Let RR be a noncommutative division ring with center ZZ, which is algebraic, that is, RR is an algebraic algebra over the field ZZ. Let ff be an antiautomorphism of RR such that (i) [f(x),xm(x)]n(x)=0[f(x),xm(x)]n(x)=0, all x∈Rx∈R, where m(x)m(x) and n(x)n(x) are positive integers depending on xx. If, further, ff has finite order, it was shown in [M. Chacron, Antiautomorphisms with quasi-generalised Engel condition, J. Algebra Appl. 17(8) (2018) 1850145 (19 pages)] that ff is commuting, that is, [f(x),x]=0[f(x),x]=0, all x∈Rx∈R. Posed in [M. Chacron, Antiautomorphisms with quasi-generalised Engel condition, J. Algebra Appl. 17(8) (2018) 1850145 (19 pages)] is the question which asks as to whether the finite order requirement on ff can be dropped. We provide here an affirmative answer to the question. The second major result of this paper is concerned with a nonnecessarily algebraic division ring RR with an antiautomorphism ff satisfying the stronger condition (ii) [f(x),xm]n=0[f(x),xm]n=0, all x∈Rx∈R, where mm and nn are fixed positive integers. It was shown in [T.-K. Lee, Anti-automorphisms satisfying an Engel condition, Comm. Algebra 45(9) (2017) 4030–4036] that if, further, ff has finite order then ff is commuting. We show here, that again the finite order assumption on ff can be lifted answering thus in the affirmative the open question (see Question 2.11 in [T.-K. Lee, Anti-automorphisms satisfying an Engel condition, Comm. Algebra 45(9) (2017) 4030–4036]).