The diagnosis and quantification of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have typically depended on skilled doctors recognizing visual patterns, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Electroencephalography (EEG), which resulted in a costly, time-consuming and non-reproducible process. The application of Machine Learning (ML) in MS diagnosis has been getting a lot of attention in the last few years due to the volume of scientific data, the heterogeneity of disease courses, and the variety of diagnostic methods. The EEG has the capability to detect important changes in the brain’s inherent electrical activity, which are influenced by changes in the neural network connections associated with inflammatory demyelinating and neural damage characteristic of the MS. Utilizing multimodal machine learning over the clinically available data may be a contemporary strategy with amazing potential to facilitate early diagnosis. Considering recent EEG investigations as well as the accessibility to their datasets would be the initial steps in utilizing the ML in MS diagnosis. This paper provides a systematic review of the latest techniques for MS diagnostic based on PRISMA guidelines with the prospect of ML application in their investigations. The goal is to find if EEG could be considered a robust and accurate technique for MS diagnosis. In accordance with PRISMA guidelines, we consider 111 papers. In our review, 404 people are considered including 209 with MS and 195 healthy controls. As a result, we generated an updated investigation looking at the ML approaches as well as utilizing EEG as an accurate, but less often used method to help with early diagnosis of MS. We summarize, analyze, discuss, and synthesize the recently published works, current trends, and open research issues. The review also points out knowledge gaps about the necessity of validating results and addressing constraints such as limited sample number. Our investigation proves that the precision of the supervised strategies such as kkNN and SVM is typically higher than that of the unsupervised strategies. On the other hand, by utilizing various techniques such as splitting EEG signal sub-bands, signal windowing, and identifying effective features from the data analysis approaches, we have been able to achieve significant classification accuracy higher than 99%. According to the high degree of accuracy of the results, this approach is becoming the focal point of the research works. The high diagnostic accuracy of the proposed machine learning techniques on the EEG signal analysis shows its potential capacity to become a more widespread procedure as the MS diagnostic techniques. To develop the reliability of these methods, gathering, and analyzing more EEG signals from MS patients and creating more suitable EEG protocols are essential in future studies. In the same way, for the dynamic and online analyses of the EEG signals, in-depth studies are needed to determine more effective EEG protocols and machine-learning techniques.
The biomedical field plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare by leveraging technological innovations to enhance diagnostics and treatment strategies. In the context of neurological disorders, particularly epilepsy, automated EEG signal processing stands out as a critical facet of biomedical research. The ability to analyze and interpret vast amounts of electroencephalogram (EEG) data using sophisticated techniques, such as Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), contributes significantly to the timely and accurate detection of epileptic events. Automated EEG signal processing, which uses advanced algorithms and pattern recognition methods, enables the identification of subtle yet crucial patterns indicative of epileptic activity. This paper presents an in-depth exploration of epilepsy identification using the CWT on the CHB-MIT Scalp EEG database. The study uses nine complex mother wavelets from the Gaussian and Morlet families to look at 8920 EEG segments, including 197 seizure events. The performance of each wavelet in detecting epileptic convulsions within EEG signals is rigorously evaluated. Our study shows that the complex Gaussian wavelet of order 5 (cgau5) emerged as the optimal choice, with a sensitivity of 97.58% and a precision of 97.93%. To improve epilepsy detection, we introduce burst energy, a novel engineered feature. This method gets accurate information about brain activity from the CWT scalogram by detecting ictal and ictal-free EEGs at different energy levels. The use of burst energy has a significant impact on classification performance, highlighting its potential for improved accuracy in epilepsy identification. This comprehensive study contributes valuable insights into selecting appropriate wavelets and introduces an innovative feature for more effective EEG-based epilepsy detection.
Measuring the directionality of coupling between dynamical systems is one of the challenging problems in nonlinear time series analysis. We investigate the relative merit of two approaches to assess directionality, one based on phase dynamics modeling and one based on state space topography. We analyze unidirectionally coupled model systems to investigate the ability of the two approaches to detect driver-responder relationships and discuss certain problems and pitfalls. In addition we apply both approaches to the intracranial electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded from one epilepsy patient during the seizure-free interval to demonstrate the general suitability of directionality measures to reflect the pathological interaction of the epileptic focus with other brain areas.
