Data security and privacy have become areas of concern as image recognition and computer vision technologies have advanced. In Internet of Things (IoT) systems for remote sensing, conventional encryption methods are computationally challenging and unsuitable, and multimedia data require strong mechanisms. This study proposes a novel Authentication Vision Optimizer (ACVO)-driven module incorporated with advanced cryptographic approaches and computer vision to generate a privacy-preserving image identification system for e-archives in IoT environments. The framework consists of four modules, like encryption module, secure sharing, authentication, and recognition optimization, utilizing high-resolution satellite images captured via electronic remote sensing gathered from the Kaggle. The encryption module employs the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, while the secure sharing module utilizes Visual Cryptography (VC) for human-readable reconstruction. The authentication module uses the Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) approach to ensure data authenticity. The image recognition optimization module utilizes transfer learning to fine-tune pre-trained Efficient Golden Jackal Tuned Deep Convolute Neuronet (EGJ-DCNN) on small-scale encrypted datasets. The study achieved high recognition accuracy on encrypted satellite images utilizing transfer learning optimization, reducing computational time with AES and visual cryptography encryption. Data integrity is maintained optimally in blind watermarking verification, and privacy protection represents high resistance to unofficial access.
In this paper, we present a new encryption and decryption algorithm that includes Fibonacci numbers, linear mappings, and change of basis.
Data redundancy consumes huge storage space while setting up or employing cloud and fog storage. The dynamic cloud nature primarily focuses on the static environments which must be revised. Data deduplication solutions help minimize and control this issue by eradicating duplicate data from cloud storage systems. Since it might improve storage economy and security, data deduplication (DD) over encrypted data is a crucial problem in computing and storage systems. In this research, a novel approach to building secure deduplication systems across cloud and fog environments is developed. It uses MCDD and convergent cryptographic algorithms. The two most significant objectives of such systems are the focus of the suggested approach. Data redundancy must be minimized, but it also needs to be secured using a robust encryption method, which needs to be devised. The suggested approach is ideally suited for tasks like a user uploading new data to cloud storage or the fog. The proposed method might eliminate data redundancy by detecting redundancy at the block level. The testing results indicate that the recommended methodology can surpass a few cutting-edge techniques regarding computing effectiveness and security levels. The file is encrypted twice, once with the modified cryptographic model for deduplication (MCDD) and once with convergence encryption (CE).
The idea of public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), proposed by Boneh et al., enables one to send a trapdoor containing a encrypted keyword to query data without revealing the keyword. In Boneh et al.’s design, the trapdoor has to be transferred through a secure channel, which is both costly and inefficient. Baek et al. then proposed an efficient secure channel free public key encryption scheme with keyword search (SCF-PEKS). After that, vast amounts of research have focused on the protection against the off-line keyword guessing attack (OKGA) by enhancing the model. However, most of the PEKS/SCF-PEKS schemes developed so far are constructed by applying bilinear pairing and are susceptible to off-line keyword guessing attacks. In this paper, we propose a new SCF-PEKS scheme based on the ElGamal cryptosystem. The proposed scheme is not only secure against off-line keyword guessing attacks but also improves the efficiency.
