In this paper, we revisit the model by Guedj et al. [J. Guedj, R. Thibaut and D. Commenges, Maximum likelihood estimation in dynamical models of HIV, Biometrics63 (2007) 198–206; J. Guedj, R. Thibaut and D. Commenges, Practical identifiability of HIV dynamics models, Bull. Math. Biol.69 (2007) 2493–2513] which describes the effect of treatment with reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors and incorporates the class of quiescent cells. We prove that there is a threshold value ¯η¯¯¯η of drug efficiency ηη such that if η>¯ηη>¯¯¯η, the basic reproduction number R0<1R0<1 and the infection is cleared and if η<¯ηη<¯¯¯η, the infectious equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. When the drug efficiency function η(t)η(t) is periodic and of the bang–bang type we establish a threshold, in terms of spectral radius of some matrix, between the clearance and the persistence of the disease. As stated in related works [L. Rong, Z. Feng and A. Perelson, Emergence of HIV-1 drug resistance during antiretroviral treatment, Bull. Math. Biol.69 (2007) 2027–2060; P. De Leenheer, Within-host virus models with periodic antiviral therapy, Bull. Math. Biol.71 (2009) 189–210.], we prove that the increase of the drug efficiency or the active duration of drug must clear the infection more quickly. We illustrate our results by some numerical simulations.