In today’s globalized world, cross-cultural communication skills are crucial for English learners. However, traditional English teaching often overlooks cultural differences among students, leading to difficulties in practical communication. The development of deep learning technology has provided new possibilities for English teaching, which can analyze students’ cultural background and learning needs through intelligent systems, and provide more personalized teaching plans. This study focuses on the application of intelligent system in English teaching from the perspective of intercultural education. By analyzing the characteristics of cross-cultural education and the advantages of deep learning technology, an intelligent system model of English teaching based on deep learning is proposed. The model can provide individualized English teaching programs according to students’ cultural backgrounds, learning needs and learning progress. A recommendation algorithm based on a cross-cultural education model comparison is proposed. For each student, retrieve similar teaching cases from the database based on their cultural background and learning needs. Compare the similarity between current students and cases in the database using similarity calculation algorithms. Based on the sustainable development teaching model of college English, the MAP algorithm is analyzed. The experimental results show that the intelligent English teaching system based on deep learning has a remarkable effect on improving students’ English achievement and intercultural communication ability. The model is trained and tested by the measured data. The error of the test results is less than 5%. The results of the experiment prove that the construction of a Chinese college English sustainable development education model can effectively enhance China’s cultural soft power.
With the advent of the era of big data, the teaching practice model of music major has also changed. The emergence and growth of social media allow users to act freely. Therefore, on the basis of social tagging, this paper makes full use of the personalized description information and project content information carried by tags in collaborative tagging. A personalized music recommendation algorithm based on social networks is proposed. In social networks, complex interactive relationships are formed between users and music content, as well as between users themselves. By analyzing users’ historical behavior data (such as receiving and listening to playlists, liking, and sharing), we can calculate the similarity between users. For example, if two users frequently listen to the same song or artist, then their similarity is higher. Restart type random walk is an algorithm that iteratively searches on a graph, adding a “restart” mechanism to the traditional random walk. Specifically, during each walk, the algorithm has a certain probability (usually a preset small value, such as 0.15) to return to the starting node, rather than continuing to randomly select the next adjacent node. This mechanism helps the algorithm to explore new nodes while maintaining attention to the starting node, thereby avoiding getting stuck in local optima. A personalized mobile music recommendation algorithm based on the music genome is proposed based on the similarity of the node structure of two graphs and the random walk of restart type. Based on the similarity of interests between different users, a personalized mobile music recommendation algorithm is proposed to realize the personalized service of mobile terminals.
An Intelligent Exam Management System (IEMS) improves education information and handles an important role in education administration and management. Test optimization is the practice of successfully reducing test execution time and expenses. However, this can come at the expense of accuracy, efficiency, and the quality of testing that existed prior to optimization. In addition to being time-consuming and labor-intensive for teachers, grading essay responses may lead to inequity since it is impossible to apply consistent requirements to all of the responses. Creating assessments is a challenging task that involves optimizing parameters while adhering to several limitations. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been enhanced to address the issues of speed and low paper quality in intelligent test paper development. Educational management at universities has been the suggested approach for IEMS-GA to facilitate smarter education, test and course management, promote the improvement of ideas related to school administration, and provide a more equal system of evaluation. Students rely on exams as a means of gauging their own academic strengths and weaknesses. Students’ test scores provide valuable information about their academic strengths and areas for improvement, allowing them to better plan for the future and attain their academic goals. Results are an important part of the educational process as they reveal a great deal about the way students are doing in class. Knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the real world are evaluated by such assessments.
Introduction:A combination of internal characteristics, such as motivation, personality, beliefs, and dispositions that combine with external circumstances to affect student results is referred to as teaching efficacy. The English-speaking environment becomes a major problem as students learn by interaction. To communicate effectively, they do not acquire the speaking and listening abilities necessary in English.
Objective:This study examines the impact of computer programming courses and learning analytics on student’s computer programming skills.
Methods:In this study, we proposed a novel Dung Beetle Optimized Flexible Random Forest (DBO-FRF) to evaluate the teaching effectiveness. In this study, 175 students’ data were collected for teaching effectiveness. Using student data, prediction model was constructed based on the attributes of the students, their past academic records, their interactions with online resources, and their advancement in laboratory work related to programming. The proposed method is compared to other traditional algorithms.
Results and conclusion:The proposed method is implemented using Python software. The expected performance in the course and, in the instance that any submitted programs failed to meet the requirements, a programming recommendation from one of the class’s top students. The result shows the proposed method achieved better performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. This decreased the performance gap between students who performed lower and those who performed higher, enabling students who adjusted their programs to learn more.