Steganography is a data hiding method mainly used in the security purposes. While hiding more data in the embedding process the data may be lost and also cause some security problems. To avoid this problem a Steganography Embedding method is used. In this manuscript, Steganography Embedding method based on Cohen–Daubechies–Feauveau Discrete Wavelet Transform (CDF-DWT) technique to data hiding application using Elgamal algorithm is proposed. In this the cover image is taken for hiding the secret data. Then the cover image edges are detected and filtered with Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) method. Then the input secret data is encrypted with Elgamal algorithm. Then the secret data is hided under cover image for obtaining the stego image by process of Embedding using CDF DWT technique. In this data in the stego images are unreadable. To get readable secured data is extracted from the stego image and the data’s are decrypted to get secured secret data. The objective of this method is to safe guard the secret using Steganography method and to increase embedding efficiency, Embedding capacity and carrier capacity and to reduce the execution time. The MATLAB simulation results of the proposed CDF DWT technique with Elgamal algorithm portrays better outcomes such as Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) (lower), Bit Error Rate (BER) was Lower, Execution time provides is lower, Carrier Capacity and Embedding Capacity are much higher and the values are compared with the existing method such as Elliptic Galois in cryptography and in the Steganography method with Adaptive Firefly Algorithm (EGC-AFA), Reversible Data hiding within Encrypted images Via Adaptive Embedding Strategy with block selection (RDHEI-AES), Double Linear Regression Prediction based Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image (DLRP-RDHEI) respectively.
Because of the sensitivity of chaotic systems on initial conditions/control parameters, when chaotic systems are realized in a discrete space with finite states, the dynamical properties will be far different from the ones described by the continuous chaos theory, and some degradation will arise. This problem will cause the chaotic trajectory eventually periodic. In order to solve the problem, a new binary stream-cipher algorithm based on one-dimensional piecewise linear chaotic map is proposed in this paper. In the process of encryption and decryption, we employ a secret variant to perturb the chaotic trajectory and the control parameter to lengthen the cycle-length of chaotic trajectory. In addition, we design a nonlinear principle to generate a pseudo-random chaotic bit sequence as key stream. Cryptanalysis shows that the cryptosystem is of high security.
In this paper, we present a novel multi-threaded parallel permutation and channel-combined diffusion for image encryption which is independent of plain text. In our proposed method, the coupled map lattice is used to generate the key sequences for multi-thread permutation and diffusion. Then intra- and inter-thread permutations are achieved using multi-threading in combination with the tent mapping. For the subsequent diffusion, this paper introduces a method based on channel-combined diffusing which simultaneously diffuses three channels. Experimental results indicate a high encryption performance with the capability of effectively resisting the known plain text and differential attacks. Our proposed method also has a lower computational complexity which enables its applicability in practical scenarios.
Chain-rules are maximally chaotic cellular automata (CA) rules that can be constructed at random to provide a huge number of encryption keys – where the CA is run backwards to encrypt, forwards to decrypt. The methods are based on the 1D CA reverse algorithm for directly finding pre-images, and the resulting Z-parameter, and rely on the essential property that chain-rules have minimal in-degree in their basins of attraction, usually an in-degree of just one for larger systems.
A new kind of synchronization in which some well-defined functions of dynamical variables tend to each other as time evolves is shown to take place in two distinct three-dimensional nonlinear systems. This new kind of functional synchronization is analyzed using the partial Lyapunov functions which help one to construct the functions of the nonlinear variables which synchronize. In the next phase we show how one can develop a set of keys to encode and decode a signal which is to be transmitted. Since the key construction is very much dependent on the chosen function, the whole system is highly secure.
This paper proposes a new symmetric key encryption algorithm based on one-dimensional chaotic map. This algorithm uses the random-like property and ergodicity of chaotic systems. In the process of encryption or decryption, this algorithm generates a chaotic pseudo-random sequence, changes the initial iterative times and the increment to encrypt the plaintext, and realizes fast encryption and decryption of all kinds of files. When analyzing the algorithm's performance and security, the result shows that, compared with the method of Baptista, the proposed method is safer, faster and more powerful.
In recent years, a lot of chaotic cryptosystems have been proposed. However, most of these cryptosystems can encrypt only one plaintext in one encryption process. We call these cryptosystems single-plaintext-oriented cryptosystems. In this paper, the authors propose a new chaotic cryptosystem which can encrypt multiple plaintexts in one encryption process. The proposed cryptosystem is dedicated to encrypting multiple plaintexts in the situation of transmitting multiple secret files over public data communication network in one secure transmission. Experiments and theoretic analysis show that the proposed cryptosystem possesses high security and fast performance speed. They also show that the proposed cryptosystem is more secure than single-plaintext-oriented chaotic cryptosystems in this special situation.
