Let G ⊂ ℝd be (non-empty) open with euclidean closure
. We assume that G is the interior of
. Let ρ ∈ L1(ℝd,dx), p > 0 dx-a.e., 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, and ρα:= (α1G + (1 -α) 1ℝd\G) ρ, mα := ραdx. Let
if α = 0, Dα = ℝd if 0 < α < 1, Dα = G if α = 1. Let A = (aij) be symmetric, and globally uniformly strictly elliptic, ρ satisfying some mild regularity assumption. Non-symmetric conservative diffusion processes
which inside
obey the generator L given in the following suggestive form
for all
, are constructed and analyzed. The coefficients are in general neither continuous nor locally bounded. For ∂G, ρ, aij, sufficiently regular, a Skorokhod type decomposition for Xt is given in Theorem 5.2. Indeed, due to the jump of ρα along ∂G, the generator L has to be regarded with boundary conditions, or as integration by parts show, with additional surface measure terms. To these surface measures, there are uniquely associated multidimensional local times similarly to the case of reflected Brownian motion, where the local time is associated to the Dirac measure in zero. Under the irreducibility assumption of the semigroup corresponding to the symmetric part of L we show in Theorem 6.5 that Xt is recurrent for q.e. starting point. Because of the non-symmetry (α, 1 − α) we can speak about skew reflection. The extreme cases are α = 1, α = 0. In particular, if α = ½ there is no reflection.The constructed process reminds one of a multidimensional generalized analogue of the α-skew Brownian motion (see [5], [9]), which corresponds to the case d = 1,
, ρ ≡ 1,
, aij ≡ δij.