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  • articleNo Access

    Area spectrum of extremal black holes with warped AdS near-horizon geometry

    In this paper, we provide an alternative method to study the area spectrum of certain classes of extremal black holes which have near-horizon geometry as warped AdS. We argue that previous methods which are based on the existence of quasinormal modes may not be applicable in the extremal limit. The topology difference of the near-horizon geometry between non-extremal and extremal black holes implies a separate treatment is needed to study the area discreteness in the extremal limit. To be specific, we will study area spectrum of supersymmetric BMPV black holes/black rings and Reissner–Nordström (RN) black holes at the extremal limit. Inspired by the recently established Kerr/CFT and RN/CFT correspondence, we propose a new way to quantize the area regardless of the (non-)existence of quasinormal modes or zero Hawking temperature. At last, we propose a dilute gas model and harmonic oscillator model which have same degrees of freedom as the dual CFT.

  • articleNo Access

    Testing cosmic censorship conjecture near extremal black holes with cosmological constants

    It has been shown previously that an extremal Reissner–Nordström or an extremal Kerr black hole cannot be overcharged or overspun by a test particle, if radiative and self-force effects are neglected. In this paper, we consider extremal charged and rotating black holes with cosmological constants. By studying the motion of test particles, we find the following results: An extremal Reissner–Nordström anti-de Sitter (RN–AdS) black hole can be overcharged by a test particle but an extremal Reissner–Nordström de Sitter (RN–dS) black hole cannot be overcharged. We also show that both extremal Kerr–de Sitter (Kerr–dS) and Kerr–anti-de Sitter (Kerr–AdS) black holes can be overspun by a test particle, implying a possible breakdown of the cosmic censorship conjecture. For the Kerr–AdS case, the overspinning requires that the energy of the particle be negative, a reminiscent of the Penrose process. In contrast to the extremal RN and Kerr black holes, in which cases the cosmic censorship is upheld, our results suggest some subtle relations between the cosmological constants and the cosmic censorship. We also discuss the effect of radiation reaction for the Kerr–dS case and find that the magnitude of energy loss due to gravitational radiation may not be enough to prevent the violation of the cosmic censorship.

  • articleNo Access

    Quasi-normal modes of near-extremal black holes and black strings in massive gravity background

    In this paper, two numerical methods are used to calculate quasi-normal modes (QNMs) of near-extremal black holes/strings in the generalized spherically/cylindrically symmetric background, the Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM) and the Spectral Method. The numerical results confirm the accuracy of the approximate analytic formula using the Pöschl–Teller potential. Our analytic formula is used to investigate the Strong Cosmic Censorship conjecture of extremal and near-extremal black holes in (P. Burikham, S. Ponglertsakul and T. Wuthicharn, Eur. Phys. J. C80 (2020) 954, arXiv:2010.05879 [gr-qc]).