A novel 3D chaotic oscillator that incorporates quadratic and absolute-function nonlinearities is introduced in this paper. The system dynamics are explored using the Lyapunov direct method, phase plane trajectories, time response, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagrams, and basins of attraction. The uniqueness and existence of the system solution have been proven. The analytical investigations show that the system has two stable equilibrium points along with one unstable equilibrium point and a line of equilibria. The positive half of this line represents unstable equilibria, while the negative half is associated with stable equilibria. Additionally, it is found that the oscillator exhibits a chaotic basin of attraction centered along the line of equilibria and surrounded by a fixed-point attractor. An electronic circuit using Multisim software is designed to demonstrate the possibility of physical implementation for the considered mathematical model. Chaos control is addressed using adaptive and sliding mode control strategies. The performance of both control methods is compared, with the sliding mode control demonstrating superior results in both fast response and small transient overshoot. Furthermore, a novel sliding mode controller for master–slave synchronization is introduced, showing high performance compared to other sliding-mode and adaptive control methods applied in the literature. Finally, the proposed oscillator is employed as a Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) for image encryption applications using a new encryption model. The experimental results confirm the high security and robustness of the proposed encryption algorithm against various attack methods.
Many shares are generated from the secret images that are illogical containing certain message within them in visual cryptography. When all shares are piled jointly, they tend to expose the secret of the image. The multiple shares are used to transfer the secret image by using the encryption and decryption process by means of the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) technique. In ECC method, the public key is randomly generated in the encryption process and decryption process, the private key (H) is generated by utilizing the optimization technique and for evaluating the performance of the optimization by using the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). From the test results, the PSNR has been exposed to be 65.73057, also the mean square error (MSE) value is 0.017367 and the correlation coefficient (CC) is 1 for the decrypted image without any distortion of the original image and the optimal PSNR value is attained using the cuckoo search (CS) algorithm when compared with the existing works.
This paper proposes a well-optimized FPGA implementation of a chaos-based cryptosystem for real-time image encryption and decryption. A highly sensitive Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) based on the Lorenz chaotic system is designed to generate pseudo-random numbers. A high-quality encryption key is acquired by encrypting the numbers of a 128-bit counter using the PRNG. For image encryption, the image is first decomposed into 128-bit blocks. Then, the blocks are encrypted by XORing pixels with the key stream. R cycles of encryption can be achieved to increase complexity. Finally, the blocks are concatenated to form an encrypted image. The algorithm is designed, implemented, and validated on the Xilinx Zynq FPGA platform using the Vivado/System Generator tool. The hardware design is well optimized for pipeline processing and low resource utilization. The experimental synthesis indicates that the provided architecture achieves high performance in terms of frequency and throughput. The encryption scheme is evaluated and analyzed by several tools and tests using different images. The experimental simulation results demonstrate that the hardware implementation is faster than a software implementation while maintaining the technique’s effectiveness. The proposed hardware implementation is extremely adopted for secret image encryption and decryption that can be used in real-time applications.
Due to their structure and complexity, chaotic systems have been introduced in several domains such as electronic circuits, commerce domain, encryption and network security. In this paper, we propose a novel multidimensional chaotic system with multiple parameters and nonlinear terms. Then, a two-phase algorithm is presented for investigating the chaotic behavior using bifurcation and Lyapunov exponent (LE) theories. Finally, we illustrate the performances of our proposal by constructing three (03) chaotic maps (3-D, 4-D and 5-D) and implementing the 3-D map on Field-Programmable-Gate-Array (FPGA) boards to generate random keys for securing a client–server communication purpose. Based on the achieved results, the proposed scheme is considered an ideal candidate for numerous resource-constrained devices and internet of the things (IoT) applications.
