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We consider two different entropic corrections to Bekenstein entropy, namely Renyi entropy and logarithmic-corrected entropy, and develop the entropic force, heat flow across the horizon and pressure. We also derive the expressions for Newton’s law of gravitation and verify with Bekenstein entropy by taking λ=1 in the case of Renyi entropy and β=1 for logarithmic entropy. The modified Friedmann equations are also being developed by using Newton’s first law of thermodynamics in both cases. In the presence of these equations, we also analyze the validity of generalized second law of thermodynamics for both entropy corrections on the apparent horizon. It is found that this law remains valid throughout the region under certain assumptions for nonflat FRW universe.
In this work, an attempt is made to study the thermodynamical analysis at the apparent horizon in the framework of fractal universe. We consider the Bekenstein entropy to examine validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) and thermal equilibrium for the four different cases which are developed with the utilization of different forms of squared speed of sound. In each case, we explore the behavior of total entropy through the graphical variation of its first- and second-order derivatives with respect to redshift parameter (z). It is found that generalized second law of thermodynamics holds for Cases 1 and 2 for z>−0.1 and z>−0.2, respectively and it holds in late times as well. However, for Cases 3 and 4, this law is satisfied in early, present and future epochs. Furthermore, for Cases 1 and 2, instability of thermodynamic equilibrium is observed, but for Cases 3 and 4, it holds in the specific intervals z<−0.5 and z<−0.9, respectively.
This paper is devoted to investigate the Hawking radiation as a tunneling phenomenon from the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black hole with a global monopole. We use the semiclassical WKB approximation to the general covariant charged Dirac equation and evaluate tunneling probability as well as Hawking temperature. We also study the back reaction effects of the emitted spin particles and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy corrections of fermions tunneling through horizon.