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In this paper, we investigate properties of varieties of algebras described by a novel concept of equation that we call commutator equation. A commutator equation is a relaxation of the standard term equality obtained substituting the equality relation with the commutator relation. Namely, an algebra A satisfies the commutator equation p≈Cq if for each congruence 𝜃 in Con(A) and for each substitution pA,qA of elements in the same 𝜃-class, we have (pA,qA)∈[𝜃,𝜃]. This notion of equation draws inspiration from the definition of a weak difference term and allows for further generalization of it. Furthermore, we present an algorithm that establishes a connection between congruence equations valid in the variety generated by the abelian algebras of the idempotent reduct of a given variety and congruence equations that hold in the entire variety. Additionally, we provide a proof that if the variety generated by the abelian algebras of the idempotent reduct of a variety satisfies a nontrivial idempotent Mal’cev condition, then also the entire variety satisfies a nontrivial idempotent Mal’cev condition, a statement that follows also from [12, Theorem 3.13].
We show that the log canonical bundle, κ, of is very ample, show the homogeneous coordinate ring is Koszul, and give a nice set of rank 4 quadratic generators for the homogeneous ideal: The embedding is equivariant for the symmetric group, and the image lies on many Segre embedded copies of ℙ1 × ⋯ × ℙn-3, permuted by the symmetric group. The homogeneous ideal of
is the sum of the homogeneous ideals of these Segre embeddings.
Let h1, h2,… be a sequence of elements in a free group and let H be the subgroup they generate. Let H′ be the subgroup generated by w1, w2, …, where each wi is a word in hi and possibly other hj, such that the associated directed graph has the finite paths property. We show that rank H′≥ rank H. As a corollary we get that , where
is the subgroup generated by the roots of the elements in H. If H0 is finitely generated and the sequence of subgroups H0, H1, H2, … satisfies
then the sequence stabilizes, i.e. for some m, Hi=Hi+1 for every i≥ m. When applied to systems of equations in free groups, we give conditions on a transformation of the system such that the maximal rank of a solution (the inner rank) does not increase. In particular, we show that if in "Lyndon equation"
the exponents ai satisfy gcd(a1,…,an)≠1 then the inner rank is ⌊ n/2⌋. The proofs are mostly elementary.
We prove that in a free group the length of the value of each variable in a minimal solution of a standard quadratic equation is bounded by 2s for an orientable equation and by 12s4 for a non-orientable equation, where s is the sum of the lengths of the coefficients.
We show that the existential theory of free partially commutative monoids with involution is decidable. As a consequence the existential theory of graph groups is also decidable. If the underlying alphabet of generators is fixed, we obtain a PSPACE-completeness result, otherwise (in the uniform setting) our decision procedure is in EXPSPACE. Our proof is a reduction to the main result of [6].
It is known that orbit reduction can be performed in one or two stages and it has been proven that the two processes are symplectically equivalent. In the context of orbit reduction by one stage, we shall write an expression for the reduced two-form in the general case and obtain the equations of motion derived from this theory. Then we shall develop the same process in the case in which the symmetry group has a normal subgroup to get the reduced symplectic form by two stages and the consequent orbit reduced equations. In both cases, we shall illustrate the method with three physical examples.
We consider velocity structure functions in turbulence through an approach using cumulants, and for a fixed value of the distance ℓ. This allows to consider the cumulant generating function Φℓ(q) = log〈|ΔVℓ|q〉. Using an atmospheric turbulent database, we show that the cumulant generating function is nonanalytic, with a development compatible with a log-stable model of the form Φℓ(q) = Aℓq + Bℓqα and a parameter value of α = 1.5. The parameters Aℓ, and Bℓ are experimentally estimated: they are respectively increasing and decreasing functions of ℓ; their scaling ranges correspond to the scaling range of the velocity fluctuations. The dependence between these two functions is studied in relation to Extended Self Similarity and Generalized Extended Self Similarity properties.
This paper addresses the question of simultaneously solving a set of equations in one variable over torsion-free groups.
It is known that the problem of determining consistency of a finite system of equations in a free group or a free monoid is decidable, but the corresponding problem for systems of equations in a free inverse monoid of rank at least two is undecidable. Any solution to a system of equations in a free inverse monoid induces a solution to the corresponding system of equations in the associated free group in an obvious way, but solutions to systems of equations in free groups do not necessarily lift to solutions in free inverse monoids. In this paper, we show that the problem of determining whether a solution to a finite system of equations in a free group can be extended to a solution of the corresponding system in the associated free inverse monoid is decidable. We are able to use this to solve the consistency problem for certain classes of single-variable equations in free inverse monoids.
In this paper, we investigate the reducibility property of semidirect products of the form V∗D relatively to (pointlike) systems of equations of the form x1=⋯=xn, where D d̃enotes the pseudovariety of definite semigroups. We establish a connection between pointlike reducibility of V∗D and the pointlike reducibility of the pseudovariety V. In particular, for the canonical signature κ consisting of the multiplication and the (ω−1)-power, we show that V∗D is pointlike κ-reducible when V is pointlike κ-reducible.
Let G be a group, t an element distinct from G and r(t)= g1tl1 ⋯ gktlk∈ G ∗ 〈t 〉, where each gi is an element of G of order greater than 2 and the li are non-zero integers such that l1+l2+ ⋯ +lk≠ 0 and |li| ≠ |lj| for i ≠ j. It is known that if k≤ 2, then the natural map from G to the one-relator product 〈G,t | r(t)〉 is injective. In this paper, we prove that the same holds for all k ∉ {4, 5}.
Data from time lapse microscopy of live embryonic rat hippocampal neurons growing in cell culture are used to study the dynamics of axonal growth.1 We analyze axonal trajectory data based on cells growing in a homogeneous medium. Due to the noisy nature of the data we develop filtering algorithms to smoothen out the paths while maintaining the underlying dynamics of the axon growth process. We analyze the new paths and propose a model for growth cone kinematics during axonogenesis without a gradient field. In this work we present a simple renewal process with the aim of reproducing certain path behaviors of the growth cone. Future development will include, renewal process simulation, and gradients effects.