The aim of the study is to develop quantitative parameters of human electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings with epileptic seizures. We used long-lasting recordings from subjects with epilepsy obtained as part of their clinical investigation. The continuous wavelet transform of the EEG segments and the wavelet-transform modulus maxima method enable us to evaluate the energy spectra of the segments, to fin lines of local maximums, to gain the scaling exponents and to construct the singularity spectra. We have shown that the significant increase of the global energy with respect to background and the redistribution of the energy over the frequency range are observed in the patterns involving the epileptic activity. The singularity spectra expand so that the degree of inhomogenety and multifractality of the patterns enhances. Comparing the results gained for the patterns during different functional probes such as open and closed eyes or hyperventilation we demonstrate the high sensitivity of the analyzed parameters (the maximal global energy, the width and asymmetry of the singularity spectrum) for detecting the epileptic patterns.