Biometric authentication methods have become increasingly popular for their ability to offer secure and convenient access control. However, concerns about the privacy and security of biometric data have arisen. In this study, we present a novel approach to address these concerns by proposing a cancellable biometric encryption technique for secure and format-preserving iris authentication. Our method leverages the Quotient Filter data structure to transform encrypted iris templates into cancellable templates while preserving their original format. We carefully select an appropriate format-preserving encryption algorithm for iris templates and design a mapping scheme to achieve cancellability. To assess the effectiveness and performance of our approach, extensive experiments are conducted. The quantitative results indicate the efficiency and efficacy of our cancellable biometric encryption technique using the Quotient Filter. Our innovation, the Iris Authentication for Multiple Cancelled Instances Using a Quotient Filter (IAMCIQF), demonstrates competitive performance across several key metrics. IAMCIQF achieves a high level of security strength and strikes a balance between security and efficiency in terms of key size, encryption and decryption speeds and storage efficiency when compared to other existing techniques. The quantitative outcomes underscore IAMCIQF’s potential as a promising solution for attaining secure and format-preserving iris authentication, addressing critical concerns about biometric data security.
Recently S. Papadimitriou et al. have proposed a new probabilistic encryption scheme based on chaotic systems. In this letter, we point out some problems with Papadimitriou et al.'s chaotic cryptosystem: (1) the size of the ciphertext and the plaintext cannot simultaneously ensure practical implementation and high security; (2) the estimated number of all possible virtual states is wrong; (3) the practical security to exhaustive attack is overestimated; (4) the fast encryption speed is dependent on the first defect; (5) problems about the dynamical degradation of digital chaotic systems; (6) no explicit indications are given to explain how to construct the virtual state space with the 2d virtual attractors, the 2e virtual states and the permutation matrix P. The detailed analyses and discussions on the above problems show that the proposed chaotic cipher is insecure and unpractical. Also, we give our suggestions on the design of general digital chaotic ciphers, and give some open topics in this area.
In this paper, an online chatting system with an embedded real-time chaotic encryption/decryption method is designed for the Internet. Such system not only provides a real-time communication platform, but also ensures a secure channel for communication. By the use of cipher feedback and the skew tent map, the input text can be real-time encoded and the cipher text is sent via TCP/IP. With the properties of randomness of the map, and its sensitivity on system parameters and the initial conditions, the encrypted transmitting messages are difficult to be eavesdropped. The implemented method is simple and can be easily embedded in any existing systems.
In this letter, the characteristics of a novel switched circuit is presented. Its pseudo chaotic signal is digitally programmable. Robust synchronization between two mismatched circuits is demonstrated by simulation results. Lastly, applications of this circuit on chaotic communication are suggested.
We analyze the security of encryption schemes based on chaos synchronization and active/passive decomposition. The security is quantified by the number of transmitted samples that has to be acquired in order to reconstruct the transmitted message with an accuracy that may compromise the transmitted information. The dynamics is estimated as the average of dynamics of the observed data within a small neighborhood of the time delay embedding phase space. We examine the factors that affect the choice of embedding dimension and neighborhood size by the unauthorized receiver. We show that the security can be enhanced by mixing a large randomly modulated message component with a smaller chaotic component while keeping the message modulation fine grained. This result is in contrast to the common approach to ensure security by adding a small message component to a larger chaotic component. Further, we show that even when a low dimensional chaotic map is used, then the unauthorized receiver is required to use a reconstruction embedding dimension that can be made large by using chaotic dynamics with large conditional negative Lyapunov exponent. This result allows one to avoid the common restriction to use only high dimensional chaotic dynamics to maintain security. We also suggest guidelines for the design of efficient active passive/passive decomposition schemes in order to maintain low transmission power, fast synchronization, and yet preserve security. We demonstrate our analysis using a relatively simple encryption scheme based on a one-dimensional chaotic tent map.
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