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Global conformal invariance (GCI) of quantum field theory (QFT) in two and higher space-time dimensions implies the Huygens' principle, and hence, rationality of correlation functions of observable fields [29]. The conformal Hamiltonian H has discrete spectrum assumed here to be finitely degenerate. We then prove that thermal expectation values of field products on compactified Minkowski space can be represented as finite linear combinations of basic (doubly periodic) elliptic functions in the conformal time variables (of periods 1 and τ) whose coefficients are, in general, formal power series in q½ = eiπτ involving spherical functions of the "space-like" fields' arguments. As a corollary, if the resulting expansions converge to meromorphic functions, then the finite temperature correlation functions are elliptic. Thermal 2-point functions of free fields are computed and shown to display these features. We also study modular transformation properties of Gibbs energy mean values with respect to the (complex) inverse temperature . The results are used to obtain the thermodynamic limit of thermal energy densities and correlation functions.
We demonstrate the procedure of finding the band edge eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of periodic potentials, through the quantum Hamilton–Jacobi formalism. The potentials studied here are the Lamé and associated Lamé, which belong to the class of elliptic potentials. The formalism requires an assumption about the singularity structure of the quantum momentum function p, obeying a Riccati type equation in the complex x-plane. Essential use is made of suitable conformal transformations, which lead to the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions corresponding to the band edges, in a straightforward manner. Our study reveals interesting features about the singularity structure of p, underlying the band edge states.
We study the motion of relativistic, electrically charged point particles in the background of charged black holes with nontrivial asymptotic behavior. We compute the exact trajectories of massive particles and express them in terms of elliptic Jacobi functions. As a result, we obtain a detailed description of particles orbits in the gravitational field of Reissner–Nordström (anti)-de Sitter black hole, depending of their charge, mass and energy.
Invariance under finite conformal transformations in Minkowski space and the Wightman axioms imply strong locality (Huygens principle) and rationality of correlation functions, thus providing an extension of the concept of vertex algebra to higher dimensions. Gibbs (finite temperature) expectation values appear as elliptic functions in the conformal time. We survey and further pursue our program of constructing a globally conformal invariant model of a Hermitian scalar field ℒ of scale dimension four in Minkowski space–time which can be interpreted as the Lagrangian density of a gauge field theory.
The nonlinear dimer obtained through the nonlinear Schrödinger equation has been a workhorse for the discovery the role nonlinearity plays in strongly interacting systems. While the analysis of the stationary states demonstrates the onset of a symmetry broken state for some degree of nonlinearity, the full dynamics maps the system into an effective ϕ4 model. In this later context, the self-trapping transition is an initial condition-dependent transfer of a classical particle over a barrier set by the nonlinear term. This transition that has been investigated analytically and mathematically is expressed through the hyperbolic limit of Jacobian elliptic functions. The aim of this work is to recapture this transition through the use of methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, we used a physics motivated machine learning model that is shown to be able to capture the original dynamic self-trapping transition and its dependence on initial conditions. Exploitation of this result in the case of the nondegenerate nonlinear dimer gives additional information on the more general dynamics and helps delineate linear from nonlinear localization. This work shows how AI methods may be embedded in physics and provide useful tools for discovery.
In this paper, we investigate the nonlinear longitudinal wave equation (LWE) which involves mathematical physics in a magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) circular rod. By three different methods, we found that various forms for exact traveling wave solutions of longitudinal bud equation among an MEE round rod. These new exact and solitary wave solutions are derived in the form of rational, single periodic function, double periodic Jacobian elliptic functions (JEF), especially about Weierstrass elliptic function (WEF). Additionally, certain interesting (3D), (2D) figures represent the LWE provides the corporal information to explain the physically phenomena. By choosing different suitable values of the free parameters, we made some charts and we analyzed these charts to get a lot of valuable information to understand the MEE circular rod. Our work describes the dynamics of the MEE circular rod. Finally, we conclude with some perspectives for our future research work.
