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This paper proves the existence and regularity of weak solutions for a class of mixed local–nonlocal problems with singular nonlinearities. We examine both the purely singular problem and perturbed singular problems. A central contribution of this work is the inclusion of a variable singular exponent in the context of measure-valued data. Another notable feature is that the source terms in both the purely singular and perturbed components can simultaneously take the form of measures. To the best of our knowledge, this phenomenon is new, even in the case of a constant singular exponent.
In this paper, we investigate a nonlocal multi-point and multi-strip coupled boundary value problem of nonlinear fractional Langevin equations. The standard fixed point theorems (Leray–Schauder’s alternative and Banach’s fixed point theorem) are applied to derive the existence and uniqueness results for the given problem. We also discuss the Ulam–Hyers stability for the given system. Examples illustrating the obtained results are presented. Some new results appearing as special cases of the present ones are also indicated.
This paper is concerned with an optimization problem related to the pseudo p-Laplacian eigenproblem, with Robin boundary conditions. The principal eigenvalue is minimized over a rearrangement class generated by a fixed positive function. Existence and optimality condition are proved. The popular case where the generator is a characteristic function is also considered. In this case the method of domain derivative is used to capture qualitative features of the optimal solutions.
The purpose of this paper is to prove some existence and non-existence theorems for the nonlinear elliptic problems of the form -Δpu = λk(x)uq ± h(x)uσ if x ∈ Ω, subject to the Dirichlet condition u = 0 on ∂Ω. In the proof of our results we use the sub-solution, super-solution methods and variational arguments.
Motivated by Gage [On an area-preserving evolution equation for plane curves, in Nonlinear Problems in Geometry, ed. D. M. DeTurck, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 51 (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1986), pp. 51–62] and Ma–Cheng [A non-local area preserving curve flow, preprint (2009), arXiv:0907.1430v2, [math.DG]], in this paper, an area-preserving flow for convex plane curves is presented. This flow will decrease the perimeter of the evolving curve and make the curve more and more circular during the evolution process. And finally, as t goes to infinity, the limiting curve will be a finite circle in the C∞ metric.
The main objective in this paper is to obtain the existence results for bounded and unbounded solutions of some quasilinear elliptic systems. Related results as obtained here have been established recently in [C. O. Alves and A. R. F. de Holanda, Existence of blow-up solutions for a class of elliptic systems, Differ. Integral Eqs.26(1/2) (2013) 105–118]. Also, we present some references to give the connection between these types of problems with probability and stochastic processes, hoping that these are interesting for the audience of analysts likely to read this paper.
The aim of this paper is to present a convex curve evolution problem which is determined by both local (curvature κ) and global (area A) geometric quantities of the evolving curve. This flow will decrease the perimeter and the area of the evolving curve and make the curve more and more circular during the evolution process. And finally, as t goes to infinity, the limiting curve will be a finite circle in the C∞ metric.
In this paper, we introduce two 1/κn-type (n≥1) curvature flows for closed convex planar curves. Along the flows the length of the curve is decreasing while the enclosed area is increasing. Finally, the evolving curves converge smoothly to a finite circle if they do not develop singularity during the evolution process.
In this paper, we work on the fundamental collocation strategy using the moved Vieta–Lucas polynomials type (SVLPT). A numeral method is used for unwinding the nonlinear Rubella illness Tributes. The quality of the SVLPT is presented. The limited contrast system is used to understand the game plan of conditions. The mathematical model is given to attest the resolute quality and ampleness of the recommended procedure. The oddity and meaning of the outcomes are cleared utilizing a 3D plot. We examine free sickness harmony, security balance point and the presence of a consistently steady arrangement.
In this brief review we summarize a number of recent developments in the study of vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates, a topic of considerable theoretical and experimental interest in the past few years. We examine the generation of vortices by means of phase imprinting, as well as via dynamical instabilities. Their stability is subsequently examined in the presence of purely magnetic trapping, and in the combined presence of magnetic and optical trapping. We then study pairs of vortices and their interactions, illustrating a reduced description in terms of ordinary differential equations for the vortex centers. In the realm of two vortices we also consider the existence of stable dipole clusters for two-component condensates. Last but not least, we discuss mesoscopic patterns formed by vortices, the so-called vortex lattices and analyze some of their intriguing dynamical features. A number of interesting future directions are highlighted.
We study a nematic crystal model that appeared in [Liu et al., 2007], modeling stretching effects depending on the different shapes of the microscopic molecules of the material, under periodic boundary conditions. The aim of the present article is two-fold: to extend the results given in [Sun & Liu, 2009], to a model with more complete stretching terms and to obtain some stability and asymptotic stability properties for this model.