The social and ideology education, focus instruction, hands-on learning, and a variety of means, students are cultivated in their political quality, moral character, and sense of social responsibility while it is being guided in understanding the nation’s important policies and social current affairs. Ideological and political disciplines are implementing the problem of transformation within the framework of the major criteria of the new curriculum reform. In the conventional teaching process, students face several challenges in achieving the essential quality of ideological and political education. The artificial intelligence-assisted interactive modeling on the Internet of Things platform (AI-IM-IoT) is able to generate a smart system for ideological and political education, addressing various problems in the current situation. Performance in conventional ideological and political learning platforms, an investigation on the construction of intelligent media ideological and political learning platforms are based on AI technology. Hence AI-IM-IoT has been the Ideology of ideas and beliefs that influence social behavior and can possess an effect on educational achievements. Ideological viewpoints on education can influence educational institutions’ aims, values, and priorities, as well as how resources and opportunities are allocated. Students are encouraged to develop an understanding of social, economic, and political issues via ideological and political education programs.
Using a natural experiment, we examine the causal effect of a team incentive scheme on teachers in a Chinese middle school that intended to help the school’s students improve in their weak subjects. The scheme was successful, the average treatment effect is positively significant in math and total scores. The most improvement observed in top students’ weak subjects. The top students weak in math, English and social science improved in those subjects by 0.12, 0.10, 0.16 standard deviations, respectively. Students at the bottom 20% of the testing distribution also improved in Chinese and math.
Using the metaverse in education is one of the numerous new application areas that have recently evolved. The overall aim of this research study was to investigate the factors that influence university students’ acceptance of using the metaverse in education. A modified version of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology developed specifically for the metaverse was employed. In addition, common moderating constructs were added to the modified version of the employed model (namely, level of experience and gender) to further broaden the scope of the analysis. A survey questionnaire was administered to collect data from a sample of 326 students from the King Talal School of Business at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. Subsequently, data were analysed using structural equation modelling via the SmartPLS software. Results of this study revealed that the construct’s performance expectancy, social influence, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions all had significant positive effects on students’ satisfaction with using the metaverse in education. Furthermore, students’ satisfaction demonstrated a significant positive effect on students’ intention to continue using the metaverse in education. Contrary to expectations, the constructs, including level of experience and gender, did not have any significant effect on the results. The research study findings provided several theoretical and practical implications which would assist educational institutions and metaverse providers in their efforts to incorporate such an immersive platform into the educational domain.
We pursue a cross-country comparison of relative financial readiness of older households in Japan and the Republic of Korea relative to the United States. Our comparative analysis, using macro-level and harmonized longitudinal household financial data, covers the principal financial channels of old-age support: public and private pension plans, family support, and self-management of private financial portfolios. We find that while all three countries have similar public pension systems, older Americans benefit from more developed and better-funded public and private pension systems, as well as individual management of risky financial portfolios. We find that educational and health attainments of household heads and household wealth lead to a greater tendency to hold and manage risky assets. Our decomposition analysis also shows that the gap in stock ownership in Asian countries relative to the United States can be attributed to lower levels of development in financial and pension markets. However, these gaps have been shrinking more recently.
In rural areas of developing countries, shocks and financial constraints on households are generally recognized as obstacles to children’s schooling opportunities. This paper investigates the effects of income shocks and borrowing constraints on household demand for education in rural Thailand, using the Townsend Thai panel data spanning from 2013 to 2017. Information on annual rainfall at the provincial level is used to estimate a transitory income component for Thai rural households. Estimation results indicate that income risks and borrowing constraints have a substantial negative impact on child schooling outcomes, including educational attainment and the number of years delayed in school. It also finds that transitory income results in increased household education expenditures conditional on children’s attendance at school. These findings suggest that in addition to households’ socioeconomic status, children’s human capital is at risk mainly due to income uncertainty and the absence of well-developed financial and insurance markets.
A didactic project is being developed using multimedia techniques at the Physics Department of the University of Bologna to help both students and teachers. The ISHTAR WWW server comprises several courses on different chapters of physics and a set of tools for helping with the didactical activities. The level of the courses is adapted for students in their last years at high school and in their first years at university, and it is especially designed for students of the life sciences.
Mobile phones are very useful devices. One can phone with them and one can also use them to reach and teach students in high schools as well as in universities. To this end, with an example, the feasibility of the approach was demonstrated. A science simulation using the processing power of the phone was also shown.
The ability to simulate several aspects of two-dimensional quantum mechanics is discussed, in conjunction with an ongoing visualization project, WebTOP, that has been of recognizable importance to physics education since its inception in the late 1990s. In the past, the WebTOP project has been primarily used as a means of visualizing optics and wave phenomena and, now, the development of certain interactive quantum mechanical demonstrations has the potential to strengthen its power as an educational tool for the physics community. The added functionality for propagating wave packets forward in time for a given 2D potential gives rise to the ability to investigate interesting quantum behaviors. Fractional revivals of states in the 2D infinite square well can be clearly seen as well as the time delay of scattered wave packets for certain step potentials. Aspects of squeezed and coherent states of the 2D harmonic oscillator potential can also be explored, among other observable phenomena.
