We analyze pion production from nucleon-deuteron collisions, with the outgoing three-nucleon system in bound state. Potentially, these reactions could be used to dissection three-nucleon force diagrams, which lead to three-nucleon potential operators. The experimental data, from threshold up to the Δ resonance, are compared with calculations using accurate nuclear wavefunctions. Pion production amplitudes are obtained through matrix elements involving pion-nucleon rescattering mechanisms in S- and P-waves. We assume the hypothesis that S-wave rescattering includes an isoscalar contribution which is generally suppressed for low-energy pion-nucleon scattering, but is enhanced for pion production because the kinematical regime is different, with involvment of high-momenta contributions. P-wave rescattering includes also explicitly the Δ degrees of freedom. Initial-state interactions (ISI) between the proton and the deuteron have sizable effects on the spin-averaged observables. These ISI effects become important for spin observables such as the deuteron tensor analyzing powers T20. For spin observables involving interference terms amongst the various helicity amplitudes, such as for the nucleon vector analyzing power Ay, ISI effects are very important.