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  • articleNo Access

    Recent observation and measurements of diboson processes from the ATLAS experiment

    This review covers results at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV from the ATLAS experiment that have been published, or submitted for publication, up to April 2020. It summarizes results on the inclusive production cross-section measurements of boson pairs and of the electroweak production of diboson in association with two jets. The measurements either use the full integrated luminosity of 139 fb1 collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC from 2015 to 2018, or a partial dataset of 36 fb1. The inclusive production rates of diboson are studied to high precision. These measurements provide stringent tests of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and allow search for new physics via anomalous triple and quartic gauge boson couplings.

  • articleNo Access

    Searching for diboson resonances in the boosted all-hadronic final state at s = 13 TeV with CMS

    This article summarizes three searches for diboson resonances in the all-hadronic final state using data collected at a center-of-mass energy of s = 13 TeV with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. The boson decay products are contained in one large-radius jet, resulting in dijet final states which are resolved using jet substructure techniques. The analyses presented use 2.3 fb1, 35.9 fb1 and 77.3 fb1 of data collected between 2015 and 2017. These include the first search for diboson resonances in data collected at a 13 TeV collision energy, the introduction of a new algorithm to tag vector bosons in the context of analyzing the data collected in 2016, and the development of a novel multidimensional fit improving on the sensitivity of the previous search method with up to 30%. The results presented here are the most sensitive to date of all diboson resonance searches in the dijet final state. An emphasis on improvements in technique for vector boson tagging is made.

  • articleNo Access

    Diboson production in proton–proton collisions at formula

    This review summarizes results on the production cross-section measurements of electroweak boson pairs (WW, WZ, ZZ, Wγ and Zγ) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of formula. The two general-purpose detectors at the LHC, ATLAS and CMS recorded an integrated luminosity of ≈5 fb-1 in 2011, which offered the possibility to study the properties of diboson production to high precision. These measurements test predictions of the Standard Model (SM) in a new energy regime and are crucial for the understanding and the measurement of the SM Higgs boson and other new particles. In this review, special emphasis is drawn on the combination of results from both experiments and a common interpretation with respect to state-of-the-art SM predictions.

  • articleNo Access

    Review of physics results from the Tevatron: Electroweak physics

    We summarize an extensive Tevatron (1984–2011) electroweak physics program that involves a variety of W and Z boson precision measurements. The relevance of these studies using single and associated gauge boson production to our understanding of the electroweak sector, quantum chromodynamics and searches for new physics is emphasized. We discuss the importance of the W boson mass measurement, the W/Z boson distributions and asymmetries, and diboson studies. We highlight the recent Tevatron measurements and prospects for the final Tevatron measurements.

  • chapterNo Access


    This report summarizes recent measurements of the production properties of WW and WZ pairs of bosons at the Tevatron. This includes measurements of the cross-section and triple gauge couplings in the WW process and the first evidence for WZ production.