In this paper, we consider a class of flux controlled memristive circuits with a piecewise linear memristor (i.e. the characteristic curve of the memristor is given by a piecewise linear function). The mathematical model is described by a discontinuous planar piecewise smooth differential system, which is defined on three zones separated by two parallel straight lines |x|=1 (called as discontinuity lines in discontinuous differential systems). We first investigate the stability of equilibrium points and the existence and uniqueness of a crossing limit cycle for the memristor-based circuit under self-excited oscillation. We then analyze the existence of periodic orbits of forced nonlinear oscillation for the memristive circuit with an external exciting source. Finally, we give numerical simulations to show good matches between our theoretical and simulation results.
In this paper, we consider a simple equation which involves a parameter k, and its traveling wave system has a singular line.
Firstly, using the qualitative theory of differential equations and the bifurcation method for dynamical systems, we show the existence and bifurcations of peak-solitary waves and valley-solitary waves. Specially, we discover the following novel properties:
Secondly, we perform numerical simulations to visualize the above properties.
Finally, when k<18 and the constant wave speed equals 12(1±√1−8k), we give exact expressions to the above phenomena.
For linear reaction–diffusion equations, a general geometric singular perturbation framework was developed, to study the impact of strong, spatially localized, smooth nonlinear impurities on the existence, stability, and bifurcation of localized structure, in the paper [Doelman et al., 2018]. The multiscale nature enables deriving algebraic conditions determining the existence of pinned single- and multi-pulses. Moreover, linearity enables treating the spectral stability issue for pinned pulses similarly to the problem of existence. In this paper, we move one step further to treat a special type of nonlinear reaction–diffusion equation with the same type of impurity. The additional nonlinear term generates richer and more complex dynamics. We derive algebraic conditions for determining the existence and stability of pinned pulses in terms of Legendre functions.
An optimal harvesting problem for a parabolic partial differential system modeling two subpopulations of the same species is investigated. The two subpopulations are competing for resources. Under conditions on the smallness of the time interval and certain biological parameters, existence and uniqueness of an optimal control pair are established.
We consider a model for bioremediation of a pollutant by bacteria in a well-stirred bioreactor. A key feature is the inclusion of dormancy for bacteria, which occurs when the critical nutrient level falls below a critical threshold. This feature gives a discrete component to the system due to the change in dynamics (governed by a system of ordinary differential equations between transitions) at switches to/from dormancy. After setting the problem in an appropriate state space, the control is the rate of injection of the critical nutrient and the functional to be minimized is the pollutant level at the final time and the amount of nutrient added. The existence of an optimal control and a discussion of the transitions between dormant and active states are given.
The design problem for semiconductor devices is studied via an optimal control approach for the standard drift–diffusion model. The solvability of the minimization problem is proved. The first-order optimality system is derived and the existence of Lagrange-multipliers is established. Further, estimates on the sensitivities are given. Numerical results concerning a symmetric n–p-diode are presented.
In this paper a mathematical model, consisting of nonlinear first-order ordinary and partial differential equations with initial and boundary conditions, for the dynamical behavior of multisection DFB (distributed feedback) semiconductor lasers is investigated. We introduce a suitable weak formulation and prove existence, uniqueness and regularity properties of the solutions. The assumptions on the data are quite general, in particular, the physically relevant case of piecewise smooth, but discontinuous with respect to space and time coefficients in the equations and in the boundary conditions is included.
In this paper we consider the Rational Large Eddy Simulation model recently introduced by Galdi and Layton. We briefly present this model, which (in principle) is similar to others commonly used, and we prove the existence and uniqueness of a class of strong solutions. Contrary to the gradient model, the main feature of this model is that it allows a better control of the kinetic energy. Consequently, to prove existence of strong solutions, we do not need subgrid-scale regularization operators, as proposed by Smagorinsky. We also introduce some breakdown criteria that are related to the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations.
In this paper, we present a tsunami model based on the displacement of the lithosphere and the mathematical and numerical analysis of this model. More precisely, we give an existence and uniqueness result for a problem which models the flow and formation of waves at the time of a submarine earthquake in the vicinity of the coast. We propose a model which describes the behavior of the fluid using a bi-dimensional shallow-water model by means of a depth-mean velocity formulation. The ocean is coupled to the Earth's crust whose movement is assumed to be controlled on a large scale by plate equations. Finally, we give some numerical results showing the formation of a tsunami.