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In this paper, the classical one-dimensional Dirac equation is considered under the framework of fractal calculus. First, the maximal and minimal operators corresponding to the problem are defined. Then the symmetric operator is obtained, the Green’s function corresponding to the problem is constructed, and the eigenfunction expansion is given. Finally, some examples are given.
The non-relativistic (scaling) limit of a particle-field Hamiltonian H, called a Dirac–Maxwell operator, in relativistic quantum electrodynamics is considered. It is proven that the non-relativistic limit of H yields a self-adjoint extension of the Pauli–Fierz Hamiltonian with spin 1/2 in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics. This is done by establishing in an abstract framework a general limit theorem on a family of self-adjoint operators partially formed out of strongly anticommuting self-adjoint operators and then by applying it to H.
Let H be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space , T be a symmetric operator on
and K(t)(t ∈ ℝ) be a bounded self-adjoint operator on
. We say that (T, H, K) obeys the generalized weak Weyl relation (GWWR) if e-itHD(T) ⊂ D(T) for all t ∈ ℝ and Te-itHψ = e-itH(T+K(t))ψ, ∀ψ ∈ D(T) (D(T) denotes the domain of T). In the context of quantum mechanics where H is the Hamiltonian of a quantum system, we call T a generalized time operator of H. We first investigate, in an abstract framework, mathematical structures and properties of triples (T, H, K) obeying the GWWR. These include the absolute continuity of the spectrum of H restricted to a closed subspace of
, an uncertainty relation between H and T (a "time-energy uncertainty relation"), the decay property of transition probabilities |〈ψ,e-itHϕ〉|2 as |t| → ∞ for all vectors ψ and ϕ in a subspace of
, where 〈·,·〉 denotes the inner product of
. We describe methods to construct various examples of triples (T, H, K) obeying the GWWR. In particular, we show that there exist generalized time operators of second quantization operators on Fock spaces (full Fock spaces, boson Fock spaces and fermion Fock spaces) which may have applications to quantum field models with interactions.
An abstract operator theory is developed on operators of the form AH(t) := eitHAe-itH, t ∈ ℝ, with H a self-adjoint operator and A a linear operator on a Hilbert space (in the context of quantum mechanics, AH(t) is called the Heisenberg operator of A with respect to H). The following aspects are discussed: (i) integral equations for AH(t) for a general class of A; (ii) a sufficient condition for D(A), the domain of A, to be left invariant by e-itH for all t ∈ ℝ; (iii) a mathematically rigorous formulation of the Heisenberg equation of motion in quantum mechanics and the uniqueness of its solutions; (iv) invariant domains in the case where H is an abstract version of Schrödinger and Dirac operators; (v) applications to Schrödinger operators with matrix-valued potentials and Dirac operators.
We prove an HVZ theorem for a general class of no-pair Hamiltonians describing an atom or positively charged ion with several electrons in the presence of a classical external magnetic field. Moreover, we show that there exist infinitely many eigenvalues below the essential spectrum and that the corresponding eigenfunctions are exponentially localized. The novelty is that the electrostatic and magnetic vector potentials as well as a non-local exchange potential are included in the projection determining the model. As a main technical tool, we derive various commutator estimates involving spectral projections of Dirac operators with external fields. Our results apply to all coupling constants e2Z < 1.
In nuclear physics, the relativistic mean-field theory describes the nucleus as a system of Dirac nucleons which interact via meson fields. In a static case and without nonlinear self-coupling of the σ meson, the relativistic mean-field equations become a system of Dirac equations where the potential is given by the meson and photon fields. The aim of this work is to prove the existence of solutions of these equations. We consider a minimization problem with constraints that involve negative spectral projectors and we apply the concentration-compactness lemma to find a minimizer of this problem. We show that this minimizer is a solution of the relativistic mean-field equations considered.