Oscillatory phenomena in the brain activity and their synchronization are frequently studied using mathematical models and analytic tools derived from nonlinear dynamics. In many experimental situations, however, neural signals have a broadband character and if oscillatory activity is present, its dynamical origin is unknown. To cope with these problems, a framework for detecting nonlinear oscillatory activity in broadband time series is presented. First, a narrow-band oscillatory mode is extracted from a broadband background. Second, it is tested whether the extracted mode is significantly different from linearly filtered noise, modelled as a linear stochastic process possibly passed through a static nonlinear transformation. If a nonlinear oscillatory mode is positively detected, further analysis using nonlinear approaches such as the phase synchronization analysis can potentially bring new information. For linear processes, however, standard approaches such as the coherence analysis are more appropriate and provide sufficient description of underlying interactions with smaller computational effort. The method is illustrated in a numerical example and applied to analyze experimentally obtained human EEG time series from a sleeping subject.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are widely used to study the activity of the brain, such as to determine sleep stages. These EEG signals are nonlinear and non-stationary in nature. It is difficult to perform sleep staging by visual interpretation and linear techniques. Thus, we use a nonlinear technique, higher order spectra (HOS), to extract hidden information in the sleep EEG signal. In this study, unique bispectrum and bicoherence plots for various sleep stages were proposed. These can be used as visual aid for various diagnostics application. A number of HOS based features were extracted from these plots during the various sleep stages (Wakefulness, Rapid Eye Movement (REM), Stage 1-4 Non-REM) and they were found to be statistically significant with p-value lower than 0.001 using ANOVA test. These features were fed to a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifier for automatic identification. Our results indicate that the proposed system is able to identify sleep stages with an accuracy of 88.7%.
Approximately 30% of epilepsy patients are medically intractable. Epilepsy surgery may offer cure or palliation, and neuromodulation and direct drug delivery are being developed as alternatives. Successful treatment requires correct localization of seizure onset zones and understanding surrounding functional cortex to avoid iatrogenic disability. Several neurophysiologic and imaging localization techniques have inherent individual weaknesses which can be overcome by multimodal analysis. We review common noninvasive techniques, then illustrate the value of multimodal analysis to localize seizure onset for targeted treatment.
Fully auditory Brain-computer interfaces based on the dichotic listening task (DL-BCIs) are suited for users unable to do any muscular movement, which includes gazing, exploration or coordination of their eyes looking for inputs in form of feedback, stimulation or visual support. However, one of their disadvantages, in contrast with the visual BCIs, is their lower performance that makes them not adequate in applications that require a high accuracy. To overcome this disadvantage, we employed a Bayesian approach in which the DL-BCI was modeled as a Binary phase shift keying receiver for which the accuracy can be estimated a priori as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio. The results showed the measured accuracy to match the predefined target accuracy, thus validating this model that made possible to estimate in advance the classification accuracy on a trial-by-trial basis. This constitutes a novel methodology in the design of fully auditory DL-BCIs that let us first, define the target accuracy for a specific application and second, classify when the signal-to-noise ratio guarantees that target accuracy.
We propose a complex-valued multilayer feedforward neural network classifier for decoding of phase-coded information from steady-state visual evoked potentials. To optimize the performance of the classifier we supply it with two filter-based feature selection strategies. The proposed approaches could be used for a phase-coded brain–computer interface, enabling to encode several targets using only one stimulation frequency. The proposed classifier is a multichannel one, which distinguishes our approach from the existing single-channel ones. We show that the proposed approach outperforms others in terms of accuracy and length of the data segments used for decoding. We show that the decoding based on one optimally selected channel yields an inferior performance compared to the one based on several features, which supports our argument for a multichannel approach.
Through exploiting temporal, spectral, time-frequency representations, and spatial properties of mismatch negativity (MMN) simultaneously, this study extracts a multi-domain feature of MMN mainly using non-negative tensor factorization. In our experiment, the peak amplitude of MMN between children with reading disability and children with attention deficit was not significantly different, whereas the new feature of MMN significantly discriminated the two groups of children. This is because the feature was derived from multi-domain information with significant reduction of the heterogeneous effect of datasets.
Non-negative Canonical Polyadic decomposition (NCPD) and non-negative Tucker decomposition (NTD) were compared for extracting the multi-domain feature of visual mismatch negativity (vMMN), a small event-related potential (ERP), for the cognitive research. Since signal-to-noise ratio in vMMN is low, NTD outperformed NCPD. Moreover, we proposed an approach to select the multi-domain feature of an ERP among all extracted features and discussed determination of numbers of extracted components in NCPD and NTD regarding the ERP context.
The model simulates the activity of three neural populations using a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey system and, based on neuro-anatomical and neuro-physiological recent findings, assumes that a functional thalamo-cortical gate should be crossed by 'queuing' thalamic signals and that a sleep promoting substance acts as a modulator. The resultant activity accounts for the sleep stage transitions. In accordance with sleep cycles timing, the model proves to be able to reproduce the clustering and randomness of those peculiar transient synchronized EEG patterns (TSEP) described in normal human sleep and supposed to be related to the dynamic building up of NREM sleep until its stabilization against perturbations.