Coarse-grained analysis enhances our understanding of complex processes such as physical procedures, economic complexity. We collect the data sets from 31 regions of China in terms of the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) and the expense invested in Education and R&D between 1998 and 2013, then employ the coarse-grained method to analyze the causal direction according to the cross-section data with time-series information. Specifically, the empirical results suggest that the share of the GRDP invested in Education and R&D in large time scale reveals a dynamical process due to economic complexity, but limits around to base lines.
We illustrate the use of World Wide Web technologies for the teaching of general science topics to undergraduate non-science majors. The newly developed course, Science for the 21st Century, consists of modules each presenting scientific topics of current interest and broad appeal. Network- and computer-based tools are used by instructors to: 1) present multimedia material in lectures; 2) produce and store Web-based modules; 3) communicate notices about the course. Students use computers to: 1) access and review lecture material; 2) explore information sources (located on our server or elsewhere) for term projects and homework assignments; 3) obtain information about the course and communicate with instructors. We describe our experiences with this course and formulate some general conclusions which might be of interest to others wishing to use network-based resources for teaching.
The World Wide Web originated within the high-energy physics community from the need to exchange documentation in an efficient way. It can be used easily to produce and maintain didactic material for teaching physics. The material can be made accessible via the network in hypertext form, comprising text, pictures, animations, audio files. For didactic applications in physics, the capability of an interactive link, beyond the use of simple electronic forms is necessary. This was not foreseen in the original WWW protocol, and it has been developed in an application presented here to simulate a series of measurements in a diffusion process in solutions. The recent introduction of the Java language offers a natural way to create new powerful interactive Internet applications. We are currently developing and testing Java powered didactic applications.
We develop an overlapping generation model to examine how the relationship between status concerns, fertility and education affect growth performances. Results are threefold. First, we show that stronger status motives heighten the desire of parents to have fewer but better educated children, which may foster economic development. Second, the government should sometimes postpone the introduction of an economic policy in order to maintain the process of economic development, although such a policy aims to implement the social optimum. Third, status can alter the dynamic path of the economy and help to explain the facts about fertility during the great transition.
The phenomenon of terrorism has riveted world's unwavering attention since 9/11. The underlying study investigates the determinants of terrorism in the South Asian region. Applying negative binomial regression, the study finds that both political structure and economic conditions are responsible for terrorism. On the economic front, relative deprivation represented by income disparity is the major cause of terrorism. On the other hand, deprivation of the people of their political rights and civil liberties, exhibited by political repression, compels them to be involved in terrorist activities. Our findings illustrates that high literacy rate is one of the foremost reason for terrorism in the region.
The rapid expansion of higher education in the late 1980s in Taiwan has resulted in a swift increase in the supply of highly-educated workers in the labor market. This research differs from past studies in that it analyzes the effect of the rapid expansion in higher education in Taiwan with emphasis on the cohort effect, specifically examining the effect of changes both in intra-cohort relative supply and the aggregate relative supply on college returns. Besides, when estimating the aggregate relative supply of college graduates, this study takes into account the substitutability between younger and older educated workers. We present evidence that the expansion policy has significantly depressed college premiums for workers of all ages, but the adverse effect is particularly concentrated among the younger cohorts. Furthermore, we found the elasticity of substitution between college and high school graduates to be 3–4 times higher than in developed countries. We also found the important role played by the demand side, likely linked to technological progress and changes in export structure toward the more technologically intensive. As a consequence, the expansion of higher education and increase in the relative demand for higher-educated workers, along with high elasticity of substitution between college and high school graduates, led to the rigid low college premiums.
We present evidence against the well-established education–health gradient by relating education to measured hypertension status in 5,873 men and 6,152 women aged 40+ in Indonesia. Once a basic set of covariates was controlled for, the two variables were not statistically significantly related. We argue that this lack was due to neglect of chronic diseases. It appears that the assumption of full information in theories on the education–health gradient is too strong to be applied to the developing world. Therefore, more information needs to be provided to the public regarding the seriousness of chronic diseases and preventive and curative methods.
This study is conducted to examine the effect on income inequality of government spending on education across 63 provinces in Vietnam. The generalized method of moments (GMM) regression technique is used to address potential endogeneity in the model caused by income inequality and inequality in government spending on education. Income inequality is proxied by both the Gini coefficient and the Theil index. Inequality in government spending on education in Vietnam is estimated using a novel entropic approach, which decomposes the inequality into two components: “within-province” inequality and “between-province” inequality. Data for the period from 2010 to 2016 are used. Our empirical findings are summarized as follows. First, “within-province” inequality accounts for a substantial portion of inequality in government spending on education. This means that although the Vietnamese national government has done well in terms of allocating spending on education across 63 provinces, inequality in education spending appears across districts within provinces. Second, both total inequality of government spending on education and its two components are positively associated with income inequality across provinces. As such, reducing differences in government spending on education across provinces and across districts within provinces is an effective mechanism for reducing income inequality across provinces and across districts within provinces in Vietnam.
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