We present new results on the block-diagonalization of operators with spectral gaps, based on a method of Langer and Tretter, and apply them to Dirac operators on three-dimensional Euclidean space with unbounded potentials. For the Coulomb potential, we achieve an exact diagonalization up to nuclear charge Z = 124 (which covers all chemical elements) and prove the convergence of an approximate block-diagonalization up to Z = 62, thus considerably improving the upper bounds Z = 93 and Z = 51, respectively, established by Siedentop and Stockmeyer.
For a general class of boson–fermion Hamiltonians H acting in the tensor product Hilbert space L2(ℝn) ⊗ ∧(ℂr) of L2(ℝn) and the fermion Fock space ∧(ℂr) over ℂr(n, r ∈ ℕ), we establish, in terms of an n-dimensional conditional oscillator measure, a functional integral representation for the trace Tr(F ⊗ zNfe-tH)(F ∈ L∞(ℝn), z ∈ ℂ∖{0}, t > 0), where Nf is the fermion number operator on ∧(ℂr). We prove a Golden–Thompson type inequality for |Tr(F ⊗ zNfe-tH)|. Also we discuss applications to a model in supersymmetric quantum mechanics and present an improved version of the Golden–Thompson inequality in supersymmetric quantum mechanics given by Klimek and Lesniewski ([Lett. Math. Phys.21 (1991) 237–244]). An upper bound for the number of the supersymmetric states is given as well as a sufficient condition for the spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. Moreover, we derive a functional integral representation for the analytical index of a Dirac type operator on ℝn (Witten index) associated with the supersymmetric quantum mechanical model.
The Bogoliubov–Dirac–Fock (BDF) model allows us to describe relativistic electrons interacting with the Dirac sea. It can be seen as a mean-field approximation of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) where photons are neglected.
This paper treats the case of an electron together with the Dirac sea in the absence of any external field. Such a system is described by its one-body density matrix, an infinite rank, self-adjoint operator.
The parameters of the model are the coupling constant α > 0 and the ultraviolet cut-off Λ > 0: we consider the subspace of squared integrable functions made of the functions whose Fourier transform vanishes outside the ball B(0, Λ). We prove the existence of minimizers of the BDF energy under the charge constraint of one electron and no external field provided that α, Λ-1 and α log(Λ) are sufficiently small. The interpretation is the following: in this regime the electron creates a polarization in the Dirac vacuum which allows it to bind.
We then study the non-relativistic limit of such a system in which the speed of light tends to infinity (or equivalently α tends to zero) with αlog(Λ) fixed: after rescaling and translation the electronic solution tends to a Choquard–Pekar ground state.
We study the spectral properties of the two-dimensional Dirac operator on bounded domains together with the appropriate boundary conditions which provide a (continuous) model for graphene nanoribbons. These are of two types, namely, the so-called armchair and zigzag boundary conditions, depending on the line along which the material was cut. In the former case, we show that the spectrum behaves in what might be called a classical way; while in the latter, we prove the existence of a sequence of finite multiplicity eigenvalues converging to zero and which correspond to edge states.
Interior-boundary conditions (IBCs) have been suggested as a possibility to circumvent the problem of ultraviolet divergences in quantum field theories. In the IBC approach, particle creation and annihilation is described with the help of linear conditions that relate the wave functions of two sectors of Fock space: ψ(n)(p) at an interior point p and ψ(n+m)(q) at a boundary point q, typically a collision configuration. Here, we extend IBCs to the relativistic case. To do this, we make use of Dirac’s concept of multi-time wave functions, i.e. wave functions ψ(x1,…,xN) depending on N space-time coordinates xi for N particles. This provides the manifestly covariant particle-position representation that is required in the IBC approach. In order to obtain rigorous results, we construct a model for Dirac particles in 1+1 dimensions that can create or annihilate each other when they meet. Our main results are an existence and uniqueness theorem for that model, and the identification of a class of IBCs ensuring local probability conservation on all Cauchy surfaces. Furthermore, we explain how these IBCs relate to the usual formulation with creation and annihilation operators. The Lorentz invariance is discussed and it is found that, apart from a constant matrix (which is required to transform in a certain way), the model is manifestly Lorentz invariant. This makes it clear that the IBC approach can be made compatible with relativity.