This work proposes a methodology for sleep stage classification based on two main approaches: the combination of features extracted from electroencephalogram (EEG) signal by different extraction methods, and the use of stacked sequential learning to incorporate predicted information from nearby sleep stages in the final classifier. The feature extraction methods used in this work include three representative ways of extracting information from EEG signals: Hjorth features, wavelet transformation and symbolic representation. Feature selection was then used to evaluate the relevance of individual features from this set of methods. Stacked sequential learning uses a second-layer classifier to improve the classification by using previous and posterior first-layer predicted stages as additional features providing information to the model. Results show that both approaches enhance the sleep stage classification accuracy rate, thus leading to a closer approximation to the experts' opinion.
Integration of brain–computer interface (BCI) technique and assistive device is one of chief and promising applications of BCI system. With BCI technique, people with disabilities do not have to communicate with external environment through traditional and natural pathways like peripheral nerves and muscles, and could achieve it only by their brain activities. In this paper, we designed an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based wheelchair which can be steered by users' own thoughts without any other involvements. We evaluated the feasibility of BCI-based wheelchair in terms of accuracies and real-world testing. The results demonstrate that our BCI wheelchair is of good performance not only in accuracy, but also in practical running testing in a real environment. This fact implies that people can steer wheelchair only by their thoughts, and may have a potential perspective in daily application for disabled people.
Synthetic sounds, tone-beeps, vowels or syllables are typically used in the assessment of attention to auditory stimuli because they evoke a set of well-known event-related potentials, whose characteristics can be statistically contrasted. Such approach rules out the use of stimuli with non-predictable response, such as human speech. In this study we present a procedure based on the robust binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) receiver that permits the real-time detection of selective attention to human speeches in dichotic listening tasks. The goal was achieved by tagging the speeches with two barely-audible tags whose joined EEG response constitutes a reliable BPSK constellation, which can be detected by means of a BPSK receiver. The results confirmed the expected generation of the BPSK constellation by the human auditory system. Also, the bit-error rate and the information transmission rate achieved in the detection of attention fairly followed the expected curves and equations of the standard BPSK receiver. Actually, it was possible to detect attention as well as the estimation a priori of its accuracy based on the signal-to-noise ratio of the BPSK signals. This procedure, which permits the detection of the attention to human speeches, can be of interest for new potential applications, such as brain–computer interfaces, clinical assessment of the attention in real time or for entertainment.
Drug abusers typically consume not just one but several types of drugs, starting from alcohol and marijuana consumption, and then dramatically lapsing into addiction to harder drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, or amphetamine. The brain of drug abusers presents various structural and neurophysiological abnormalities, some of which may predate drug consumption onset. However, how these changes translate into modifications in functional brain connectivity is still poorly understood. To characterize functional connectivity patterns, we recorded Electroencephalogram (EEG) activity from 21 detoxified drug abusers and 20 age-matched control subjects performing a simple counting task and at rest activity. To evaluate the cortical brain connectivity network we applied the Synchronization Likelihood algorithm. The results showed that drug abusers had higher synchronization levels at low frequencies, mainly in the θ band (4–8 Hz) between frontal and posterior cortical regions. During the counting task, patients showed increased synchronization in the β (14–35 Hz), and γ (35–45 Hz) frequency bands, in fronto-posterior and interhemispheric temporal regions. Taken together 'slow-down' at rest and task-related 'over-exertion' could indicate that the brain of drug abusers is suffering from a premature form of ageing. Future studies will clarify whether this condition can be reversed following prolonged periods of abstinence.
Refractory epilepsy often has deleterious effects on an individual's health and quality of life. Early identification of patients whose seizures are refractory to antiepileptic drugs is important in considering the use of alternative treatments. Although idiopathic epilepsy is regarded as having a significantly lower risk factor of developing refractory epilepsy, still a subset of patients with idiopathic epilepsy might be refractory to medical treatment. In this study, we developed an effective method to predict the refractoriness of idiopathic epilepsy. Sixteen EEG segments from 12 well-controlled patients and 14 EEG segments from 11 refractory patients were analyzed at the time of first EEG recordings before antiepileptic drug treatment. Ten crucial EEG feature descriptors were selected for classification. Three of 10 were related to decorrelation time, and four of 10 were related to relative power of delta/gamma. There were significantly higher values in these seven feature descriptors in the well-controlled group as compared to the refractory group. On the contrary, the remaining three feature descriptors related to spectral edge frequency, kurtosis, and energy of wavelet coefficients demonstrated significantly lower values in the well-controlled group as compared to the refractory group. The analyses yielded a weighted precision rate of 94.2%, and a 93.3% recall rate. Therefore, the developed method is a useful tool in identifying the possibility of developing refractory epilepsy in patients with idiopathic epilepsy.
