manifolds are equivalent by elementary shellings, Europ. J. Combin.12(2) (1991) 129–145] says that any two triangulations of a given manifold can be connected by a sequence of bistellar moves or Pachner moves. See also [I. M. Gelfand, M. M. Kapranov and A. V. Zelevinsky, Discriminants, Resultants, and Multidimensional Determinants (Birkhäuser, Boston, 1994); A. Nabutovsky, Fundamental group and contractible closed geodesics, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.49(12) (1996) 1257–1270]; the Γkn naturally appear when considering the set of triangulations with the fixed number of points.

    There are two ways of introducing the groups Γkn: the geometrical one, which depends on the metric, and the topological one. The second one can be thought of as a “braid group” of the manifold and, by definition, is an invariant of the topological type of manifold; in a similar way, one can construct the smooth version.

    In this paper, we give a survey of the ideas lying in the foundation of the Gkn and Γkn theories and give an overview of recent results in the study of those groups, manifolds, dynamical systems, knot and braid theories.

  • articleOpen Access

    Tangent complexes and the Diamond Lemma

    The celebrated Diamond Lemma of Bergman gives an effectively verifiable criterion of uniqueness of normal forms for term rewriting in associative algebras. We revisit that result in the context of deformation theory and homotopical algebra; this leads to a new proof using multiplicative free resolutions. Specifically, our main result states that every such resolution of an algebra with monomial relations gives rise to its own Diamond Lemma, where Bergman’s condition of “resolvable ambiguities” is precisely the first nontrivial component of the Maurer–Cartan equation in the corresponding tangent complex. The same approach works for many other algebraic structures, emphasizing the relevance of computing resolutions of algebras with monomial relations.