The estimates of the spectral derivative near the thresholds are based on detailed trace estimates on the slowness surfaces. Two applications of these estimates are presented:
In this paper we are interested in generalizing Keller-type eigenvalue estimates for the non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operator to the Dirac operator, imposing some suitable rigidity conditions on the matricial structure of the potential, without necessarily requiring the smallness of its norm.
We study the eigenvalue problem for a self-adjoint 1D Dirac operator. It is known that, near an energy level where the square of the potential makes a simple well, the eigenvalues are approximated by a Bohr–Sommerfeld type quantization rule. A remarkable difference from the Schrödinger case appears in the Maslov correction term. This fact was recently found by Hirota [Real eigenvalues of a non-self-adjoint perturbation of the self-adjoint Zakharov–Shabat operator, J. Math. Phys. 58 (2017) 102–108] under the analyticity condition of the potential using a complex WKB method. In this paper, we approach this problem with a microlocal technique focusing on the asymptotic behavior of the eigenfunction along the characteristic set to generalize the result to C∞ potentials.
We give lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the submanifold Dirac operator in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic curvature expressions. We also show that the limiting cases give rise to a class of spinor fields generalizing that of Killing spinors. We conclude by translating these results in terms of intrinsic twisted Dirac operators.
On a compact surface endowed with any Spinc structure, we give a formula involving the Energy-Momentum tensor in terms of geometric quantities. A new proof of a Bär-type inequality for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator is given. The round sphere 𝕊2 with its canonical Spinc structure satisfies the limiting case. Finally, we give a spinorial characterization of immersed surfaces in 𝕊2 × ℝ by solutions of the generalized Killing spinor equation associated with the induced Spinc structure on 𝕊2 × ℝ.
Using the method of Witten deformation, we express the basic index of a transversal Dirac operator over a Riemannian foliation as the sum of integers associated to the critical leaf closures of a given foliated bundle map.
Let (M, g) be an Asymptotically Locally Hyperbolic (ALH) manifold which is the interior of a conformally compact manifold and (∂M, [γ]) its conformal infinity. Suppose that the Ricci tensor of (M, g) dominates that of the hyperbolic space and that its scalar curvature satisfies a certain decay condition at infinity. If the Yamabe invariant of (∂M, [γ]) is non-negative, we prove that there exists a conformal metric on M with non-negative scalar curvature and whose boundary ∂M has either positive or zero constant inner mean curvature. In the spin case, we make use of a previous estimate obtained by X. Zhang and the authors for the Dirac operator of the induced metric on ∂M. As a consequence, we generalize and simplify the proof of the result by Andersson and Dahl in [Scalar curvature rigidity for asymptotically locally hyperbolic manifolds, Ann. Global Anal. Geom.16 (1998) 1–27] about the rigidity of the hyperbolic space when the prescribed conformal infinity ∂M is a round sphere. We also provide non-existence results for conformally compact ALH spin metrics when ∂M is conformal to a Riemannian manifold with special holonomy.
We discuss the steps to construct Dirac operators, which have arbitrary fermion offsets, gauge paths, a general structure in Dirac space and satisfy the basic symmetries (gauge symmetry, hermiticity condition, charge conjugation, hypercubic rotations and reflections) on the lattice. We give an extensive set of examples and offer help to add further structures.
The free spinor field on a fuzzy sphere is described within Watamura approach to Dirac operator. Except of the highest mode, its spectrum is the same but truncated as in the commutative case. We present a simple gauge extension of the model with usual polynomial interaction. The gauge symmetry is exact, and the chiral properties of the field modes are standard except the highest mode.