This paper proposes a real-time electroencephalogram (EEG)-based detection method of the potential danger during fatigue driving. To determine driver fatigue in real time, wavelet entropy with a sliding window and pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) were used to process the EEG signals in the visual area (the main information input route). To detect the fatigue danger, the neural mechanism of driver fatigue was analyzed. The functional brain networks were employed to track the fatigue impact on processing capacity of brain. The results show the overall functional connectivity of the subjects is weakened after long time driving tasks. The regularity is summarized as the fatigue convergence phenomenon. Based on the fatigue convergence phenomenon, we combined both the input and global synchronizations of brain together to calculate the residual amount of the information processing capacity of brain to obtain the dangerous points in real time. Finally, the danger detection system of the driver fatigue based on the neural mechanism was validated using accident EEG. The time distributions of the output danger points of the system have a good agreement with those of the real accident points.
Automatic seizure detection is of great significance in the monitoring and diagnosis of epilepsy. In this study, a novel method is proposed for automatic seizure detection in intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) recordings based on kernel collaborative representation (KCR). Firstly, the EEG recordings are divided into 4s epochs, and then wavelet decomposition with five scales is performed. After that, detail signals at scales 3, 4 and 5 are selected to be sparsely coded over the training sets using KCR. In KCR, l2-minimization replaces l1-minimization and the sparse coefficients are computed with regularized least square (RLS), and a kernel function is utilized to improve the separability between seizure and nonseizure signals. The reconstructed residuals of each EEG epoch associated with seizure and nonseizure training samples are compared and EEG epochs are categorized as the class that minimizes the reconstructed residual. At last, a multi-decision rule is applied to obtain the final detection decision. In total, 595 h of iEEG recordings from 21 patients with 87 seizures are employed to evaluate the system. The average sensitivity of 94.41%, specificity of 96.97%, and false detection rate of 0.26/h are achieved. The seizure detection system based on KCR yields both a high sensitivity and a low false detection rate for long-term EEG.
Current human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for users with severe disabilities often have difficulty distinguishing between intentional and inadvertent activations. Pre-movement neuro-cortical activity may aid in this elusive discrimination task but has not been exploited in HMIs. This work investigates the utility of the readiness potential (RP), a slow negative cortical potential preceding voluntary movement, for detecting the intention of self-initiated fine movements prior to their motoric realization. We recorded electroencephalography from the frontal, central, parietal and occipital lobes of 10 participants using a self-initiated switch activation protocol. Eye movement artifacts were removed by regression and the RP was detected on a single-trial basis, in a narrow frequency range (0.1–1 Hz). Common average reference was applied prior to windowed-averaging for feature extraction. Electrodes were selected according to a separability measure based on Fisher projection. Our findings demonstrate that feature fusion from an optimal number of electrodes achieves a statistically significant lower classification error than the best single classifier. Finally, voluntary fine movement intention was detected on a single-trial basis at above-chance levels approximately 396 ms before physical switch activation. These findings encourage the development of rapid-response, intention-aware HMIs for individuals with severe disabilities who struggle with executing voluntary fine motor movements.
Automatic seizure detection technology is of great significance for long-term electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring of epilepsy patients. The aim of this work is to develop a seizure detection system with high accuracy. The proposed system was mainly based on multifractal analysis, which describes the local singular behavior of fractal objects and characterizes the multifractal structure using a continuous spectrum. Compared with computing the single fractal dimension, multifractal analysis can provide a better description on the transient behavior of EEG fractal time series during the evolvement from interictal stage to seizures. Thus both interictal EEG and ictal EEG were analyzed by multifractal formalism and their differences in the multifractal features were used to distinguish the two class of EEG and detect seizures. In the proposed detection system, eight features (α0, αmin, αmax, Δα, f(αmin), f(αmax), Δf and R) were extracted from the multifractal spectrums of the preprocessed EEG to construct feature vectors. Subsequently, relevance vector machine (RVM) was applied for EEG patterns classification, and a series of post-processing operations were used to increase the accuracy and reduce false detections. Both epoch-based and event-based evaluation methods were performed to appraise the system's performance on the EEG recordings of 21 patients in the Freiburg database. The epoch-based sensitivity of 92.94% and specificity of 97.47% were achieved, and the proposed system obtained a sensitivity of 92.06% with a false detection rate of 0.34/h in event-based performance assessment.
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