Based on the distinction between the covariant and contravariant metric tensor components in the framework of the affine geometry approach and the so called "gravitational theories with covariant and contravariant connection and metrics", it is shown that a wide variety of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th- degree algebraic equations exists in gravity theory. This is important in view of finding new solutions of the Einstein's equations, if they are treated as algebraic ones. Since the obtained cubic algebraic equations are multivariable, the standard algebraic geometry approach for parametrization of two-dimensional cubic equations with the elliptic Weierstrass function cannot be applied. Nevertheless, for a previously considered cubic equation for reparametrization invariance of the gravitational Lagrangian and on the base of a newly introduced notion of "embedded sequence of cubic algebraic equations", it is demonstrated that in the multivariable case such a parametrization is also possible, but with complicated irrational and non-elliptic functions. After finding the solutions of a system of first-order nonlinear differential equations, these parametrization functions can be considered also as uniformization ones (depending only on the complex uniformization variable z) for the initial multivariable cubic equation.
Some dynamical and geometrical properties of controls dynamic for a drift-free left invariant control system from the Poisson geometry point of view are described. The integrability of such system are also studied.
We present a new method for the derivation of mappings of HKY type. These are second-order mappings which do not have a biquadratic invariant like the QRT mappings, but rather an invariant of degree higher than two in at least one of the variables. Our method is based on folding transformations which exist for some discrete Painlevé equations. They are transformations which relate the variable of a discrete Painlevé equation to the square of the variable of some other one. By considering the autonomous limit of these relations we derive folding-like transformations which relate QRT mappings to HKY ones. We construct the invariants of the latter mappings and show how they can be extended beyond the ones given by the strict application of the folding transformation.
We obtain in terms of the Weierstrass elliptic ℘-function, sigma function, and zeta function an explicit parametrized solution of a particular nonlinear, ordinary differential equation. This equation includes, in special cases, equations that occur in the study of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous cosmological models, and also in the dynamic Bose–Einstein condensates–cosmology correspondence, for example.
In this article, we derive the quintuple, Hirschhorn and Winquist product identities using the theory of elliptic functions. Our method can be used to establish generalizations of these identities due to the second author.
We describe an mth order generalization of Jacobi's theta functions and use these functions to construct classes of theta function identities in multiple variables. These identities are equivalent to the Macdonald identities for the seven infinite families of irreducible affine root systems. They are also equivalent to some elliptic determinant evaluations proven recently by Rosengren and Schlosser.
We show that the cubic theta functions satisfy two distinct coupled systems of nonlinear differential equations. The resulting relations are analogous to Ramanujan's differential equations for Eisenstein series on the full modular group. We deduce the cubic analogs presented here from trigonometric series identities arising in Ramanujan's original paper on Eisenstein series. Several consequences of these differential equations are established, including a short proof of a famous cubic theta function identity derived by J. M. Borwein and P. B. Borwein.
We establish discrete and continuous log-concavity results for a biparametric extension of the q-numbers and of the q-binomial coefficients. By using classical results for the Jacobi theta function we are able to lift some of our log-concavity results to the elliptic setting. One of our main ingredients is a putatively new lemma involving a multiplicative analogue of Turán’s inequality.
We establish discrete and continuous log-concavity results for a biparametric extension of the q-numbers and of the q-binomial coefficients. By using classical results for the Jacobi theta function we are able to lift some of our log-concavity results to the elliptic setting. One of our main ingredients is a putatively new lemma involving a multiplicative analogue of Turán’s inequality.
For prime levels 5 ≤ p ≤ 19, sets of theta quotients are constructed that generate graded rings of modular forms of positive integer weight for Γ1(p). Action by Γ0(p) is shown to cyclically permute the generators. This induces symmetric representations for modular forms. The generators are used to deduce representations for the number of t-core partitions of an integer as convolutions of L-functions. Coupled systems of differential equations of level p are constructed for each basis analogous to Ramanujan’s differential equations for Eisenstein series on the full modular group.
It has been shown that the Hamilton-Jacobi equation corresponding to the geodesic equation in a Petrov type D space-time is separable and, thus, integrable. All Petrov type D space-times are exhausted by the Plebański-Demiański electrovac solutions with vanishing acceleration of the gravitating source. Here we present the analytical integration of the geodesic equations in these space-times. Based on the general solution we discuss the special cases of geodesics in Taub-NUT and Kerr-de Sitter space-times. We define observables and also address the issue of geodesic incompleteness.