In this paper, we have employed the time-dependent Karmarkar condition to the shear-free nonstatic radiative model undergoing dissipative gravitational collapse (GC) with anisotropic radial heat flux distribution in the metric f(R) formalism. We have obtained the final solutions of the f(R) field equations under the consideration of three viable models f(R)=R2, f(R)=R+λR(R+βR2) and f(R)=R+ξR(e−R˜R-1), which are physically realistic at both the early and late-time cosmological epochs. In this relevance, the Karmarkar condition together with boundary condition presents a complete radiating star model which are experienced by the initial static configuration. The matching conditions have been derived between the exterior Vaidya metric and interior line-element across the boundary three surface which permits to study the physical credibility of our radiating star model. Afterwards, we have comprehensively discussed the physical significance of the matter variables and causal thermodynamical profile by graphical representation for our radiating star object. Moreover, we have also studied that the GC proceeds without the appearance of the horizon, i.e. the model is free of horizon.