Environmental flows (EFs) describe the quantity, timing, and quality of water flows required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on these ecosystems. The EFs include hydrological processes, hydrodynamic factors, water chemical elements and ecological goals. EFs was studied beginning in river minimum flow, researches focused from a single flow to hydrological processes that meeting river ecological demands. The concept and methods of EFs were improved continuously. Brisbane conference in 2007 was a milestone for EFs research. Effect mechanism of EFs on river ecosystem mainly reflected in the congruent relationship between EFs components and river ecological processes. The types of EFs methodologies mainly include hydrological, hydraulic, habitat simulation, holistic and other methods. To achieve environmental flows management (EFM), the river ecological monitoring is the basic need, and the ecological scheduling is a way to manage river from water quantity and timing, as well as total quantity control of pollutant discharge is an important approach to achieve water quality management. With the development of research and practices, basic research of EFs still need to be strengthened, the management framework and strategy will be the trend in EFs further research, and EFM will become an important part in river management.